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  1. Fishies4Ever

    Tadpoles Galore

    Wow there’s so many how are they doing now?
  2. Fishies4Ever

    Green zebrinus lowersword ♂

    This is such a beautiful fish!
  3. Fishies4Ever

    Bloated Siamese Algae eater

    Sorry I know you posted this awhile ago but your Siamese algae eater could just be constipated or bloated. What does his poop look like, how is he swimming, or has he gotten better?
  4. Fishies4Ever

    Fish keeps following diver in river and they become friends!

    That is so amazing!! I wonder why he was following him I would feel so bad about leaving him each time. Animals continue to impress us with their personality’s and characteristics.
  5. Fishies4Ever

    Poster of South American catfish

    This looks so amazing!!! Like I actually love it. I would move the catfish at the bottom down a bit further so you can read the word care a bit better but if you don’t want to you can read it fine. I love the colors you used and the wording you used in the smaller text. Are you going to put...
  6. Fishies4Ever

    Changing substrate

    I recently changed from gravel to a fluval substrate with sand. Your plan seems very similar to what I did. It was a bit stressful but it worked. I took out the fish and put them into a 5 gallon bucket, then I drained the tank and put all of the decorations on a towel. I scooped out the...
  7. Fishies4Ever

    Are blue flowerhorns rare?

    I am not sure but I do not believe these are super rare. It is just a different color variation. These fish are man made. They had to breed multiple kinds of cichlids in order to achieve the distinct look of the flower horn. I personally do not own one I sadly don’t have enough room for a good...
  8. Fishies4Ever

    Do you wash your test tubes with soap?

    Never wash anything that goes into the tank with soap. The test tubes would probably be fine just as long as you don’t dip it in the tank to fill it. Washing them with soap is probably unnecessary just a rinse would be good enough.
  9. Fishies4Ever

    Clay Koi sculpture

    It looks great!
  10. Fishies4Ever

    What in your opinion is the biggest obstacle you face when keeping fish?

    Defiantly disease I had 7 cardinal tetras that I had bought and they all died from ich so have ich treatment on hand so if you ever need it I will be there and you won’t be waiting for it to ship or if the store has it out of stock.
  11. Fishies4Ever

    Is this white spot?

    I am not sure about the white spots on her fins, because they look to big to be white spot. It looks like some kind of growth but just keep doing water changes and see if it clears up.
  12. Fishies4Ever

    Is this white spot?

    It looks like maybe she was constipated which might have been why she looked bloated, but I am not positive.
  13. Fishies4Ever

    Tank stocking

    For about a 10 gallon fishtank you want one inch of fish per gallon or you can do more frequent water changes. You might be overstocking a bit. I would go with one group of tetras and the gourami. It does sound like a good community tank though.
  14. Fishies4Ever

    Parrot cichlids

    The chasing could be aggression or it could be mating. Are they hurting each other? A way to distinguish between a male and a female would be the males have a slightly red tail when they are older and the females have a bluish tail. Do you know how old they are?
  15. Fishies4Ever

    please help sick dwarf gourami :(

    I thought dwarf gouramis were supposed to be a bright blue and red. Is the brown color just from being sick or is that what he usually looks like? I know dwarf gouramis are prone to a certain disease. That might be something you could look into.
  16. Fishies4Ever

    Guppy identification

    It looks like a few of them are fancy tailed guppies
  17. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    Ok thank you for that tip I don’t have any local pet stores but does petco and pet smart do that?
  18. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    I have a well so I can’t check a website for the hardness of my water so I am going to have to order a testing kit, so we will see if I get around to that.
  19. Fishies4Ever

    Color of this guy?

    That is truly a beautiful beta. I would say it is a blue green color with white fins. As he becomes less stressed his color might change and become more vibrant.
  20. Fishies4Ever

    Hard water and other tank stats - what fish and plants are best?

    The reason you might not be doing well with plants is that they need nutrients. You need to have a layer of dirt or a kind of substrate that has nutrients in order for the plants to survive. Another option would be to get a nutrients tablet that you stick in the substrate next to the plants...
  21. Fishies4Ever

    My Tetra hasn’t been doing to well and I don’t know what’s up

    I just fed him and he was able to get up to the top and looked like he might have been eating but it was had to tell. There are two other von rio tetras in there with a lot of other tetras. The tank is overstocked do to a cross country move and I am thinking about getting a second tank to spread...
  22. Fishies4Ever

    My Tetra hasn’t been doing to well and I don’t know what’s up

    Thank you for the tip I just did a water change so I am hoping it might help a bit.
  23. Fishies4Ever

    My Tetra hasn’t been doing to well and I don’t know what’s up

    Here is a video. I tried showing the other fish as well just to show how he continuously swims unlike all the other fish. I am not sure if this worked or not
  24. Fishies4Ever

    Gravel for shrimp

    A good substrate for shrimp that I would personally use would be fluval shrimp and plant substrate. It also works really well for plants because it has nutrients that your live plants need to do well in your tank.
  25. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    Thank you. Sometimes being harsh is the only option😁I can be quite harsh at times as well. The reason there are so many fish is I recently did a cross country move and had to leave my 29 gallon and only take my 10. I moved the fish from the 29 into the 10. I oringinally had just the 5 red...
  26. Fishies4Ever

    My Tetra hasn’t been doing to well and I don’t know what’s up

    Recently I noticed my red and yellow von rio tetra hasn’t been doing to well. He has been swimming in an upward motion but doesn’t seem to get any height. He also has a brown or red spot on his left side close to his fin. I’m not sure if it might be an infection and if so what should I do about...
  27. image.jpg


  28. Fishies4Ever

    Which substrate and how much!

    I would defiantly get sand because loaches like to be at the bottom and get there whiskers in the substrate so the sand will help to prevent damaged whiskers. Just make sure to wash the sand really well it can be really dusty and cloud up your tank pretty quick. There are also many types and...
  29. Fishies4Ever

    White lump/growth on African cichlid's lip. Loss of colour and appetite.

    Can you maybe post a picture so we can see what your fish looks like?
  30. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    I am pretty sure my tap water is hard it has been working well for my tetras, they have survived for quite a few years.
  31. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    Ok thank you for the recommendation
  32. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    Ok thank you for tip I will try to figure that out
  33. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    I just tested the pH of my tap water and it was about 6.6 or 6.8 so pretty low.
  34. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    The tank size would be around 36”xLong 18”xHigh 26”xDeep maybe a bit bigger and as for the parameters since if haven’t gotten the tank yet I’ll bace the parameters around the fish that I choose and right now I’m just looking for ideas.
  35. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking ideas

    I like thinking of different take I can get and recently I have been thinking of getting a 55 gallon eventually. At the moment I have one 10 gallon with neon, serpae, balck neon, and red and yellow von rio tetras, so with the much larger tank I want some larger fish. I was thinking of cichlids...
  36. Fishies4Ever

    Help - who's right here?

    I wouldn’t worry to much about it. If all your fish seem good you should be good. I never change the water in my tank I just top off the water when it gets low although I probably should do water changes. Unless the fish start gulping for air at the top of the tank their water should be well...
  37. Fishies4Ever

    Is this white spot?

    I would not do water changes when you are treating the fish unless the directions say to. As for the fish flakes I personally use TetraMin tropical fish flakes but for your beta I am pretty sure you are supposed to give a special beta food so I would get something similar to this. I haven’t...
  38. Fishies4Ever

    Tankmates for a well established Cory tank (Pleco there too)

    Your tank is beautiful! I would recommend some kind of tetra such as neon or ember or you can go a little bigger. You can also do a rasbora as they are pretty small. Another good option would be a kind of hatchetfish. I have never owned any before but they are very peaceful fish and stay in the...
  39. Fishies4Ever

    Is this white spot?

    Oh no I’m so sorry! What kind of food are you feeding your fish? Can you maybe put a picture up.