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  1. ShaedM

    What To Do..what To Do.. - i've found this little heater, would this be any good? thats what i was afraid of, turning it into a washing machine the issue of the room etc...
  2. ShaedM

    What To Do..what To Do.. what do you think to this filter? would it be ok?
  3. ShaedM

    What To Do..what To Do..

    i need to purchase a filter, with it being only a small tank and an im going to be using that light, what sort of filter should i get? i was thinking about a hang on filter, but dont know how big they are or if they will be too much, tank might be a little too small for an internal filter...
  4. ShaedM

    £16 2Ft Tank W/ Stand

    can you post a few more pics? or has it been sold?
  5. ShaedM

    What To Do..what To Do..

    right people i have found a small tank, measurements are: Volume in litres: 21 Volume in imperial gallons: 4.619954 Volume in US gallons: 5.548217 pic - its only a small tank and i was wondering what i should put in it, or what would be good to...
  6. ShaedM

    Arrrgh! :(

    he's keeping well clear of the oranda, this one was the bigger of the 2 white cloud minnows and he's alot quicker. oranda just bobbling about eating the lettuce ive thrown in there.
  7. ShaedM

    Arrrgh! :(

    oh god. im worried about the other white cloud minnow now. poor fella just lost his mate. those two were brilliant.
  8. ShaedM

    Arrrgh! :(

    the black moor and fantail doesnt say anything to them, it's the oranda that wants to eat everything :/ are they normally like this compared to say black moors etc
  9. ShaedM

    Arrrgh! :(

    my oranda just swallowed my white cloud minnow and spat him back out..dead. :( im so p***ed off right now and upset. the man at the shop said 'oh they will be fine together' - does this look fine??! the oranda seems to want to swallow everything, the fan tail and black moor are behaving...
  10. ShaedM

    Bit Of Advice Needed...

    thanks mate! :good: ive heard that before that it cant stay alive in the bottle, dont know how they get away with selling that stuff then :angry:
  11. ShaedM

    Fish-in Cycling

    well it says on the back of the bottle, 5ml for ever 10 litre..and i have a 54 litre tank so thats what 25ml..would tha be about a teaspoon amount? ive put a little bit in, as the water has been in there for a while now.
  12. ShaedM

    Fish-in Cycling

    can you use a dechlorinator whilst the fish are in the aquarium?
  13. ShaedM

    Bit Of Advice Needed...

    i have a question..will this stuff work to kill the ammonia and other harmful things? i bought this from the shop <--- do i put some in the tank with the fishes in there or will that be bad?
  14. ShaedM

    Bit Of Advice Needed...

    never really done this cycling thing before or knew anything about it. my tank is quite new, its got fish in it (i know it would be better if it didnt) erm i added some of this stuff and the water that the fish came in, so just wondering would that...
  15. ShaedM

    Hi! :)

    hi there! erm well going by what the online fish tank calculator is saying i have a 54 litre tank. so far ive got 2 white cloud minnows, an oranda, a black moor and fan somewhere that might be too many for a tank that size but they are only tiny at the moment so im guessing in the...
  16. ShaedM

    My Tank

    This is my tank which ive set up recently, 2 white cloud mountain minnows, a fan tail, an oranda, and a black moor.
  17. IMAG0496.jpg


  18. ShaedM

    Hi! :)

    hi there folks, new to this forum, just got a new tank set up so no doubt you will be hearing from me lol. Hope to chat you soon! :D