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  4. Fishies4Ever

    What is this

    I ordered this from Marcus fish tanks as a mystery cryptocoryn not sure what it is. I am thinking it is an Anubias but I’m not sure.
  5. Fishies4Ever

    Not really an emergency but what should I do about my overstocked tank?

    I set up the tank about a year ago. It used to have plastic plants, bridge, house, and gravel. A few months ago I decided to go with a more natural look so now I have fluval plant substrate, topped with white sand, driftwood, and 2 Amazon swords. I have more plants that are on the way to help...
  6. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    I set up the tank about a year ago. It used to have plastic plants, bridge, house, and gravel. A few months ago a decided to go with a more natural look so now I have fluval plant substrate, topped with white sand, driftwood, and 2 Amazon swords. I have more plants that are on the way to help...
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  11. Fishies4Ever

    Guppy art challenge

    These are my drawings I feel like the first wasn’t so good but amazing choice of guppies!
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  13. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    I know I was really looking forward to it. I was thinking I could keep the tank in the basement but my parents said no. I had moved last summer and we had a big house and if we still lived there I would be able to have it. I wanted to do it with this fish because I have an overstocked 10 gallon...
  14. Fishies4Ever

    White stringy lips on five Boesmani Rainbows and white bump on one German Blue Ram lip.

    In some of the pictures of the rainbow fish it looks like they are almost peeling. I am not sure what that is but just figured I would point it out to people who have more experience. The dwarf gourami could be getting bullied by someone in the tank or could have gotten scratched on something in...
  15. Fishies4Ever

    Beta tank

    Hey everyone! I am thinking about getting a 5 gallon tank for a beta in the near future it’s about all I have room for at the moment. I am going to do a sand substrate. I would like to do some good aquascaping for this tank and have some good plants. Anyone have any suggestions on how to...
  16. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    I just found out that I won’t be able to have this tank in my current house 😭. I sadly won’t have enough room, but I am glad you guys responded to all my questions so quickly and if I ever want to set up this tank in the future I know what to do. I will still probably get some sand because I am...
  17. Fishies4Ever

    5g planted tank thoughts?

    The 5.5 gallon tank is a bit small for guppies just because of their breeding. You could do some male guppies I think that would be fine. You could also do some killifish they have bright colors like guppies and can be kept in small tanks I am pretty sure. I have driftwood in my tank and I love...
  18. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    Thank you I didn’t know that with the white sand. I don’t have any Cory’s in the tank with the white sand luckily. I’ll have to look at Lowe’s soon.
  19. Fishies4Ever

    Stocking recommendations?

    Your tank is beautiful! Someone said above that some kind of ram cichlids pair would look really nice. A large school of red flame tetras would also look really nice in my opinion.
  20. Fishies4Ever

    White stringy lips on five Boesmani Rainbows and white bump on one German Blue Ram lip.

    How big is your tank and how many of what fish is in it?
  21. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    This is another question. Would I be able to add some albino black neon tetras. Would they all school together or would they do separate schools.
  22. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    This sounds ideal. Just to be clear I would be able to have 20 harbrosus cory cats with the 15 black neon tetras? I love using sand in my tanks, I have recently found out and driftwood! Do you have a good brand of sand you like to use and is there a specific process to get any harmful things out...
  23. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    Ok ty but sorry what is a BNP
  24. Fishies4Ever

    Black neon tetras

    I have a 10 gallon fish tank that is overstocked. I have a 29 gallon that I am probably going to get over the summer but it’s going to take me a little while to set up. I am thinking about putting my group of 6 black neon tetras in the 29 so there’s not so many fish in my 10 gallon. How big of a...
  25. Fishies4Ever

    Got to Have a Fishtank Room

    Wow your plants have really taken off! You should try and trim some of them up a bit.
  26. Fishies4Ever

    What’s new (fish related chat only)

    About a year now but I redecorated with sand live plants and driftwood after having gravel fake plants and just the aquarium decorations like a bridge and castle like thing more recently.
  27. Fishies4Ever

    What’s new (fish related chat only)

    Does anyone have any luck with the plants from Marcus fish tanks? I ordered them but they haven’t come yet and the tracking isn’t really working so I’m just not sure.
  28. Fishies4Ever

    What’s new (fish related chat only)

    Ok so how does everyone else’s tanks look so much better and more fun than mine. I’m so jealous lol.
  29. Fishies4Ever

    Bettas that I found on an early visit to a fish shop

    Wow I really like how they actually take care of their betas unlike the fish stores around me. Those betas are beautiful!
  30. Fishies4Ever

    Putting in nature

    It seems like a very interesting idea. I wouldn’t try until you know more about it, but I can’t imagine that it would hurt the fish I mean there has to be some leaves from trees in their natural habitat. I do know of a YouTuber who has a lot of outdoor ponds and there always seems to be a ton of...
  31. Fishies4Ever

    The 20g Long Progress

    The tank looks great! Do you have any stocking ideas yet?
  32. Fishies4Ever


    Welcome to TFF!
  33. Fishies4Ever

    Guppies big belly.

    Can you put a picture up so we can see?
  34. Fishies4Ever

    Planted 40g Aquarium Journal

    Wow the tank looks beautiful! I probably missed it but what are you planning on stocking it with and what size is it?
  35. Fishies4Ever

    Theodoxus Fluviatilis River Nerite + Caridina Babaulti Malaya 'Red'

    Wow really cool. I wish I lived closer so I could get some. Pretty good deal though!
  36. Fishies4Ever

    Red light

    Do you use plant fertilizer? Red and blue lighting does help plants grow faster. What light do you currently have?
  37. Fishies4Ever

    Can anyone help me identify these?

    The yellow cichlids kinda looks like a yellow regal peacock and the one with more blue I google image searched it and it looks like a Aulonocara nyassae but I could be totally wrong. Both are gorgeous fish I would like to get some once you figure out what they are.
  38. Fishies4Ever

    Used Hydrogen peroxide to treat plants "after the horse has bolted"

    I am not really sure I am pretty new with live plants but maybe some pictures would help.
  39. Fishies4Ever

    How beautiful are these ladies

    They’re gorgeous!!!
  40. Fishies4Ever

    Floating plants

    This is kind of a stupid question, but is it wrong to throw away plants like if I have red root floaters and they are overpopulating the tank can I just take a bunch out and throw them in the garbage?