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  1. F

    Found White Worms In Aquarium Water!?

    Um, do these worms eat zebra danio eggs? :unsure:
  2. F

    Please Share Your Stories :d

    "You can access your brain from your nose.Egyptians used to shove hooks up peoples noses to pull their brains out...Many parts of your brain serve very little function, if none at all." Holy crap! :crazy: Seriously? That's disgusting! :sick:
  3. F

    Guess The Fish

    Okay, so who's next?
  4. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    Yeah, I agree. It is a beautiful set up. :good:
  5. F

    Fish Floating Around On The Surface Of The Water!

    Okay, thanks. They're fine now.
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    Fish Floating Around On The Surface Of The Water!

    Yes, there is enough aeration. I am feeding them medicated food, but there are no other meds. They are eating. I vacuumed the debris off the bottom of the tank, and my brother helped me clean it, he knocked the filter a little, but the fish weren't scared. (The filter is working fine.) No, my...
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    Fish Floating Around On The Surface Of The Water!

    UPDATE: The fish seem like they're terrified of humans. They come out and swim around when they think I'm not watching, but then when I come 2 meters away from the tank, they swim around like I'm trying to kill them. Some dart around, some jump, some try to get out through the glass. It's...
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    Your Aquarium Room?

    I don't even know how to NOT show the flash. :lol:
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    Fish Floating Around On The Surface Of The Water!

    Hey guys! I went to my cousin's house last night for a sleepover, and when I came back the next day, I couldn't find ANY of the fish in one of my 10 gallon tanks. I panicked, because I thought my filter broke and somehow all the fish died, but then, when I looked at the filter, it was working...
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    Your Aquarium Room?

    No offense, but the last one looks overstocked, Tina. :(
  11. F

    Getting Some Fish From My Cousin... Have Nowhere To Put Them!?

    How big of a tank do clown loaches need? I can only get a 55 gallon. The tetra will probably die soon, because it is very old.
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    Ufo/alien Sightings?

    Anyone have a story? I have to say, aliens & UFOs interest me more than ghosts. :good: I actually don't have any stories, but when I finish high school, I'm going with my friend to Mexico to hopefully catch some UFOs on film. :lol:
  13. F

    Please Share Your Stories :d

    Holy crap. :crazy: That's creepy, man! :lol:
  14. F

    Found White Worms In Aquarium Water!?

    Okay, thanks. Sorry, I worry way too much. :(
  15. F

    Guess The Fish

    Oh my God! What is that! :crazy: Okay, NOW I'm terrified! :lol:
  16. F

    Getting Some Fish From My Cousin... Have Nowhere To Put Them!?

    Okay, thanks. I don't think the common pleco is getting any larger than 5 inches though, because they've had him for many years in a large tank, and he didn't grow anymore. Like I said in the first post, they are using the tank for one of their chameleons. But, they are giving me the heater...
  17. F

    Biggest Mistake In Fishkeeping History.

    Yeah, and I did, and the filter aerates it quite a bit as well.
  18. F

    Worst Designed Aquarium?

    There was actually one of those television tanks being sold on Kijiji! :rofl: It was like 15$. A 20 gallon tank. :nod:
  19. F

    Getting Some Fish From My Cousin... Have Nowhere To Put Them!?

    Hey guys. My cousin's Dad is disassembling his aquarium (I think it is around 40-60 gallons) to make an enclosure for one of their chameleons. They have 3 fish left, and my cousin knows I'm obsessed w/ them, so she asked me if I could take them. I didn't want to decline, because there is no one...
  20. F

    Is This Just A Myth.....?

    Okay, thanks. I will keep doing as many water changes as possible then. :good:
  21. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    Ooh... wouldn't be able to sleep w/ crickets & a tarantula in my room. :crazy: I already have dreams that there are dead fish in my bed! :lol:
  22. F

    Biggest Mistake In Fishkeeping History.

    I heard that as well, but my tank wasn't that well aerated until I put the airline tubing in. (Which was when the tank was already at 100F) Thanks. :good:
  23. F

    Found White Worms In Aquarium Water!?

    Thank you very much. :good:
  24. F

    Guess The Fish

    Looks kinda' weird.... :unsure: I'll leave it to everyone else here.... :good:
  25. F

    Qustions About Free-swiming Zebra Danio Fry?

    Does anyone know? I don't want to do something wrong...? :unsure:
  26. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    Everyone asks me how I sleep w/ that noise. I actually have trouble, and have been kept up a few times. But now I am used to it, because the noise of my blowing fan drowns out the aquarium trickling and humming noise! :lol:
  27. F

    Biggest Mistake In Fishkeeping History.

    Oh man! :sick: I feel for you! :( I am considering myself luck... I'm very happy that only two fish died. :)
  28. F

    Is This Just A Myth.....?

    That doesn't add up though... liquid fish waste? Why would they let out pheromones in their urine? :unsure:
  29. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    lol. That's ok! :rolleyes: My Mom MAKES me clean my room, and if anything's on the floor, she thinks it's disgustingly dirty! :rolleyes: And it's hard to keep things clean w/ 4 aquariums in there! :( :lol: Have a good day. :fun:
  30. F

    Qustions About Free-swiming Zebra Danio Fry?

    Hello. Yesterday I found my first free-swimming zebra danio fry! :wub: But I have a few questions... how many times a day do I feed him? I have this liquid food that he eats readily. Also, how many water changes should I do? Like, how often? I know it varies for different types of fry...
  31. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    Happy birthday! :flowers: Nice tanks & guitar! :lol:
  32. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    I had a tank in my kitchen for awhile, but then I decided it was cruel, (tiny betta tank...) and gave the betta to my friend, so she could put it in her 29 gallon aquarium. BTW, I can't see the second picture... :unsure:
  33. F

    Found White Worms In Aquarium Water!?

    I found some more of those worms! They were stuck to the glass, but then when a zebra danio nipped at it, it started swimming around the tank! :sick: What are these worms exactly? 1. Parasites that come out in the fish's poo & are still alive? (I'm treating for that) 2. Hitchhikers from the...
  34. F

    Is This Just A Myth.....?

    That's what I was thinking, thanks. I try to do bi-weekly water changes, but I've been so busy lately! :( I still want to know if this a myth though.... It's really bothering me! :lol:
  35. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    L-O-V-E the tanks Amunet! :good: Could you possibly get some close-ups w/ the lights on..... :hey: BTW, if anyone wants, they can post some pics of their fish as well. :good: Oh, and BTW pippoodle, you have a very nice breeding set-up! :)
  36. F

    What Kind Of Platy Is This?

    You can use... You don't need an account, and it's quick and easy, and resizes it for you. Good luck! :good:
  37. F

    Is This Just A Myth.....?

    See, that's what I mean. It conflicting! :(
  38. F

    Is This Just A Myth.....?

    No, not ammonia. Many people have talked about this. I'll try to find the topic.... Hold on a few minutes.....
  39. F

    Is This Just A Myth.....?

    I've heard quite a few people say that livebearer fry let out this pheromone that will make smaller & weaker fry die or do bad...? Is this true? And they say that if you clean the tank enough, the pheromones won't build up....? I'm not buying this? Also, I've heard that adult livebearers let...
  40. F

    Your Aquarium Room?

    Come on! Let's keep this going! :( I'm LOVING these aquariums! :drool: