Temp 15 Degree Celsius or around 60 Fahrenheit
PH 6.6
High range PH N.A
ammonia NH3/NH4 0 ppm
nitrate N02 0 ppm
Nitrate N03 0ppm
I have not added sand yet but plan on doing that just a few rocks have been added.
aquarium and pounds encyclopedia says for Pictus catfish
read the following on google true or false good or bad?
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water for each 10 gallons in the tank. Add it to the aquarium and wait 24 hours. If the rise in alkalinity is too extreme, it can kill the fish in the tank
Im guessing the mineralized water would bring everything to good levels then I should get that rather then non-mineralized how long after until I can do a 70 percent water change?
Id did not say id have them in the same tanks. Thinking about a 90 gal for the cats. also cant I do 70 percent every 5 days or is there a difference due to them being soft water.
thank you for your help on this
They are a one-hit-wonder. many people think fish are easy to care for told this at store when they then find out it cost money and there is a lot more to it then a goldfish swimming in a fishbowl. when they run into problems they come here. They then realize what's involved and give up. or many...
if you have soft water fishes, then do a 10-20% water change every couple of days.
cant I do 70 percent every 5 days or is there a difference due to them being soft water
Can I just do 70 percent water change with new water? or will that be a shock to my fish since different water quality?
Also if I get water from the store and have it sit in a jug for 5 days before adding to the tank is there any issues with this?
My water has too many chemicals im going store-bought route. Can I just do 70 percent water change with new water? or will that be a shock to my fish since different water quality? I can give readings from both water types If needed . . . Also if I get water from store and have it sit in a jug...
Not that I'm aware of. But I do live in an apartment. I have another option but it's super costly. And that's buying water at store. It reads with super good levels on everything. But very costly and hard work.
I don't add it since water here is very harsh there is small amount of chlorine in the water. 0.5 ppm I believe. On my test strips it reads as 0 its such a small amount. Seems they add the Cyanuric acid into our water however. My test strips picked up on it. Now idk how to get it out or what I...
If your water is wrong then any fish up put in will die. This is not because of tank size or having single fish. It's to make sure u give your pet a good home so they don't get sick and die.
Guppies have lots of babies. Because they are more prone to illnesses and bottom of the food chain. 5 gal tank is small for Guppies but if u just have one as a pet it's a fine size. U still need a good environment. This includes good filter system and heat source.
I believe the question u are...
yes, it is a hang on the back my other one I filled with all sponge. I got a big carbon for under a rock^_- Carbon filter is good depending on what you want your fish tank to look like. there are pros and cons and preferences. Lest thats what i gathered from BeckyCats ^_-
I think you can do it off Facebook if u upload it to Facebook first. I think it's designed to prevent misuse. better to lose a bit of functionality and have it a safe site then have functionality and have no site. hope that helps
To my understanding, this helps to stabilize the chlorine levels in the water. I'm wondering how harmful is CyA to my fish my levels are 100 ppm how can I safely reduce my levels.
Thank You Cheers
"Have checked all the levels and everything looks great" I know from experience people will want to know what the levels are. As they have a lot to do with fish. Many people say their levels are good when that is what their problem is. Posting them may get you faster responses. ^_-
I bought a new filter and realized I may have been making a mistake. On the instructions it says
from bottom to top of the filter
1. insert foam filter
2. insert carbon
3. insert bio max
What if I did it the other way around does it make any difference? If so why?
Too small tanks could cause internal problems too big of a tank is not cost effective.
As for your recommendation. I tend to agree. With u. Though I still don't understand how they calculate it out I will say this method is a better method. And thank your for helping with the page...
oops yes you are right that's what I meant to say lol and thanks should be okay for inhumane purposes (sorry really don't want to offend anyone).
Thank you everyone for your help on this topic ^-^
But how is that calculated? so I have soft water and want to put a catfish in a tank as I will buy the appropriate tank this website fails to tell me what size tank. not to mention the pages say they can't be displayed when looking.
you say do research yet a very reputable novel has said how to...
I was told since guppies are a soft and cat are a hard water fish I could not have them in the same tank.
but im not sure if the issue for it being lunch time and all
truth be told every fish is different and I don't think there is a perfect amount. These are fish that are contained in a glass box rather than swimming in oceans. no matter what it's stressful on these poor fish. But common sense and using facts that worked for others help thus is why these...