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  1. G

    Golden Algae?

    thanks for your help guys!
  2. G

    Waking Up To Dead Fish Makes Me Feel Terrible

    Try doing a large water change to reduce the nitrites and the nitrates as 80ppm is pretty high tetras. Also, reducing pH while having high hardness is not a good idea as the water does not have good buffering capability. P.S I have my tetras at a pH of 8.0. Though they dont spawn, they are non...
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    Complete Water Change

    LHutch --> try at Ace Hardware.. they have it in their own brand. known as janitorial strength ammonia
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    Golden Algae?

    Hi all, I recently noticed that some spots on the walls of my tank and some of my gravel have recently started to taken on a yellowish golden color. Can someone please tell me what this is and if it is harmful? I have attached a pic for reference. thanks, greatfish
  5. G

    Bad Amonia In The Tank(pics)

    If you already poured it in, you would have no choice but to restart the tank from scratch to make sure you rid it off any surfactants that might be remaining. Surfactants are toxic to fishes even in trace amounts - its the same thing thats in your liquid soaps as it acts as a binding agent.
  6. G

    Bad Amonia In The Tank(pics)

    Pure ammonia shouldnt foam like that. Yours most likely has surfactants in it. Pure ammonia will sometimes have bubbles but they will disapate within a matter of seconds. do NOT use that in the future for your tanks! hope you can find a pure ammonia source (try local hardware stores). Good Luck :)
  7. G

    Flicking But No White Spots

    yes i do and use it(i'm using Prime) but the ammonia still reads .75ppm after treating it with it
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    Flicking But No White Spots

    thanks for your quick reply, I increased the tank's bio load by about 25%. (i guess that's a little high).. but the tank is fully cycled and it should just take a matter of days before it crashes to 0. my tap water contains tons of chloramines and when broken down its ammonia reading is about...
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    Flicking But No White Spots

    Hi Guys, Recently some of my fishes have started flicking against rocks and plants occasionally. So i inspected them for any white spots and have been unable to find any. There is a little bit of ammonia in the tank due to the addition of some new fishes (~.25ppm). the pH is 8 and all the other...
  10. G

    Possible Fungal Help

    thanks for your help germ
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    Possible Fungal Help

    i'll try to get some of that. so does this confirm that its a fungal infection
  12. G

    Possible Fungal Help

    hi there, thanks for your reply. I have isolated the fish and started it on a treatment of pimafix by API. I'm also reattaching the links for the pics. the fish seems to be staying in one place for some time, but for the most part she swims and acts like the others...
  13. G

    Possible Fungal Help

    can someone please help.. i'l be going out in about half hour and will purchase the necessary medication along the way. Thanks,
  14. G

    Possible Fungal Help

    One of my swortails that I had recently purchased abt 3 days ago, seems to have developed a white scale near her dorsal fin. There also seems to be a scale or two like that on the side of her body. I think its a fungal infection but can someone confirm. I've attached some pics. The water...
  15. G

    Reducing Ph

    Thanks for all your reply guys! . I think i'll use DI water to adjust the ph and hardness. backtotropical please pm on how things went with your case. thanks.
  16. G

    Reducing Ph

    Hi everyone, my tap water has a really high pH(8.0) and is very hard. I was wondering what I can do to reduce the pH as I am trying to breed some tetras that require a ph of around 6. i've heard of adding peat but will the color pose a problem. Also, i've tried with the chemicals, but due to...
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    New Cichlid Tank

    thanks for your help and suggestions. i'll convey this info to him.
  18. G

    New Cichlid Tank

    A friend of mine is interested in setting up a cichlid tank and i was thinking about helping me. The one thing is he has a tight budget. So, he was thinking about using silica sand for the substrate from a local hardware store. Is that allright? Also, he was wondering where he could purchase or...
  19. G

    Bolivian Ram + My Fish

    Discus, thats what I had initially suggested. Serpae and Jewel tetras are the same fish, just alternative names. And trust me, I won't put any of the little tetras in with the Serpaes cuz they are literally mini piranas. Also tiger barbs would be great tankmantes for the serpae(the opinioin of...
  20. G

    Bolivian Ram + My Fish

    Hi yall Would I be able to add a couple of Bolivian Rams to a 46 gallon tank with these fish -Serpae tetra -Glolights -Tiger Barb This is still in the planning stage- I only have 5 jewel tetraes in the 45 gall now.
  21. G

    Serpae Tetras

    thanks for the info. seeing as how nippy my serpaes are, will the german blue rams able to hold against them. also since cichlids in genral are very territorial, how big of a space should i allocate for them?(ie caves; driftwood etc). also, since this is going to be a community tank, how would...
  22. G

    Serpae Tetras

    Guys thanks for the replies. Also will a couple of rams or convict cichlids do well in that community.
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    Serpae Tetras

    Thanks for the replies guys. I already have my serpae tetras in. So which of these two groups of fish will do better in my 46 gallon both for the compatibility and the attractiveness: 1st Group Serpae tetra Tiger Barb Glolights Platies 2nd Group Serpae Tetra Zebra Danios Glolights Platies Also...
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    Are Serpae Tetras And Silver Tip Tetras Fin Nippers?

    serpae tetras are definitely fin nippers if kept in small numbers. with that big a tank, u could probably get abt 9serpae tetras and i think they will be fine
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    Is This A Good Stocking List? 46 G

    thanks for ur replies guys. wat type of catfish would u guys recommend( i'm really new to this stuff) . also i was thinking abt adding a school of danios as well
  26. G

    Serpae Tetras

    Can I mix serpae(jewel) tetras with any of tiger barbs, platies, glolights, and mollies? Also wat about tigers with glolights and jewel tetra. Jewels are fin nippers.
  27. G

    Is This A Good Stocking List? 46 G

    So, I'm planning on a 46 gallon tropical community, and this is my stocking List: 7 Jewel Tetras(5 already in - fin nippers) 8 Tiger Barbs 10 Mollies and Platies 2 Catfish So is it good?