Search results

  1. fish48

    Celestial pearl danios

    it would be best to keep cpd's in a species tank or with very slow moving fish, all three species have a wide temperature range they all do well with a temperature of 70 f
  2. fish48

    apple snails

    some of my apple snails , adult Golden Apple snails about 18 months old and some of their babies apple snails are not too difficult to breed eggs usually Hatch within 2 /3 weeks depending on temperature new born snails can be sensitive to water quality water changes and can be a bit of a...
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    2021-12-25 10.49.41.jpg

  6. fish48


    Gravid Chapalichthys pardalis
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  8. fish48

    Guppy tail damaged!?

    your Guppy tail has been damaged by a Betta/Bette's
  9. fish48

    gold White Cloud Mountain minnow

    I gave up with the one the orange belly white cloud, had a few problems with eggs/fry I am more interested in the female with black coloration she had a brood of 27 usual gold colour all grown into healthy adults, I took out the best male to breed back to its mother , they spawned today with...
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  11. fish48

    Vote Now! - Fish of the Month Contest (livebearers)

    The goodeid family from Mexico there are about 42 species the one in pic is a male Girardinichthys viviparus. they are a difficult fish to keep, G.viviparus are very fussy when it comes to water quality and temperature they do best between a temperature of 66F -70 F if kept match above...
  12. fish48

    Dwarf merry widow

    very nice fish .my favourite out of the 5 are The Four-Spot Merry Widow (P. quadripunctatus
  13. fish48

    i need a fix

    yes Dave did collect them, his favourite species of fish are Xiphophorus he also collected many types of brachyrhaphis, it seems brachyrhaphis roseni is the only one available these days,
  14. fish48

    i need a fix

    Chapalichthys peraticus, and Chapalichtys pardalis are most likely to be the same fish variatus la Laguna was collected and brought back to the UK maybe as far back as 2002 I remember visiting one of the collectors and buying some from him he still had some of the wild stock they were...
  15. fish48


    The goodeid family is a good place to start
  16. fish48

    i need a fix

    yes I also got Girardinus metallicus Back chin, xiphophorus variatus laguna, xiophophorus-montezumae, Characodon audax, the other two species in pics are Chapalichthys peraticus, and Goodea atripinnis, I also keep plenty of tank space for any goodeids when they come available
  17. fish48


    last weekend I picked up another three types of goodeid to add to my collection bringing the Total to 18 species , Goodea atripinnis,
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  19. fish48

    i need a fix

    As usual it was a great time meeting up with some of my fish keeping friends, my first visit was to a friend quite local from me who breeds many types of fish mainly killifish, he has a fish room/shed where he keeps his killifish and also have larger fish/ tanks all throughout the house there's...
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  24. fish48

    i need a fix

    in my opinion that's what fishkeeping is all about meeting others that have same interests and gaining more knowledge exchanging fish /information on certain species no matter how experience a fish keeper may be they/we will be always learning about the Hobby . if I was living in your part of...
  25. fish48

    i need a fix

    my first visit will be to see a cichlid / killifish keeper. then off to see a friend that keeps wild swordtails / platies and goodeids
  26. fish48

    i need a fix

    it's gonna be a good weekend I am going to visit some very good fish keeping Friends. both with fish rooms so I'm sure I come back with some interesting fish
  27. fish48


    goodeid up date Allodontichthys polepis Alloophorus robustus Ameca splendens Ataeniobius toweri Chapalichthys encaustus lago, de capala, Chapalichthys pardalis Characodon lateralis los berros, Durango, mexico Girardinichthys viviparous skiffia multipunctata Ilyodon xantusi Ilyodon whitei...
  28. fish48

    Steel blue killifish

    Go on you know you want to start all over again like the old days lol. I know the feeling 29 years ago I kept and bread the Clown Killifish I recently bought a small group of them though they were very small they are growing on nicely I hope to get them spawning soon
  29. fish48

    What do you use for substrate of grindal worms?

    I use multi-purpose compost and feed worms on ready Brek what food are you feeding worms with? I don't understand how you can do a water change on grindle worm
  30. fish48

    How to keep soft water fish in a hard water area.

    heterandra fomosa males 20mm females 35mm, poeciliopsis prolifica, males 20mm female 30mm, phallotorynus jucundus ---- 20mm ----- 25mm, neoheterandria elegans 18mm 20mm, poecilia minor 17mm 20mm;
  31. fish48

    How to keep soft water fish in a hard water area.

    H. Formosa is probably still the 7th smallest fish in the world and is the 5th smallest livebearer in the world males 20mm fermales 35mm. but males really get to size.
  32. fish48

    Steel blue killifish

    it's been almost 10 months since I bought the trio, they are still going strong producing eggs almost daily I have groups of all ages from fry- young juveniles and adults i have approximately 90 eggs due to hatch in about two weeks I have placed 60 eggs in peat so I can Hatch them roughly all at...
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  35. fish48

    Mexican_tetra/ blind cave fish

    it would be almost impossible to evolve to have sight they are born with eyes as you can see in the photo very soon the eyes will cover over
  36. fish48

    Mexican_tetra/ blind cave fish

    The blind cave fish is one of those fish you either like them or you don't, when I bought a group of them about 3 years ago the shop assistant laughed and said why do you want those horrible looking things I gave him a simple answer I like them and find them fascinating and i want to breed them...
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  38. fish48

    swallow tail Guppies

    yes they are albino
  39. fish48

    swallow tail Guppies

    one of my swallow tail Guppies some can turn out to be nice looking fish, any guppy with such a long gonopodium will not be able to breed with females in each brood there will be a percentage of normal males which can be bred back to the females
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