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  1. C

    I HATE.........

    yeah thats what got me started into fish keeping..the local country club got rid of abunch of their goldfish in a about a 100% every fish they gave away died..mine did and even went out and bought abunch of stuff for them.. but that's what got me started now ive have two tanks and 8...
  2. C

    moved my fish around tonight

    couple of otos?
  3. C

    Finally got some plants

    me too ..that tanks looks AWESOME like an underwater city...nicely done
  4. C

    Platties acting funny

    its not something they do all day..i think it just has to do with their behavior right now..i saw the two bigger ones trying to nibble on each other...hopefully they can settle out their differences :lol:
  5. C

    Platties acting funny

    The first week the platties were very happy constantly swimming around and chasing each other, but these last couple of days they've been hiding in the plants alot and not moving much. I've noticed a couple have been laying on the gravel (not laying down just resting on top of the gravel) the...
  6. C

    Worst day ever...

    hey man I think it eventually happens to everybody..don't worry about it. I've had 4 fish die..the first two died for reasons I still dont know why of when I first started and I had two of my very nice size balas jump out of my fact I left the room and came back 15 minutes later and...
  7. C

    A scary story

    im sure the people thought "oh brother" but you really did the right first time around i got suckered into buying fish that were way to big for my tank..still have my balas but theyre ok for now.. i agree people buy all these big fish before they know how big theyll get and the people...
  8. C

    Fish Do The Funniest Things!

    my platties watch tv..and my balas are like a little gang of kids..they go and hide as a group :lol: panzies :P
  9. C

    Plattys Pairing off

    I got them at walmart..they didnt really know what they were doing but im pretty sure i ended up with two males and a female..unless theyre gay :lol:
  10. C

    Jack Dempsey VS My Hand VIDEO

    haha he told you
  11. C

    Plattys Pairing off

    bump :P
  12. C

    Plattys Pairing off

    I've notice two(one with vertical stripe on tail and other that has huge horizontal stripe thing) of my three plattys always hang out together and chase each other but when the other smaller one with the vertical stripe get near, the bigger one with the vertical stripe chases it away. Sometimes...
  13. C

    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    You're suppose to change the filters every 3-4 weeks... If you don't what you had happens..guessing you left it running too..
  14. C

    This is very serius.

    keep us posted
  15. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    after noticing the same oto had been underneath a plant for half the day sucking on gravel, i moved the plant a little, he didn't swim off, so i kinda pulled him on the tail and he was dead..not sure what did it..the other fish are doing fine
  16. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    here goes..I put my coat over the back just to see what it would look like with a would look good the otos are hiding
  17. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    i ended up getting 3 plattys and 2 otos
  18. C

    How often do you do water changes?

    sometimes i go 2 weeks because im laaaaazy..but ive got an overkill filter on my tank
  19. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    hmm i guess my next best choice is danios
  20. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    i used biospira on the 29 gallon and it worked..there are alot of fakes out there but this product works.. hmm I've got a book that read a male and female tiger barb could be kept together..could you not do that in a 10?
  21. C

    is gravel a must

    i think ill probably have to rule them out..i dont have sand or and shells :dunno: thinking about some tiger barbs though??
  22. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    hmm what do you guys think about tiger barbs
  23. C

    is gravel a must

    actually it's doesn't matter really matter what fish I use, I just love the look of cichlids i'll be keeping the fish after its over so I want to make the aquarium good looking and i want to get some fish in there that look good.. one could barely call it an experiment.. basically i'll be...
  24. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    ive moved past fishless cycling..i use biospira and its works wonders..24 hour cycle no chichilids at all? even the 1" ones or 2" ones?? what are otos?
  25. C

    is gravel a must

    and its probably hard to find..
  26. C

    Worms In Filter

  27. C

    is gravel a must

    ok i got my 10 gal set up check it out at
  28. C

    Ok got the 10gal with gravel and plants

    just got this done.. went from deciding about gravel at all, to getting gravel and some still looks bare..i don't know how you guys make your tanks so awesome, mine looks like some pos from the 80s.. :thumbs: o well someone mentioned african dwarf chichilids which i like alot...
  29. C

    Name my fish!

    Ralph, the sex puppet, Anderson :D
  30. C

    have a dumb question

    duct tape :kana:
  31. C

    is gravel a must

    in that case how about some female dwarf chichilids
  32. C

    is gravel a must

    how big do the smallest chichilids get..
  33. C

    is gravel a must

    ooh i like that idea..if i did that i may just keep them in there..can i just put any sand in there or what do i need to know
  34. C

    is gravel a must

    awesome...poop tornadoes..actually I am asking because im getting two fish to put in a ten gallon tank for a only a couple of week because im going to monitor their behavior with different variables and feeding times for a school "experiment" and I didn't want to bother with gravel
  35. C

    is gravel a must

    do you have to have gravel in your tank? :dunno:
  36. C

    29 gal tank

    ouch..I plan on dealing with that when the time comes up..I bought the fish before i knew anything Honestly I don't know about the him at walmart more then a year ago the two balas are still very mom bought them for me as a gift without telling me..the other one is pretty...
  37. C

    29 gal tank

    would you guys add more plants? any ideas.. i think it looks pretty good compared to how it use to look
  38. C

    29 gal tank

    just algae I can see the brown stuff in the picture below the rock level