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  1. H

    My 3 Tanks

    Nice tanks. I'm digging on the betta tank too! :)
  2. H

    Nutrafin Test Kits

    I agree. I'd go with API as the minimum recommended. There are also even more accurate options, but unless you're running a reef, I wouldn't bother with the added expense.
  3. H

    Anyone Got Ideas For Centerpeice Fish

    I'd recommend a very overlooked and very personable SA cichlid. Check out Festivums... I absolutely love our's. Another similar fish would be a keyhole cichlid. Both about as "community" as angels or gourami IMO.
  4. H

    Howdy Folks!

    New to the site, but not to fish. I'm Harpua's other half and she was good enough to list our current fish in her welcome thread (below). I've kept / bred a ton of different fish, but am still constantly learning from others. I look forward to doing that here. :)...