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  1. Essjay

    Nitrate levels

    MaloK, who started that thread in post #7, is Canadian - is it possible for Americans to get it from there?
  2. Essjay

    Why do I stay in this hobby????

    Prime is a water conditioner which 'detoxifies' ammonia for 24 to 36 hours. After that it becomes toxic again. It was intended to detoxify the ammonia part of chloramine until the filter bacteria have had change to remove it. Dr Tim's One & Only and Tetra Safe Start are bottled bacteria which...
  3. Essjay

    Nitrate levels

    Here it is :)
  4. Essjay

    Get a fish they said . . .

    Bettas are well know for begging for food. The hard part about keeping bettas is being able to resist the begging. They will stuff themselves to bursting point given the chance, so you have to be hard hearted and say no you've had your day's food allocation so you're not getting any more. They...
  5. Essjay

    My 60L Cube

    It sounds as though they are using the American term, mystery snail. Those are usually the smaller brig apple snail. There was a website on apple snails which closed when the EU banned all species of apple snail, but we can still access it using Wayback Machine even if it does take longer to...
  6. Essjay

    What are you doing today?

    I think if I was diagnosed today I'd be told I have pre-diabetes, which didn't exist back in 2000. I'd been to the doctor about a "women's problem" and the doctor tagged a glucose test on the end of the list. It came back in the grey area between definitely and definitely not. A fasting glucose...
  7. Essjay

    Today's a new day.

    Cycling is the process of growing beneficial bacteria which takes a lot longer than a day. It sounds as though your father means to let the tank just run for a day. This is not a bad idea as it allows you to discover if the tank leaks or not; if the filter works or not and if the heater can...
  8. Essjay

    What are you doing today?

    I haven't made any type of cake since my children grew up and left home. I have type 2 diabetes (diet controlled for 24 years) so not allowed to eat cake and my husband prefers shop bought cake to home baked 😲
  9. Essjay

    My 60L Cube

    In the UK, before the EU banned them, we called all Pomacea snails apple snails but differentiated the species with a 'forename'. The most common apple snail in shops was brig apple snails, P. diffusa, the name brig from when they were thought to be, P. bridgesii. These were smallish, growing...
  10. Essjay

    What are you doing today?

    I thought I didn't need a flu vaccine till I caught flu. I was diagnosed with asthma in spring 1998 so I was offered a flu vaccination that autumn as I was now eligible for free vaccination. I didn't bother, or the following year. Then I caught flu in winter 2000. I was taking maximum dose of...
  11. digital timer.jpg

    digital timer.jpg

  12. mechanical timer.jpg

    mechanical timer.jpg

  13. Essjay

    Algae cleaner

    I've used these for my fish tank lights - I found these images on This one is a mechanical timer, you push down the segments round the clock for the times you want the lights to be on I now have this type. You use the buttons to set up to 4 on/off sessions I set the on and...
  14. Essjay

    Algae cleaner

    OK, have the lights on 11 am to 5 pm. That way it'll still be light or the room lights on when the tank lights turn off. It is not good for fish for the tank lights to turn on or off when the room is in darkness; it is stressful for them. The room should be lit either with daylight or the room...
  15. Essjay

    Algae cleaner

    I use plug in timers to turn my lights on and off. They don't cost much and most hardware shops/Amazon/eBay sell them. The best time for the lights to be on is when you are at home to see the fish. So instead of 6 am to 6 pm, if you use a timer they could be on for 3pm to 9pm for 6 hours for...
  16. Essjay

    Fishless cycling

    I'm stuck for what to do next, and TwoTankAmin is the forum's cycling expert. If anyone can help, he can.
  17. Essjay

    Algae cleaner

    Work out why you have algae and remedy that. But bear in mind that some algae is perfectly normal, it's when it starts taking over that it's a problem. How long are the lights on for? do you add fertiliser to the tanks and if so which one? How often and how large are your water changes? Do you...
  18. Essjay

    Fishless cycling

    @TwoTankAmin Can you help here?
  19. Essjay

    6 gallon stocking

    That's what I thought. I certainly wouldn't keep any 'cories' in a tank that small.
  20. Essjay

    What are you doing today?

