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  1. Seisage

    Anybody know this store?

    Well, phylogenetically, frogs *are* fish ;) All tetrapods (including us, humans) are evolutionarily nestled within the group "osteichthys" (aka "bony fish"). If you want to say frogs are not fish, you'd also have to say that a tuna is not a fish. Or, at the very least, you'd have to say that...
  2. Seisage

    Fire belly toads... no Idea how this seller is...

    I would be wary of that listing. The import of FBT from the wild is banned across all the US. Therefore, all specimens sold within the US should be captive bred. Smuggling still happens though, even in “broad daylight”, so to speak. Given that this website does not clearly state that their frogs...
  3. Seisage

    Dandelion root "coffee"

    I love dandelion root drinks! I've never made it myself (I should try to do that at some point), but I have a couple herbal "tea" blends that use dandelion root prominently and they're very good. I have used dandelion lookalikes to make syrup though! I actually don't have very many true...
  4. Seisage

    Help with newish aquarium - sand substrate

    I'm also currently working through a diatom bloom in a (relatively) new sand setup and I'm trying ever so hard to be patient. Badger's right, replacing the sand will only prolong the issue. Diatoms take advantage of the nutrients common in new setups, and blooms happen when the beneficial...
  5. Seisage

    Extinct fish.

    That's a very fair point, and you're right, I did overlook it. Education can be a very powerful thing. It's why modern zoos and aquariums, at least in their current forms, exist at all, really. Captive animals have their place, even if they're used only for display and not for breeding programs...
  6. Seisage

    Extinct fish.

    Couldn't agree more. This is an area of the hobby that frustrates me—when hobbyists act as though they're doing real, important conservation work simply by having a tank with a few endangered or extinct (in the wild) fish that they breed for fun (and whose offspring they may end up selling for a...
  7. Seisage

    FLEAS!! GAH!

    Unfortunately, we don't have that one here, so I have no knowledge of or experience with it :( Looks like the company that makes it is Aussie. One thing that tends to be true across the board is that cheaper meds are usually cheaper for a reason, but my best advice would be to talk about the...
  8. Seisage

    FLEAS!! GAH!

    Used to work as a vet assistant many years ago and I can confirm the collars are the way to go. But you have to be very careful about which ones you choose. I'm not sure what you have available over in the UK, but since you mention Frontline and Bravecto (brands we have in the US as well)...
  9. Seisage

    Hi, Folks. Bertha here.

    I don't know how long that drive would be for you, but I've transported fish, frogs, and plants by car 2.5 hours (I live in a pretty rural area with no LFS) and they were all fine. Small sample size, since I've only done it a handful of times, but I didn't have any issues. Remember, to even get...
  10. Seisage

    Feedback on this DIY filter design

    Ooh, that looks like it'll turn out fantastically! Yeah, I'll have to keep toying with ideas, but I think I am going to go with glass. It'll just be a lot sturdier long-term since the silicone can actually bond to it properly. I'll just make the design such that the outflow tube comes through a...
  11. Seisage

    Feedback on this DIY filter design

    That's fair, and I may end up taking your advice and just use more foam. I use sponge filters in my aquariums for this exact reason, so... I guess I'm not sure why I felt the need to include the rings in this design 😅 I like your design too! I really wish it could work for me, since it saves a...
  12. Seisage

    Feedback on this DIY filter design

    Some of you may know I'm working on constructing a completely custom tree frog vivarium. I want it to have a water feature with a little waterfall type thing, but since frogs are messy creatures, I'd like it to have some semblance of actual filtration instead of the one or two small pieces of...
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  14. Seisage

    Frankensteining a tank...

    Thank you, this is definitely interesting. I had considered swinging doors with hinges instead of sliding doors, but wasn't sure about being able to install a proper latching mechanism... Looks like this person used magnets, which is pretty handy. I might have to look into some hinges and...
  15. Seisage

    Frankensteining a tank...

    Good news! I think I won't have to attempt frankensteining after all. I called a glass shop out in the city and got a quote from them. 1/4" glass for the entire build (except the doors) will come out to less than $60 😲 It's obviously more expensive than using the materials I already have, but...
  16. Seisage

    Scaping with found materials and some positive animal enrichment

    Thank you. While I wasn't necessarily going for recreating the dwarf frogs' natural habitat, I did want to keep in mind their desire to both explore and hide. I tried to create small holes, and pockets in between plants, for them to settle into and tuck themselves away. Also, creating a...
  17. Seisage

    Scaping with found materials and some positive animal enrichment

    Double posting from my journal because I shamelessly want to show off this scape. I'm proud of it and very happy with how it ended up coming together. The frogs seem really happy with it too :) Previously, I just had the plants floating with not much else in the tank since I didn't have the...
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  21. Seisage

    Sand as Substrate

    It shouldn't take more than a day or so for even fine dust to settle, especially since you rinsed the sand beforehand. I'm wondering if you're maybe getting some cloudy water from a bacterial bloom as well, which is extremely common in newly set-up tanks. A picture of the tank might help
  22. Seisage

    Do you think fish remember each other???

