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  1. B

    Green Spotted Puffer In A 20g Tank

    Yes, I had sand substrate at one point, that is a real mess. I moved to crushed coral as it is easier to vacum.
  2. B

    Help My Sa Puffer Won't Eat

    Try asking the place you got he puffer what they were feeding him. A couple of the puffers I have had needed to be weened off the food the LFS were feeding them. For some reason a few around here use brine shrimp and it takes some getting used to other stuff (bloodworms, mussels, etc...).
  3. B

    Green Spotted Puffer In A 20g Tank

    I did 1 fig 8 and 6 BBGs in a 20gal. They got a long great. I now have 10 BBG and 2 Fig 8s in a 30Gal. The BBGs do a great job of keeping the big debris from the puffers eating out of the tank. One of the Fig 8s was in a hospital tank for 2 months and it was a nightmare keeping the substrate...