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  1. Kyle E.

    I May Have Gotten the Wrong Hairgrass

    I actually have frogbit coming on Tuesday already! I am getting it for my betta who lives in the 30 gallon. He has been getting along great with the other fish but isn't very active. I am hoping the frogbit will stimulate him and make him feel more comfortable in the tank. And it will add...
  2. Kyle E.

    I May Have Gotten the Wrong Hairgrass

    Hmmm. It kinda sounds like it might now work out too well for me... My tank is pretty low tech... I thought it sounded like it was an easy to grow plant from my research but maybe I was mislead. We will see how it goes. It is planted in the tank as it arrived 3 days early (it was quite the...
  3. Kyle E.

    I May Have Gotten the Wrong Hairgrass

    Ummm. I have seen many many places that talk about dwarf hairgrass as a carpet plant for aquariums...,by%20sending%20out%20runner%20plants.
  4. Kyle E.

    I May Have Gotten the Wrong Hairgrass

    Well I found this website as I was trying to figure out how to plant this. According to it there are actually 3 types of dwarf hairgrass. Apparently the "belum" version stays shorter and grows slower. So maybe not the one I really wanted, but it sounds like it should work the same as the other...
  5. Kyle E.

    Let’s play game...

    I would love to keep a Fahaka pufferfish because they have great personalities and they look so amazingly hilarious but I can't because I don't have a tank big enough.
  6. Kyle E.

    I May Have Gotten the Wrong Hairgrass

    So I ordered what I thought was dwarf hairgrass from this link. It calls it dwarf hairgrass. I got it today (3 days earlier than the earliest it said it would be here). It looks very healthy and green. It has the scientific name of "Eleocharis sp. Belem" according to the container. This is not...
  7. Kyle E.

    DIY aquarium lid

    I got a nerite snail about a month ago. He does like to hang out above the waterline, especially during the daytime. He seems to be somewhat nocturnal. But I have never had him actually climb out of the tank. I know he can but he has never done it. My hood has approximately a 2.5 inch gap the...
  8. Kyle E.

    Over the back or canister filter?

    One thing for the frogbit... I don't know about the aquaclear (never used one) but my tetra whisper 40 HOB has multiple pieces for the intake tube so you can make it longer, shorter etc. If the aquaclear does that I would suggest maybe extending the tube to keep it away from the frogbit. I...
  9. Kyle E.

    5g Tank

    I think I am going to try getting amazon frogbit. I will have to figure out a few things but I really hope it will help the betta. For example, I read that you should lower you water level a bit to let the light spread out a bit more and hit all of the frogbit. I can do that but then it makes my...
  10. Kyle E.

    5g Tank

    Ok. That is a good idea. I do not have the resources to get a tank right now and if there is any chance I could get my betta to work in my current tank I want to. That being said I have a few questions. I bought him on the 13th at a Petco near me. I was actually there for Java Moss (They...
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  13. Kyle E.

    5g Tank

    Does anyone know of a good place to get a cheap plain 5 gallon tank? I have a betta who's not super happy in my 30g with other fish. The problem is all I can find are the fancy kits that come with a whole bunch of extras that I don't want. I just want the glass box itself. I haven't been able...
  14. Kyle E.

    Bad idea

    I just bought a betta the other day from petco. Their bettas weren't the best but he looked decent. I have never wanted a betta but when I saw him I just had to have him! He is the prettiest fish I have seen IMO. Once I can get a good picture I will post it. I am too late for the betta contest...
  15. Kyle E.

    15 Gal Low Tech Tank

    I have been looking for dwarf hairgrass as well! I think I am going to use this. I just hope it is decent quality and arrives alright!
  16. Kyle E.

    Question about number of fish in first tank

    Yes, just because the fish live at different levels doesn't mean you can put too many in. One of the main reasons for limits on the number of fish in an aquarium is that they will produce to much waste for the water to dilute and the filter to take out. No matter what level your fish swim at...
  17. Kyle E.

    30g Tank Stocking

    I don't know my hardness but they all seem to be fine.
  18. Kyle E.

    30g Tank Stocking

    It is good to hear that Aqadvisor is a good tool to use! I have been doing some research and swordtails interest me. I have seen that they grow to 4-5 inches and are peaceful. Is the 4-5 inches including the long tail? If it is then they are not as big as I think! It would be cool to have a...
  19. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    I would love to send you a picture but none of my cameras will get a good picture! It is always frustrating when I want to show someone my tank but then I can't. The only plant I have in it is an Amazon Sword. I am not sure if I want another plant or not. It depends on how big the sword grows...
  20. Kyle E.

    Fish fins changing colors

    My fish do this too and it seems to be normal.
  21. Kyle E.

    Can't figure out why my guppies keep dying

    You see how the tail is all torn up? I would guess that the other fish are killing them. Angelfish and guppies are iffy. It is tricky to keep such big fish with guppies although it can be done. I don't know enough to be much help beyond that and I could be wrong!
  22. Kyle E.

    30g Tank Stocking

    Hello! I have a 30g currently stocked with an Amazon Sword plant, 1 male guppy, 3 female guppies, 5 veiltail cherry barbs, and one dwarf gourami. This stocking calculator says that my tank is 55% stocked. Is this accurate? I want to get a shrimp or 2 and I also want another bigger fish like...
  23. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    I don't know if anyone still cares but the fish did not make it. Monday it started swimming sideways and upside down and it was then i realized it must of had swim bladder disease. It did not last long after. The other fish have been completely fine throughout the whole time and for that I am...
  24. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    Would it be a good idea to try and put it in a different container (I don't have another tank) and try to get it to eat? I don't really know if it will eat anything because the food never makes it down to where it is. It is always eaten by the other fish.
  25. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    I put my salt in so we will see what happens. I will keep you updated! Thanks for your help!
  26. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    I do not know what my water pH is but I am 100% certain that is not the problem as my 9 other fish are just fine.
  27. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    Ok I will try this. May I ask what the salt is doing to help?
  28. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    I did float them before adding them. I didn't do a super gradual one but I let the bag float for a while and then added some tank water, floated it some more and then added them in. I hope the fish makes it but if it doesn't I do hope that it is like you said and it is nothing that will affect...
  29. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    Sorry for the bad quality. My camera does not like to focus on the fish. Because of that the picture probably won't be much help. The video link should work and even though it is the same quality you should be able to see it's odd swimming behavior. Tell me if it doesn't work.
  30. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    It's tail was torn when I got it. I think there were too many fish in the tank it was in at the store.
  31. Kyle E.

    Help With a Veiltail Cherry Barb

    I have a 30 gallon tank with a dwarf gourami and 4 guppies. I got 5 veiltail cherry barbs yesterday. 4 of them are just fine and all of the fish are healthy. But the 5th cherry barb is just floating mid tank in my Amazon Sword plant. It is opening and closing it's mouth rapidly. It can swim...