Search results

  1. M

    Ricefish owners, why did you get Ricefish?

    It still seems like quite a lot, since they’re very much minnow-like fish. I get asking a lot for Daisy’s Ricefish, I just looked them up and they’re beautiful, but the Medeka looks a lot like a rosy red minnow.
  2. M

    Ricefish owners, why did you get Ricefish?

    O latipes. I haven’t seen any other species/colors besides that in my area.
  3. M

    Ricefish owners, why did you get Ricefish? These ones. Not the same pet store, this place sells them for way less, but it still seems like a lot for them.
  4. M

    Ricefish owners, why did you get Ricefish?

    They were selling for 16 bucks a fish, which I seriously do not get, since they were very plain.
  5. M

    Ricefish owners, why did you get Ricefish?

    The ones I’ve been seeing are dull tan fish, with a very plain appearance.
  6. M

    Ricefish owners, why did you get Ricefish?

    It’s probably just plain selective breeding, like the guppies, unless they’re literally glowing.
  7. M

    Neon looking very odd

    Ok, so we all make mistakes, as evidenced by the time stupid me kept a betta in a bowl the size of a large milk carton. That’s understandable, and in this hobby, nearly inevitable. But you should consider returning/relocating/adding more of a lot of these fish. Many are schooling/shoaling...
  8. M

    Tetra has been small forever, any reasons?

    I think it’s probably more my pet store’s problem than anything with the company. They have a history of this sort of thing. Selling betta splendens as Imbellis, for example, has happened, and I’ve seen them attempt to sell whisker and amano shrimp as ghost shrimp several times. Really weird...
  9. M

    Ricefish owners, why did you get Ricefish?

    I’ve been seeing Ricefish all over some aquarium sites, and I’m just wondering…why get them? They’re pretty expensive, from what I see, and they seem like fairly drab fish for being so expensive. Just curious. I’ve never owned them, and I’ve never met anyone else who did either.
  10. M

    Tetra has been small forever, any reasons?

    Weird that they had a pristella in there: it was a tetra tank. I’m not even sure they were selling pristella otherwise. And now I’ve searched, and it turns out pristella tetras were being sold as glofish when I brought him…so yeah, that’s probably what he is.
  11. M

    Tetra has been small forever, any reasons?

    Ah, no. Do I need to go back and get him friends? He kind of schools with the other tetras, so maybe it’s alright…how closely related are they? I’m upgrading them to a 30 gallon soon-ish (Tank’s still cycling), and could probably fit in five friends for him as long as they’re not too big.
  12. M

    Stocking 29 Gal

    But hey, Cory catfish are sweethearts, and they do a dance when in numbers larger than five, so…positives?
  13. M

    Stocking 29 Gal

    Maybe you could try a female betta? It doesn’t always work, but females are generally less aggressive than males. Honestly, I can’t really think of any other solitary species that small. Some people do keep a single male dwarf gourami, and it usually does alright, but it’s not really advised...
  14. M

    Tetra has been small forever, any reasons?

    No, all glofish are black skirt tetras before being genetically modified. There is a new line of tetra that looks kind of like him, but they weren’t around when he was in store, so it can’t be that.
  15. M

    Major Water Clarity Problem

    If it’s green, I’d bet it’s just algae, but some algae can be dangerous, so you might want to be worried. If it’s not like that, you should see where you got your plants. Tissue-culture plants have gel on the bottom, so that’ll be harmless if they’re tissue-culture, but that gel is usually bound...
  16. M

    Stocking 29 Gal

    Ok, that’s a lot of bottom feeders, but if that’s what you like, go ahead I guess. Now, the inch-per-gallon rule isn’t a actual rule, more like a guideline, so always whatever fish you have throughly and post your tank setup somewhere for advice. For example, slow-moving fish tend to count for...
  17. M

    Major Water Clarity Problem

    Did you clean your substrate before it went into the tank? And do you clean it weekly? Unclean substrate sometimes does this kind of thing, clouding the tank. And the Indian Almond leaves certainly don’t help the situation. My advice here is to first buy filter floss, stuff it in for a week or...
  18. M

    Tetra has been small forever, any reasons?

