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  2. fish48

    Newbie w a platy question

    he is probably chasing her and waiting for her to drop the fry so he can breed with her
  3. fish48

    Male or Female

    it looks like a male the females are a lot smoother underneath
  4. fish48

    Live Food?

    I am lucky to have a section of the freezer to myself when collection daphnia I often freeze a lot of it a culture and lots of fruit flies so freeze some of them
  5. fish48

    Is my platy pregnant/when will she give birth

    new born platy fry a very good at hiding for the first few days the fry will usually hide in the gravel and any plants that are covering the bottom of the tank
  6. fish48

    Live Food?

    micro worms. banana worms. water worms, are best kept in a warm place /receive daylight the higher the temperature the faster the worms will multiply
  7. fish48

    crown tail betta

    2-days ago I brought a very nice looking crown tail Betta he's doing well in a 10 gallon tank and already started to build a bubble nest.
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  9. fish48

    Xiphophorus montezumae

    one of my X montezumae
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  11. fish48

    prepared food

    some of the prepared foods that i feed my livebearers, today's menu peas ,mussels. fruit flies, and boiled egg yolk,
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  13. fish48

    xenotoca doadrioi

    last weekend I picked up another three types of goodeids , I now have 20 species, not all goodeids are easy to keep some are among the hardest of livebearers to keep I have kept and breed many of them long term ,I've been lucky to have a large number of fish tanks and space to keep them,
  14. fish48

    xenotoca doadrioi

    Xenotoca doadrioi san Marcos. Mexico Common name golden saddle, Critically endangered ,. Temperament. will nip fins of small / slow moving fish, Temperature. do well between 68 f _74 f, Food. will accept any food offered flake ,frozen, live foods, Greens. spinach, lettuce, or peas, Size. up to...
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  16. fish48

    Opinions and questions about killifish?

    Fundulopanchax gardneri they can get aggressive towards neon tetras, has been mentioned 1 male to 2 females, or a larger group of 3 to 4 pairs
  17. fish48

    first time together

    The eggs have hatched today I will leave the male with fry into Sunday or Monday at the latest , the first week I will feed them on paramecium and boiled egg yolk and then on to vinegar Eels and micro worms followed by daphnia grindle worms and mosquito larvae also feed flake and high-protein...
  18. fish48

    first time together

    5 inches deep
  19. fish48

    first time together

    I went to my fish room at 11 a.m. this morning and betta's were spawning the female joined in picking up the eggs and spitting them back in the bubble nest
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  24. fish48

    first time together

    last week I bought a pair of Betta's , nothing special just the usual pet shop strain yesterday I put the female in the jar so they can see each other the male has taking interest and built a bubble nest . today I let the female out of the jar they're both happy swimming around hopefully they...
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  27. fish48

    axolotl eggs

    yeah i will have to sell them or give them away I'm not going to have the space to keep all of them here in the UK the pet stores sell them for very high price
  28. fish48

    axolotl eggs

    yeah I have a lot of fish tanks so always busy lol
  29. fish48


    lyodon Furcidens nice-looking fish very peaceful I keep mine with guppies with no problem if you want to get rid of duckweed they would eat every last bit of it ,can comfortably take a temperature range of 60 to 78 degrees ,I keep them 66 degrees in winter and 72 degrees through summer months
  30. fish48


    Characodon lateralis
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  32. fish48

    axolotl eggs

    I have a pair of white and one black female I'm not sure what one had the eggs but it would be nice to get some black
  33. fish48

    axolotl eggs

    today axolotl eggs have started to hatch about 150 of them
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  35. fish48

    celestial pearl danio

    on the 1st of April my celestial pearl danios spawned having more then more than 70 eggs, today all hatch and looking good. photo on both adult fish to keep them in good condition they need a good variety of food and some live food should be added to there diet
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