    The problem with understanding intelligence is that "intelligence" as we define it is inherently based on our perception and experience of the world. A clam's retraction response to touch, for example, is only considered "unintelligent", "primitive", or "basal" because for our purposes...
  23. Seisage

    6 gallon ADF tank

    Yeah, that's true. There is new growth, so I'm hopeful. Maybe I just have to wait it out. Unfortunately for me, I do think what I have is monnieri 😅 It was just sold as "Bacopa" in the shop, but comparing photos, it looks most like monnieri. I'll definitely keep trying with it, but I'll probably...
  24. Seisage

    My fish just got fed A LOT of peas

    Have fun with your new aquarium plants! They fit right in with their nice vivid green. Do keep an eye out for melting though. Peas are usually grown emersed, so they'll likely melt back and regrow with a slightly different growth pattern. They make great ground cover once established though.
  25. Seisage

    Cool algae!

    That's what I thought too! In fact, it looks so much like it that I'm wondering... is it possible you got a very lucky sort of hitchhiker with a recent plant purchase? 🤔 If it is an actual alga though, I'd guess a species of Ulva, potentially
  26. Seisage

    6 gallon ADF tank

    Well, it got really grody after the move because of plants floating around (and also melting 🙄) and I think the filter must've gotten a little shocked because I started getting a lot of diatom growth on the glass and plants, BUT... at long last, after a thorough clean, the tank is scaped! I'm...
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  28. Seisage

    Frankensteining a tank...

    Thank you! I have no experience with tank construction, so we'll see how this goes 😅 It'll be a learning experience for sure... But I have hope for it! Lots of patience and lots of youtube tutorials
  29. Seisage

    Frankensteining a tank...

    Great, thank you. And yes, I've definitely heard of the challenges with silicone adhering to plastics... I've seen people recommend really roughing up the bottom surface of the tracks with sandpaper to get more surface area for the silicone to hold onto. I could possibly also use super glue...
  30. Seisage

    Frankensteining a tank...

    Yes. I didn't include them because I didn't want to complicate the diagram. I will have small strips of glass on which I'll silicone plastic E-channels for the doors. However, I'm asking about the structural integrity of siliconing the glass pieces together to add height to the tank.
  31. Seisage

    Frankensteining a tank...

    So, I'm in a somewhat interesting position. Hopefully I'll be able to get some feedback on a potential solution I've come up with. I'd like one or two white's tree frogs I have a ~25gal aquarium (30"Lx12"Wx15"H) — this could potentially be suitable for one frog, but bigger is better, and it'd...
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  33. Frankentank.png


  34. Seisage

    Detritus worm or planaria?

    The pictures you posted are definitely rhabdocoel flatworms. Completely harmless, but perhaps a bit unsightly if you have a lot of them in the water column or crawling on the glass. Some fish will eat them, I think. I had quite a few in a new-ish tank and they all disappeared once I added some...
  35. Seisage

    Can i keep a small shoal of Otoginglus in small gravel

    Hmm... I honestly don't know enough about this specific information niche to have any concrete thoughts, but I do think it's an interesting idea and I'd definitely like to know more. It's intriguing that a fish would purposefully, perhaps instinctively, eat another fish's poop. I've seen my...
  36. Seisage

    Rio Ucayali Biotope Project

    I will submit it eventually! I want to get a bit closer to my final goal first, i.e. get the otos and whatever dwarf cichlid I end up choosing. In other news, the fish are pooping a LOT. It's all normal-looking poop. Nothing stringy, normal colored, but it seems like more than usual...
  37. Seisage

    Considering Poison Dart Frogs

    It's definitely a bit counterintuitive at first, given that frogs are amphibians, but it's surprising just how many amphibians can survive in primarily terrestrial, or even desert habitats. The largest body of water a dart frog will probably ever see in the wild are the pools of water that...
  38. Seisage

    Considering Poison Dart Frogs

    Yes! Springtails and isopods, along with a proper substrate setup, make for a bioactive vivarium. I'd recommend researching substrate types and proper layering if you haven't already. I'm definitely going to go bioactive, personally. It means you don't have to change out the substrate very...
  39. Seisage

    Can i keep a small shoal of Otoginglus in small gravel

    I can attest to this — the frogbit and water lettuce in my tank are actually suffering from nitrogen deficiency currently because my tank's bioload is so low. I actually decided to order a nitrogen supplement to try to help them out... They're extremely greedy plants, which is great for a fully...
  40. Seisage

    Considering Poison Dart Frogs

    Springtails are great. Regarding escapees, I saw a guy on Youtube once who constructed his own dart frog vivarium from scratch. Part of the design was a set of sliding glass doors and to prevent fruit flies from escaping, he ran a small bead of silicone on one of the glass pieces so that the...