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  1. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    Another photo from tonight, not looking totally clear as I'd just finished a waterchange on it. I've stopped trimming for a while, going to let it go into jungle mode for a bit I think to give the stargrass chance to grow properly.  
  2. Paradise3

    May 2015 - Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    I hope the verification is OK? I keep trying to talk myself out of entering so I took the verification a while a go so that I had no reason to tell myself no xD   Entry.   Verification.   And just so that you can read it lol.
  3. TOTM May 2015 (2).JPG

    TOTM May 2015 (2).JPG

  4. TOTM May 2015 (1).JPG

    TOTM May 2015 (1).JPG

  5. TOTM May 2015 (3).JPG

    TOTM May 2015 (3).JPG

  6. Paradise3

    Sand And Ph Experiment

    I use Unipac sand myself and I don't have a drop in pH. Even though I also have redmoor wood in there and it's a planted tank the pH is the same as what the tap water is.
  7. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      None of mine are particularly difficult as far as I'm aware, I think it's just because the stems aren't getting at much light as the tops... I just hope they don't end up all looking like this as they grow :/
  8. Paradise3

    I'm Nervous!

    Frontline is absolutely useless I agree!! We've got a few fleas at the mo, not enough to see them but we have a cat who is suffering hair loss so took him to the vets and found out he's got a flea allergy and they found ONE flea on him. Just one. So now we're treating everyone with Advantage...
  9. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      Thanks :) I am having a bit of trouble with the Stargrass on the far left hand side though unfortunately. Some of it is growing amazingly but some of it is just dying off :/
  10. Paradise3

    April 2015 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

      There's only two entries(well, three but missing a verification for one) anyway.
  11. Paradise3

    Obsessive Platy?

      I have my 2ft(15 gallon) which is my main tank which has(and is a bit overstocked I know but I am strict with waterchanges and it's not huge fish): 5 Female Guppies. 3 Male Endler x Guppies. 3(currently) Female Platies. 1 Male Platy. 1 Male Betta(getting old, does't care about the guppies). 2...
  12. Paradise3

    Obsessive Platy?

      I moved the harassed female over to my other tank and he spent about 2 days frantically searching for her and then got over it. But he still doesn't seem interested in the other females at all :( Now he is choosing to ignore them....  The other female is still in my other tank for now as...
  13. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    A FTS from tonight :)     I have a few nipped tails as two female guppies decided to go all out on each other for no known reason last night and now both have chunks missing! Clean water and they should heal fine though :)
  14. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      Thanks :) It's grown again since that photo but I think now I have all my gaps filled I'll leave the plants to grow and trim them when they reach the surface. No trimming for a bit for me! XD
  15. Paradise3

    April 2015 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    I'll give this another go lol.   Entry photo   Verification photo
  16. TFF Verification 4th April.JPG

    TFF Verification 4th April.JPG

  17. 2nd April 2015 (4).JPG

    2nd April 2015 (4).JPG

  18. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    Last night I spent about an hour, maybe more, thinning out plants and other stuff. Total list of what I did:- Thinned out my big Nymphoides as it was getting a bit full. Moved my recently discovered TWO Nymphoides back from the 5.5 gal to my 2ft to grow again as they started failing in the 5.5...
  19. Paradise3

    Tank Stand

      Yes but females get larger than males in size anyway so would it not make more sense to have the ones that are larger and producing fry in the larger tank with the smaller, none fry producing males in the smaller tank? Just my thoughts is all   A female guppy gets pregnant on the drop of...
  20. Paradise3

    Fish Identification

    Yep, Golden Wonder Panchax(Aplocheilus lineatus) :) Used to have a pair that spawned regularly but due to being in a community tank none of the eggs survived.
  21. Paradise3

    Tank Stand

      Yes but females get larger than males in size anyway so would it not make more sense to have the ones that are larger and producing fry in the larger tank with the smaller, none fry producing males in the smaller tank? Just my thoughts is all   A female guppy gets pregnant on the drop of...
  22. Paradise3