    Re our shared drain with the slippage - The water company have kept their word to keep an eye on the drain for more blockages. We passed the drain man at the corner of the road as we went out on Monday afternoon, and I was woken up at 7.45 this morning by the noise of their vehicle outside the...
  21. Essjay

    Tiger barb

    You can fast the fish for a few days to see if the belly gets smaller. Most fishkeepers overfeed their fish, and they can go for a week or two with no food with no problems. I feed my fish a small amount of food once a day 5 days a week, and nothing on the other 2 days. Fish need a lot less...
  22. Essjay

    6 gallon stocking

    So perhaps red or red rilli or orange or yellow neocardinas, whatever names the seller calls them?
  23. Essjay

    6 gallon stocking

    I would also be concerned with the lack of swimming length. The shrimps in the 9 gallon, what are they? If they are cherry shrimps, what colour? You could do cherry shrimps of a completely different colour if you have cherries of a single colour in the 9 gallon.
  24. Essjay

    6 gallon stocking

    Would any cories be OK with a footprint of 30 x 22 cm/12 x 8.5 inches?
  25. Essjay

    6 gallon stocking

    Sparking gouramis (Trichopsis pumila) really need a bigger footprint than this tank has. It is indeed an awkward shape for stocking :(
  26. Essjay

    6 gallon stocking

    I'd go by the numbers on your water company's website as they use expensive testing equipment rather than home testers. And ignore whatever words they use to describe it, they always make it sound harder than fishkeepers would think from the number. My water company says my hardness is says...
  27. Essjay

    What are you doing today?

    Following last week's flu vaccinations, my husband and I have just had our covid vaccinations.
  28. Essjay

    Breeding Nerita Semiconic snails

    For info, nerites lay eggs which look like sesame seeds stuck to everything from the tank walls to decor and even other snails. Strictly speaking, those sesame seed like things are actually egg cases containing a number of eggs.
  29. Essjay

    Can guppies and swordtails survive in 'blackwater' ?

    Since the thread has been answered, thread locked.
  30. Essjay

    Fish that change color, when it’s dark???

    Dwarf pencilfish (Nannostomus marginatus) show this day/night difference quite markedly. In the daytime they have horizontal stripes, and night they have vertical stripes. Neon tetras turn brown at night. Having had both those species, I was a bit worried the first time I saw the night...
  31. Essjay

    API Master Test Kit past due .

    Once a bottle is opened air - including oxygen - gets into the bottle and can oxidise certain ingredients. If the readings are a lot different from what you'd expect, that's the time to throw it in the bin and buy a new one.
  32. Essjay

    🐡 FOTM VOTE NOW - October 2024 Fish of the Month Contest(Tetras)

    Here is my entry, one of my black neon tetras, Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi. It is one of a group purchased 5 months ago. They share the tank with a shoal of cherry barbs, two elderly harlequins, a female pearl gourami and a lot of Neocaridina shrimps. The tank is a custom build 107 x 45 x 45...
  33. black neon tetra.jpg

    black neon tetra.jpg

  34. Essjay

    🐠 TOTM VOTE NOW - October 2024 Tank of the Month Contest (17 to 30 gallons)

    We have 49 votes as I type, but we have a lot more than 49 members. The voting ends tomorrow so if you haven't voted please VOTE
  35. Essjay

    Do fishes really live long?

    If you want to deworm guppies with shrimps in the tank look at the eSHa products, they say they are shrimps and snail safe. eSHa ndx for round worms such as camallanus (contains levamisole) eSHa gdex for tapeworms (contains praziquantel) There is also NT Labs Anti Fluke and Wormer, and...
  36. Essjay

    Guppies not doing well.

    I didn't want anyone else to read it's snail safe and then their snails die. They do say 'may kill' but I always go by better safe than sorry :)
  37. Essjay

    Guppies not doing well.

    Just a heads up - According to eSHa's FAQ's (my bold) They do say it is shrimp safe and "Under normal circumstances eSHa products pose no threat to filters or bacteria"
  38. Essjay

    What are you doing today?

    We missed them on Thursday - no idea they were there - and it was cloudy last night so couldn't see anything. We are far enough north to have had a good display 😢
  39. Essjay

    WOW!!!! A $500.00 Cory, you would have to really want one of those pretty badly… way beyond me…

    This thread has degenerated from the original intent. Locked.