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  1. R

    Views On Jbl Co2

    I'm thinking of getting the JBL ProFlora m603 for my 6 foot tank, has anyone used one of these as £299 is a big outlay if they are not that good... And how long do they last before needing new cylinder..Thanx
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    Sand And Planting

    I just push my plants into sand with led. They root quite quickly , the only thing that uproots them is my plec
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    Sand looks better
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    Argos Play Sand

    I use Argos play sand and never had any problems....
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    Okay... Time To Fess Up... :)

    I use to have a fully grown Oscar in a four foot tank about 15 years ago and he was very tame , you could feed him by hand and stroke him so he use to share my mars bars........ :-/ he did live a long time but now chocy for me not fish......
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    It's not a problem... My tap water is 40ppm
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    Poll On Aquarium Stocking

    Go for RMT they really stick together
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    My Puppy's

    I downloaded from photo bucket so should be resized I use a canon 1100d SLR camera
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    My Puppy's

    I put them in a 60ltr biorb last week to spawn.. After two days they laid eggs over the plastic plant and top of the heater, they ate the eggs after a few days. This is there first spawning so they should learn
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    My Puppy's

    A few of my puppy's these two angels are a breeding pair
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    Allpondsolution Externals

    I have the 2000ef+ on my 500ltr tank and have had no problems .... I would recommend them
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    Fluval Edge 23L Stocking

    I picked one up this weekend from Squires , £25 sold as seen. Bargain.. Not stocked it yet
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    Kribs Rip ?

    Six foot and have air stones
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    Kribs Rip ?

    Lost my pair of kribs and don't know why....... All water parameters are fine and all the other fish are good. Both kribs just lay near the bottom and were gasping, couldn't see anything out of the unusual on them. Is there a certain desease just kribs get ?
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    How To Know If Floorboards Will Support This Weight?

    I think mine weighs well over 3/4 of a ton with every thing but is on concrete floor ....... I would not feel safe if it was on a wooden floor without proper inspection
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    Cleaning Canister Filter - Advise Please

    I only clean mine if the water flow looks as if it has slowed down and only rinse the media gently in a bucket of your aquarium water
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    Just Made A "tree"

    What about this scape in pfk mag. Mmmmmmmm
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    Discus In 7.6 Ph Community Tank

    The tank doesn't look that busy untill feeding time as most are small fish in well over 500 litres of water ..........
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    Discus In 7.6 Ph Community Tank

    My lfs reckon I can keep discus in my community tank and 26 degrees and 7.6ph would be fine.... I have been looking on the Internet and a lot of people say they do ok... Any thoughts on this
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    Video My Angels Breeding
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    Compatability With Glass Catfish

    I have 3 and they don't bother the neons
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    Sand Or Gravel.....

    Sand all the way
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    My 1125l Freshwater Aquarium

    Very nice :-)
  24. R

    Pics Of My Tank

    I've added a stc1000 thermostat wired up to my heaters in the sump and a powerfull fan above sump .. Also got a all pond salutions EF2000+ with uv externall.. A 10ltr water container for the auto top up
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    Anyone Got A Picture Of Argos Play Sand In There Tank

    I used two bags for my six foot
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    Active Carbon Is It Worth It

    Thanx .... Think I will replace it with coarse foam
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    8Ft Tank

    You must be looking at a few tons in one area.......... To risky
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    I get mine on .wharehouse aquatics online
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    2 Thermometers Reading Different Readings?!?!?!?!?&#33

    Fill a glass with ice and top up with water, give it a good stir and put your thermostat in the water .. It should go down to 0 if its accurate
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    2 Thermometers Reading Different Readings?!?!?!?!?&#33

    I have two glass thermometres and they both have different readings , I also have a juwel digital, a digital probe thermometre From tool station and just got a stc 1000 wired up.... All read different up to 3 degrees c.. The stc 1000 I calibrated with a glass of ice and water
  31. R

    Active Carbon Is It Worth It

    Just fitted my new all ponds solutions EF+ 2000 to my tank........... Big ol beast :-) Is it worth using the carbon that came with it.. I already have a two and half foot sump filter filled with foams and K1
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    Giving Up On Neon Tetra Completely

    I have nine neons that are very bright and seem to be happy.. The ones in my lfs mha always look good
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    Water Changes

    I do 25 to 30% weekly
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    Fake Plants

    I have real and fake mixed and it looks ok ... eBay for fake plants
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    Sump filter....... Heaters ,air stones , auto top up etc all fit in it
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    Experience Of 3d Backgrounds

    I have three juwel backgrounds and there a small bit of algae in a few places that the plec can't reach, but it all looks more natural My back ground
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    3d Backgrounds

    I got the 3 of larger juwel back grounds for £25 each from Internet aquatic shop. Compared to my lfs that wanted £45 each