    Tank Stand

      Yes but females get larger than males in size anyway so would it not make more sense to have the ones that are larger and producing fry in the larger tank with the smaller, none fry producing males in the smaller tank? Just my thoughts is all :)
  23. Paradise3

    Tank Stand

    Nice stand! I do have one thing I thought I'd mention, wouldn't it make more sense to have the larger fish in the larger tank and the smaller fish in the smaller tank?
  24. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    This is from the 28th March. Excuse the Crypt attempting to fly at the front lol.   And here's another lily baby spawning from the "mother plant".... (Excuse the little bit of dirt on the lily, was wiped off after I noticed it in the photo)   I have some sad news though, I noticed I haven't...
  25. Paradise3

    Obsessive Platy?

      I was thinking moving the female would be better as she really is stressed. She cannot physically swim around long enough to escape him now and is panting practically constantly. I also thought leaving him with the other females might take his attention but I also worry that he will be...
  26. Paradise3

    Obsessive Platy?

      That's my problem, my tank is already fully stocked and I don't think adding more Red Wags would help because I already have two and he pretty much ignores the one unless she goes near his girl and then he chases her off. I was wondering if removing the stressed girl for a bit or the boy would...
  27. Paradise3

    Obsessive Platy?

    So I have five platies in my tank, 4 females and 1 male. I know how much male livebearers want to breed, breed, breed but my male seems obsessive about one female in particular!   I have a trio of Red Wags(the male and two females), one Calico and one Tuxedo.    The male is obsessive about...
  28. Paradise3

    Bla Spring Auction And Guppy Show

      Thanks! Will definitely have to see if I can get there :)
  29. Paradise3

    Sunny Snakes! *pic Heavy*

      Wanted one for ages and then we went to the Doncaster Reptile Show and my fiancé bought him for me lol.
  30. Paradise3

    Bla Spring Auction And Guppy Show

      Does it cost to get in or just if you're a member?
  31. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      I do love my platies :) Although my Red Wag boy seems to prefer his own kind... He has two Red Wag females, a Calico female and a Tuxedo female. Now, the two Red Wags are definitely carrying, the Calico appears to be but the Tuxedo hasn't changed at all since being put in on the 5th March.  ...
  32. Paradise3

    Bla Spring Auction And Guppy Show

      Unfortunately it's £16 for membership and I just can't afford that right now :(
  33. Paradise3

    Bla Spring Auction And Guppy Show

      May have to have a look at this actually..... Have you got anywhere I can read about it? I've heard of it before but never known it was so close! 
  34. Paradise3

    Sunny Snakes! *pic Heavy*

      Hiya, he's a Western Hognose! :) He's adorable.  He uses his nose to dig and when he's out he tries digging your hand lol.
  35. Paradise3

    Sunny Snakes! *pic Heavy*

    They are, aren't they? Also, the sun says things?   And since I'm still getting used to having a 5th corn and forgot to add these ones I'll post them here XD   Amara.
  36. Paradise3

    Sunny Snakes! *pic Heavy*

    Sheffield has had sun but cool breeze all day, and someone on a facebook group I'm on posted pics of their snake in the sun today! So I complained that we had sun but it was too cool..... Next thing I know, the sun comes beating down and the breeze stops lol. So i took my chance and photographed...
  37. Paradise3

    Slithering Snakes Update.

      That is where I'm not too bothered lol. I don't like crickets and locusts because they jump lol. Defrosted mice - They don't bother me.   I've been bitten by Pandora and Cereus but that's it so far. Honestly I expect bites from the geckos more than I do the snakes nowadays lol.
  38. Paradise3

    Sourcing Sunset Honey Gouramis

      No worries lol.   Hope it helps!
  39. Paradise3

    Little Help Id A Fish

    Those would be Peacock Gudgeons   Tateurndina ocellicauda.