Search results

  1. C

    Female Swordtail Is Now A Male?

    i looked up the swordtail profile and i found this: Young Livebearers are fairly large at birth and their development is very advanced. They can swim right away, which is needed to avoid their enemies including their parents who give no natal care whatsoever. The fry grow very rapidly and will...
  2. C

    Geophagus Brasiliensis Going To Get Today

    cool i really wana see the pics :good: :hyper: :drool:
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    Goldfish Has A Tiny Bit Of Black On Its Tail!

    yes they change color and its normal my goldfsih has black on its tail its normal
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    My Baby Guppies :-)

    :P :D :D
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    Goldfish Has A Tiny Bit Of Black On Its Tail!

    it is nothing to worry about its natural
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    New Little Fella

    very nice
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    Lots Of Photos Of My 3 Bettas!

    very nice betta and the tanks :good: :good: :good: i really like the blue betta
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    55 Gallon Stocking Pics

    anyway its nice
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    New Betta Videos And Pictures!

    very nice betta :hyper: :drool:
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    New Female

    very nice betta
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    New Girls!

    cool pics plz :)
  12. C

    Fish Show 25Th April Now With Pic's (Lots)

    very nice fish :rolleyes: :hyper:
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    My Tank Pictures

    nice tank :good: i really love your black red tailed shark :D :hyper: :drool:
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    Let's Id This Fish

    :D :drool: very nice fish :hyper:
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    Ala Species Maintenance

    :drool: lucky :wub: :drool:
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    Comment On Golden Teddies In The Species Index

    very good :thanks: :D