    Basically the title. I have a tank of Glofish tetras, and it’s always been fine. However, I have one tetra who’s just…small. It’s not really a big problem, it’s just slightly more skittish than the bigger tetras, but I’m confused as to why. For context, here’s one of my other fish. (Sorry for...
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  21. M

    What needs to be taken out of this tank?

    Alright, I’ll get it tested. I recently moved, so it hasn’t been tested yet. I do know it’s fairly hard, since I live in a area with a lot of limestone around it. If it is, I’ll look into using distilled or spring water. I’ll get rid of the frogs, but the kuhli loaches can most likely stay...
  22. M

    sad goldfish creatures

    I’ve watched videos of a guy with a Lionhead goldie, and he literally had to preform surgery on his fish. He had to dose the thing with clove oil and cut off some of the the wen, because it was blocking vision. I’m alright with breeding for aesthetic features up to a point, but when you have to...
  23. M

    What type of snail?

    I keep Malaysian Live-Bearing Snails in all of my tanks, and they’re pretty much indestructible, so you could probably keep them, but they’re not too pretty (Kind of ugly brown, spirally), infest the tank utterly, and only come out at night…so you may want to look into getting a small aquarium...
  24. M

    How do I fill a tank in a tight space?

    I have a five gallon for my betta that I’m upgrading to a ten gallon soon. However, if I get the ten gallon, it will have to go in a fairly tight space, because I have a stand for my 40 Gallon that also has a small space in the bottom for a extra aquarium. This space is just tall enough to fit...
  25. M

    What needs to be taken out of this tank?

    I’m about to set up a 40 Gallon Breeder. This is a composite list of what I want in the tank. AqAdvisor says it’s alright, but I’m unsure, since it seems like a lot of fish. The filter will be 225 GPH and a canister filter. The tank will probably be somewhere around a slightly acid neutral when...
  26. M

    How does this tank sound?

    I’m planning a 40 Gallon Breeder tank. Here’s the general layout of the tank. It’s going to be heavily planted, with a black sand bottom and some decorative Dragonstone for a cave. Plus, driftwood, for the pleco. PH…unsure where it’ll be now, but I’m aiming for slightly acidic neutral. And as...
  27. M

    Can Betta Imbellis (Peaceful Betta) be kept with small community fish?

    I’m making a 40 Gallon Breeder tank, and I’m scoping out good centerpiece fish for it. There would be small tetras in the tank (Green Neon, Ember, maybe Celestial Pearl Danio), but I’ve heard Betta Imbellis is extremely peaceful. Can anybody say if it’s actually a good community fish?
  28. M

    I’ve made a composite list of all the fish I want in my tank. Tell me what should be removed from it. 40 gallon breeder tank, heavily planted.

    Well, this is all irrelevant now: I’ve switched up my idea for a tank tremendously, because without the angelfish, this tank probably won’t look good. And yeah, you’re right on the blue tetras: I was looking them up on YouTube, and it turns out they’re just so fin-nippy. Not good for keeping...
  29. M

    Does anyone know of a peaceful, large centerpiece fish for a tropical tank?

    I’ve been planning a 40 Gallon breeder, and I’m trying to find a good centerpiece fish. It can’t get bigger than 8 inches long. It also can’t be anything above semi-aggressive. And it can’t be something that will eat small fish, because I may keep blue tetras with it. It also can’t be super...
  30. M

    I’ve made a composite list of all the fish I want in my tank. Tell me what should be removed from it. 40 gallon breeder tank, heavily planted.

    Alright, thank you! Yes, it is sixteen inches tall. I’m going to be using nothing but bottled distilled water, and some driftwood, so I think the softness-hardness thing won’t matter too much. If there’s no angelfish in the tank, I’ll just get blue tetras and switch the honey gourami out for...
  31. M

    Betta Feeding

    Probably not. Fish will act like they’re starving even if you’re feeding them properly, and carnivorous fish might still nibble on things for digestion (Same principle as a carnivorous cat eating grass). Now, granted, if you’re feeding him something like once every week, he might actually be...
  32. M

    I’ve made a composite list of all the fish I want in my tank. Tell me what should be removed from it. 40 gallon breeder tank, heavily planted.

    The fish are as follows. Note, this isn’t what’s actually going into the tank: I’m just trying to figure out how many of my favorite fish can go in. So just say what needs to be eliminated to make this not overstocked. And if anyone knows a good blue fish that can replace the Dwarf Neon...