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    8-9 year old Rhino Pleco seems to be falling apart

    I'm reading through this and definitely will take this under advise the next water change I do, actually funny thing about that little bit about using it as fertilizer, I loved using the bucket of water filled with the gunk in the gravel for my potted plants and they seem to enjoy it as well...
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    8-9 year old Rhino Pleco seems to be falling apart

    He passed last night after I added medications and did a 60% water change with salt. Thank you all for your help regardless
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    8-9 year old Rhino Pleco seems to be falling apart

    Wow and I thought I was going overboard doing it twice a year with this canister : / people close to me actually told me that when they used to keep an aquarium they never had to clean out their filters because the stuff broken down over time and didn't really reduce the water flow for them...
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    8-9 year old Rhino Pleco seems to be falling apart

    Well in this 30 gal where I have probably around 15ish pounds of gravel maybe a good 40-50%? I use two 5 gal buckets worth of water at the very least (and top it off with extra if the water doesn't reach a certain level because i siphoned out more than usual), and I do do these on the weekends...
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    8-9 year old Rhino Pleco seems to be falling apart

    Yes I clean the gravel out with a water siphon for water changes (that's actually how I remove the water to begin with). The filter I last cleaned a month and a half ago (I'm afraid of accidentally putting my tank into another cycle and so I only do it approximately twice a year, it's an eheim...
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    8-9 year old Rhino Pleco seems to be falling apart

    Hello all, I've had this rhino pleco ever since he was a baby (starting out when I had a stupid 1 gallon aquarium back in 2012-3), and slowly over the years upgraded his tank as i figured out what was going on (the stupid fish store owners/workers I talked to said that he was an algae eater and...
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    Angelfish losing vision to bacterial infections?

    Update: I've been doing 30% water changes every two days, and adding aquarium salt, melafix, and methlyne blue (paraguard from seachem) after each one, and I just noticed this weird bubble thing above what I think is my pleco's...breeding tube or something? It definitely wasn't there...
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    Angelfish losing vision to bacterial infections?

    The second picture is a head-on view, it seems like both of his eye globes are deflated :(
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    Angelfish losing vision to bacterial infections?

    For number 1, the way I usually clean my filter is to go through a bit of tap water mixed with water conditioner (API water conditioner) and a few gallons of tank water (the latter usually isn't enough because I use a canister filter rated for a 60 gal tank and I don't want to completely empty...
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    Angelfish losing vision to bacterial infections?

    I've done the water changes, added some melafix yesterday and have seen not much improvement so I think I am going to add salt today...though it seems like both of his eyes are flattened already :/ I wasn't able to clean out the filter (I had done so a month and a half ago actually due to a...
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    Angelfish losing vision to bacterial infections?

    Hello all, I have a single angelfish and a rhino pleco in a 30 gallon freshwater aquarium that has been cycled for months already. Recently my pleco seemed to have hurt himself on decorations and seems to be really irritated by it (even trying to jump out of the tank), and disturbed a ton of...
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    Suggestions for Aquascaping?

    The light is led, and I cant find any information online in regards to it's color temperature. And oh my, thank you for the informative response. Out of curiosity, if you do have any experience with it, if I were to dose CO2 in a tank to boost growth, lets say with either something like...
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    Suggestions for Aquascaping?

    It's been running for approximately 4 months, the swords have been growing nicely, but more in a bushy form instead of the tall leaves I was looking for. The tank is also next to a window, so there is some sunlight coming from there but it's mostly indirect because the angle is off and a house...
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    Platy swimming at top of tank head up, very frantic

    Update, a month later and she's somehow still alive, yet the only adult I have left. So bizarre, as now I have around 13 fry to take care of.
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    Suggestions for Aquascaping?

    Hello, I have a 29 gallon tank as seen attached. 3 Amazon swords, a really bad growing Anubis plant, and a clump of anacharis which I trim constantly. I am about to get stronger lights for the aquarium alongside a more modern heater, and I was just curious as to any suggestions for new plants I...
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    Platy swimming at top of tank head up, very frantic

    Well she has what seems to be a cyst on her left side and the bottom is a lot brighter colored. Again, I've done two water changes in the last two days (30% each) to make sure that ammonia is at zero, used the test kit as well. Anyone have any ideas what it could be? I don't want to lose the...
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    Platy swimming at top of tank head up, very frantic

    Well no, I have a testing kit that's why I'm confident ammonia is at zero, however I haven't gotten around to getting one for nitrates because my lfs didn't have it for that. Also I have amazon swords in there as well, the anarachis I trim because it grows all the way to the top and it gets ugly...
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    Platy swimming at top of tank head up, very frantic

    Hello, I've been keeping platies for the last 5 months, started out with 7 and some died along the way. One seemingly was weak from the start, and got REALLY bloated to the point that all the scales were raised on his body and he died. I didn't have any problems except after 2 months where two...
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    Is My Neon Tetra Sick?

    It's really the room temperature that seems to be causing the heat, we rarely use the ac because of mold...Although I almost always leave the water out in bowl for a day or two when doing water changes unless for emergencies in which case I do use API water conditioner with slime coat. It just...
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    Is My Neon Tetra Sick?

      I use this API adjuster kit that comes with the testing solution for the pH. And regards to the temperature, I really don't know how I can possibly reduce the water temperature...maybe it's because it's during the summer but even when I do 50% water changes from cold tap water it quickly...
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    Is My Neon Tetra Sick?

      Should I try treating him?
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    Is My Neon Tetra Sick?

      Just curious as  to what you think he has? Maybe I can treat it or prevent it in the future because I've had problems with neons before.