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    Blue Ram Laying Eggs Question-- Expert Advice Needed

    Actually nothing is wrong sometimes fish just lay eggs. However they are not fertile or at least there is a very small chance that somehow she mated in the pet store/ or with breeder. But most often nothing will happen if nothing happens then take the eggs out if you see activity in the eggs...
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    Olive Snail Laying Eggs

    Olive snail is laying eggs. I hear that it is uncommon for the eggs to hatch but the little eggs are accumulating and it is very annoying. However my dwarf kribs are in the process of eating the eggs but very slowly. Sould I leave it to the Kribs, or should I take actions myself, or do...
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    Dwarf Krib Not Getting Along With Pleco

    My tank is a twenty gallon and now the pleco does not come out at all.
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    Oscar Help Needed & Asap

    I had my gourami do the same thing and it died a few days later it ended up having a horrible sickness. :(
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    Dwarf Krib Not Getting Along With Pleco

    I just got my first pleco last night and I instantly noticed that my new pleco and Cichlid were fighting.