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  1. Fishies4Ever

    Midas cichlid

    Wow he’s really grown up!
  2. Fishies4Ever

    Midas cichlid

    Wow his colors are beautiful! Can you put up a picture of your whole tank? The fish in the background looks really cool too.
  3. Fishies4Ever

    A paludarium that I found in a fish shop in Queensland

    Wow it looks beautiful! We’re there just snails in there?
  4. Fishies4Ever

    Livebearers at Atlas Aquarium in Nundah

    Wow it sounds like they have a few cool variety’s there.
  5. Fishies4Ever

    Best peaceful yellow fish?

    Sounds like a great idea. The more space for fish the better! Another idea would be glow light tetras.
  6. Fishies4Ever

    Have you been to SeaLife Sydney?

    I have never been before but I would like to go someday. On their website it says that they have 700 different species and have more than 13,000 individual fish including a few other sea creatures. It looks like it would be a lot of fun. Here is a website to some of the animals and fish they...
  7. Fishies4Ever

    Royal blue!

    It looks like an electric blue hap to me. Such a pretty fish!
  8. Fishies4Ever

    Best peaceful yellow fish?

    We need to find you some kind of fish that will work because that’s not a lot in the 60 gallon breeder. Are you willing to add another color that is similar to yellow like orange maybe or no?
  9. Fishies4Ever

    Cloudy water?

    You have a beautiful tank! For cloudiness I always recommend to do a larger than normal water change and go from there.
  10. Fishies4Ever

    Biggest regret in fish keeping?

    I know I just need more tank lol!!! I don’t really have enough room though for now, but I might build a koi pond in my yard over the summer which I’m excited about.
  11. Fishies4Ever

    Best peaceful yellow fish?

    Just be careful with the rainbow fish and the beta together because the rainbow fish might be a bit aggressive.
  12. Fishies4Ever

    Biggest regret in fish keeping?

    Just wondering what some of your guy’s biggest regrets are after being in the aquarium hobby for so long. I have only been in it a few years and mine would probably be that I got some reallly cool fish but then realized how many other species I could have gotten. I am still super happy with all...
  13. Fishies4Ever

    Best peaceful yellow fish?

    Ok, here are a few more ideas. You could keep a few honey gourami because they are peaceful, golden wonder killifish would be cool to, or maybe some ember tetras but they are more of an orange than yellow. Here is a website I found that has a few more good ideas. You would need to research it a...
  14. Fishies4Ever

    Things floating in water

    Ok I was thinking that maybe some live food could have reproduced or it could be some kind of parasite. I don’t think that it is either if your fish are acting normal. I would just do a large water change and see what happens.
  15. Fishies4Ever

    New 30 Gal (110L) Family community Tank project

    Sorry I just realized how rude I have been. If you want to get a bristlenose pleco than go for it. They are such cool plecos and very popular. I love your tank setup. You have some beautiful fish in there! What kind of gourami is the 4th image the one that’s kind of red? He is sooooo beautiful I...
  16. Fishies4Ever

    Best peaceful yellow fish?

    I like how you are going with a color theme. It’s really cool but yellow is a difficult one. Someone above said a yellow mystery snail which is a good idea. You could get some kind of yellow shrimp. The beta might eat a few but if you have enough plants he won’t be able to find any. What is your...
  17. Fishies4Ever

    Discus art

    Wow that’s beautiful!!! I am not really sure how digital art works and I am a teenager lol. Can’t wait to see what your traditional art looks like too.
  18. Fishies4Ever

    Things floating in water

    Wow don’t know how you spotted them either lol. I am not sure what they are because I can’t see them. I would recommend doing a large water change to help get some of them out. Do you feed your fish any live food? Are your fish looking healthy? What fish do you have in this tank?
  19. Fishies4Ever

    Do you bury your fish when they pass away?

    I would recommend not doing that It just doesn’t seem right in my opinion. You should get your larger animals like your cats cremated or at least buried. It just shows that you loved them and remember them but if you just want to throw them away I guess you can but I wouldn’t.
  20. Fishies4Ever

    New 30 Gal (110L) Family community Tank project

    Sounds good. Are you planning on getting a special kind of pleco or just a bristlenose? One of my biggest regrets were getting fish that are really cool but then finding out how many other kinds there are and wishing I had researched more. I just know how many cool kinds of plecos there are. I...
  21. Fishies4Ever

    Badger's Tea Garden

    Wow I just read your entire journal. I am so happy that you were able to figure it all out after the mystery deaths of some of you fish so sorry for your losses. I can’t wait to see more updates. Those little fish on the bottom that are actually from the place you were trying to bace that tank...
  22. Fishies4Ever

    New 30 Gal (110L) Family community Tank project

    Wow sounds Wow sounds like you have some really great fish in there. The only thing I would add would be 3 more panda Cory’s since they are meant to be in schools and a few more plants like you were saying.
  23. Fishies4Ever

    New 30 Gal (110L) Family community Tank project

    Looking good so far. What fish do you have in there?
  24. Fishies4Ever

    Water Change through evaporation?

    Yes, I was thinking the same thing but the thing about evaporation is it’s not going to get rid of anything but the water. Just like in the ocean, the water evaporates but the salt stays, so all the poop and stuff that you don’t want in your tank will stay to. Long answer short I would still do...
  25. Fishies4Ever

    Not really an emergency but what should I do about my overstocked tank?

    Probably not but maybe in my garage but then no one would really see my fish and that just doesn’t seem like a very good idea.
  26. Fishies4Ever

    Not really an emergency but what should I do about my overstocked tank?

    Ok thank you for your advice. I don’t really have anywhere else to put it until I remodel my room which is going to take quite awhile. I might be able to get a better book shelf in the mean time that will be able to support the weight.
  27. Fishies4Ever

    Not really an emergency but what should I do about my overstocked tank?

    This is my tank and the book shelf I was thinking about putting a tank on.
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  30. Fishies4Ever


    I’m am so sorry! Is that the tank you always have them in? You defiantly need a bigger tank like a 10 or even 20 gallon tank. Remove the dead fish. And do a water change.
  31. Fishies4Ever

    Not really an emergency but what should I do about my overstocked tank?

    Thank you for your advice. I will try to find a reliable place where I can re home the 4 serpae tetras. I might be able to get a bigger tank. I think a 20 gallon long tank would fit on my dresser. I might be able to go to a 29 gallon tank and put it on my book shelf but I’m not sure if it’s...
  32. Fishies4Ever

    What is this

    It defiantly looks like that, I have two it was a bundle. Not sure what it looks like when it’s matured. They never ended up telling me what kind of crypt I got.
  33. Fishies4Ever

    Just got my plants

    I just planted all my plants!! I am super excited, I hope my fish are liking it a bit better maybe. They were all really easy to plant except for the golden creeping Jenny. The roots seemed to be all over the plants so I just tried my best. I have 2 photos which are a before and after except the...
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  37. Fishies4Ever

    Just got my plants

    Hi everyone I just got my plants from Marcus fishtanks they all arrived pretty healthy looking and two days earlier than I was expecting. I have only ever had two live plants before so I’m not sure how I am supposed to do this. Should I acclimate them, is that a thing for plants? I got a mystery...
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