Search results

  1. M

    Blue Rams

    My rams seem to be very hardy. I have kept a pair for about 18 months and they have yet been one single trouble. Magnificent fish to watch, don't take some sites info too serious get them and decide for yourself!!!!
  2. M

    Dovii Sex

    any tips on how to decipher the sex of a dovii
  3. M

    khuli loach

    Go the kuhli loach. I have one in a tank with: 2 peacocks 5 black widow 6 green barbs electric yellow spiny eel 6 rosy barbs kribensis he has been in there for about 18 months and has his certain areas where you can spot him. I have found that a Bayliss (think that's the name) shell is good...
  4. M

    Mixing Tiger Barbs with other species

    I keep a lot of barbs and they generally prefer to chase amongst their own kind. In about groups of five they are usually only aggressive to each other. HOWEVER, they love to nip anything with a big fin, angels etc. usually get carved down!!!! Go the barbs, in my opinion no other fishes come...
  5. M


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