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  1. P

    Tank Size Required For Tigrinus (zebra Shovelnose)

    Whats min tank size for adult Tig please.
  2. P

    Something A Little Different

    Hes a few pics of some of my recent fish
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    Buying Fish Online In The Uk

    Lets face it people in you LFS are going to say that as they want your cash. Theres lots of web based shops out there, some pretty good, some not so great. It just a case of askin people which ones they have used and what their experiances have been. Alot will depend on the type of fish you wish...
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    Asterophysus Batrachus (gulper Or Ogre Catfish)

    As its filter feeding it could quite easy fill up as it feeds Feed it some big foods ;)
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    Brachyplatystoma Tigrinum

    Lookin g good guys, Cane what you got it feeding on?
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    I Finally Found One

    I would remove the fighter if I was you, otherwise it will be gone in a heartbeat.
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    New Motoro Stingray Question

    Do you have any plants in the tank? My 6ft x 2ft x 2ft would be 0ppm the day of a water change (which are done every sunday religiously) I had 4 giant sized amazon swords in there. Now the fish have finially eaten them (over a year and 3 month period) the water is generally around the 50ppm on...
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    Jumping Stingray.

    As many members have already said this is just what rays do. Must fill good to them as many of mine do it day and night. Id suggest moving tank or selling the ray. Did you research the behaviour of stingrays before putin in a room next to your bed? I guess not or you would have known you would...