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  1. B

    what would you add

    well.. seeing as clown loaches and plecs grow to a considerable size, i'm kinda hoping that my top level dwellers will grow to a size where they won't seem so dwarfed by my bottom dwellers. i'm not too surprised about the tank being too small for the sharks, i was thinking that myself. hm... i...
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    what would you add

    clowns, some plecs other than common, possibly royal or the zebra variant... as for sharks, i'm thinking columbian, possibly red tail. on the side note, i was told that most sharks prefer brackish water... is that true?
  3. B

    what would you add

    ok.. so i'm thinking sand bottom, driftwood, and some plants livestock include, 2 maybe 3 plecos, some loaches, maybe a shark or 2. assuming i still have room, what would you get for a top level fish?
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    Hermit crabs

    what's your brother doing differently that you are? things i learned about crabs are that they do better in brackish water, and if they have access to land
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    a betta with neons, guppies and rasboras? NICE!!! haha.. hope it works out for you. but do consider trying to reduce any water movement in the tank. i'm not very knowledgable about bettas, but that's one thing everyone, and i mean EVERYONE tells me they hate
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    Would you buy artificially dyed fish?

    it's not only cruel, but the dye will wear off eventually, won't it? so you're stuck with a fish that doesn't look half as good as when you bought it
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    how long are you leaving your lights on? is the tank standing in direct sunglight?
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    plant ecosystem
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    caring for gouramis

    will gouramis do well with goldfish? i'm askin' cuz my girlfriend has gold fish. and another thing, can gouramis be treated like bettas? or do they actually need swimming room?
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    caring for gouramis

    oh man... i threw in the gold into my cichlid tank fearing for it's life... but it's a freakin' terror in there. it chases around the cons and zebras that are almost twice it's size... now i'm fearing for the lives of my cichlids :blink:
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    fish icons

    ahh... it's all so clear to me now THANKS!!!! lol... add 1 more post to my record
  12. B

    fish icons

    what are they? and what do they signify? plus, how are we put into the groups we are put in? eg: i was once a newbie, now i'm a member
  13. B

    gourami's and cichlids.....

    well.. if those cichlids are not dwarf cichlids, then chances are, they are still juvies... if you are really intent on putting your gourami in the same tank, then now is the best time to do so. most people WILL tell you that cichlid tanks should only be a cichlid tank, but as bangin said, you...
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    caring for gouramis

    thanks julie. that info will save me a couple of bucks! maybe i'll return the gold and get the dwarf ones. oh.. right now, i've got the gold in a 10 gallon tank with a few guppies. i know the gold will eat the guppies. i don't really mind... the guppies were given to me. if i were to go with...
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    caring for gouramis

    you mean they all aren't the same? :blink: ha.. ok.. well i picked out a gold gourami... that's what it was labeled. i plan to pick up a baby blue powder? gourami soon.
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    i know some of you may have had a really bad experience with members of this forum, but they have some nice articles regarding the nitrogen cycle: Nitrogen Cycle Jump starting a tank Fishless Cycling
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    Clown Loaches

    i've heard their antics is what got them their name... they act so clownish
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    caring for gouramis

    hello all. i just picked up my first gourami... ever. i've not experience with this species so a lot of advice would be very welcome. i know they're pretty easy to keep, but still, i would like to boost my confidence in caring for this fish. thanks in advance
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    Washing Sand

    use some kind of scoop to drop the sand to minimize the debris you might have missed while washing, from floating around.
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    new cichlid tank

    i'm setting up my new tank with sand.. and i'm rather uncomfortable with the idea of gasses myself... but a lot of people seem to do well with sand... it i guess it won't hurt to try
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    baby guppies

    so you're using 'old' water?
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    new cichlid tank

    try buying the anubia and java species of plants.. my cichlids stay away from them. plus, those species are pretty hardy.
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    new cichlid tank

    is that sand you're using? if it is, aren't you afraid of the gas buildup? most people i talk to say that with sand, you should only keep it to 1-2 inches it's easier to maintain that way. with that much sand, i'm sure you're sifting through it at each water change to release the gasses that are...
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    bettas, silver dollars, angels

    ok... so no dollars.... how does the rest of the stocking list sound?
  25. B

    bettas, silver dollars, angels

    well, i was planning on adding gouramis to that list, but i've already read that gourami's and bettas are not a good combo. :( so... will that little list of mine work? they're going into a 75 gallon tank. i'm thinking 2-3 females for my 1 male betta... so that's 4. 6 or so dollars... 6 or so...
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    angel fish

    how did you introduce the fish into the tank? and yes, i do believe angels come in black:
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    strange thing, ich. i noticed that my fish had it... all i did was raise the temp, change the water everyday, like 40-50%... within a week, the ich was gone. at least i hope it's gone :-(
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    scissortail witha sunken in belly

    i had the same problem with my cichlids. i feared for their lives thinking they had contracted a disease, but it turns out i wasn't feeding them enough :*) before trying meds, try adding a little more food to fatten it up. if that doesn't work, you're gonna have to deal with a sick fish.
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    This has got me beat

    have you tried any meds for fungus? that's the first thing that came in mind when you mentioned the 'hair' was white.
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    yeah... i just read up on ottos... nice looking, but as mentioned, really sensitive. on top of all that, a 10 gallon tank would not suffice in feeding a group of 2-3 ottos. they end up starving to death because there wouldn't be enough algae to eat. i'll be looking up apple snails tomorrow then...
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    i'd rather not add a pleco... it'll grow rather large... i had one in there before, and the next thing i knew, it grew to almost half my tank... :blink: ha... sides... i need the plec in my bigger tank that i have yet to set up
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    ottos hey...? hmm.... thanks. i'll look into them... they're kinda ugly looking when they're on the glass tho... :S
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    i've got a 10 gallon tank that needs some algae eaters... will snails do? i'm taking this route because i don't know of any other fish, other than plecos, that will help keep my tank clean.
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    fish swimming WEIRD!!!

    does anyone know what causes a fish to swim in a barrell-roll motion?
  35. B

    need ides for 75 gal.

    ha... well... :*) ok... so i'm still into cichlids :D anyone have any suggestions as to how many angels, discus, gouramis i can put in my tank? also, would anyone have any 'combonations' they might suggest for me?
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    need ides for 75 gal.

    hmm... maybe i wasn't too clear with my post: i'd like to get away from cichlids in my new tank. i'm thinking angels, discus, gouramis and the like... unless they are cichlids themselves :D .... like i said, i'm far from being a pro.
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    need ides for 75 gal.

    ok... i'm not a total newb with fishes... (70 gal. cichlid tank) but neither am i a pro. i like cichlids and all... but i want to have some diversity in my room. now, i just acquired a 75 gallon tank and would like suggestions on the fish i can keep in there... and amount. right now, i'm...