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  1. B

    Brizillian Feshwater Puffer

    I think SA puffers are supposed to be the least nippy.... mine certainly doesnt even think about it, he gets scared by my tetras!
  2. B

    Some photos of my tank

    She was a ghost shrimp, not an amano and was about 3 inches long. She would chase after them and nip their fins, eventually she got lucky and caught them. She held them with one set of pincers and nibbled away with her others. She got them both at night, when presumably they couldnt see her so...
  3. B

    Some photos of my tank

    Yes... shrimp can kill! Apparently most ghost shrimp are pretty peaceful, but mine grew huge, was shedding her skin every 2 weeks and then started chasing my fish around. Eventually she caught two of the corys and she had to go back to the shop. I hope she gets put in a tank with some really big...
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    Some photos of my tank

    My tank, with a background... not sure if I like it though, let me know what you think! I think I might get some more plants and really build it up at the back, but I'm quite unlucky with plants, the ones there are the only ones which havent died on me!
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  6. B

    Some photos of my tank

    My cute little puffer!
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    Some photos of my tank

    My rearranged tank as it is now... puff is attacking his own reflection again!
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  10. B

    Some photos of my tank

    Bt of a dark photo... but I love it when they all swim through the arch!
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    Some photos of my tank

    Pentazona barbs and X-ray tetras
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  14. B

    Some photos of my tank

    Heres some photos of my tank.... hope you like them! These were my lovely corys... sadly the evil shrimp hiding under the wood killed two of them :( She went back to the shop pronto after that!
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  16. B

    SA Puffer Behaviour

    Hello, My new little collomesus is now eating fine on blood worms! Thanks for all your help. However, I'm a little worried about his behaviour... He seems to spend all day swimming up and down ferociously, often against the glass - it looks like hes attacking his reflection! Ive got a couple...
  17. B

    What should I feed my puffer?

    Cheers guys, I got some frozen bloodworm today and now his little belly is all fat and rounded :) I've now got a 'multipack' with the bloodworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia and something else, I cant remember what! Still nothing crunchy though... I managed to find two snails in my tank and have...
  18. B

    What should I feed my puffer?

    Hello, I have just bought the most goregous little south american puffer (colomesus), but havent managed to get him to eat anything yet. I have read up that I need to give him snails, but hes only tiny and the guy in the shop said hes probably too small to be able to eat them yet. (bit of...
  19. B

    Evil Shrimp

    She has a little cave which she stays in most of the day... but the fish are too stupid not to go near it! and in the evening and at night she tends to go wandering... I guess I'll just have to hope they get better at realising not to bother her, their tails grow back quite quick, I just dont...
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    Evil Shrimp

    That looks like her... apart from the peaceful bit maybe! I've just taken a photo, not sure if the attachment will work though
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  22. B

    Evil Shrimp

    No red stripe wuvmybetta, although her tail has a reddish tinge to it. I was assured she was definately a shrimp.
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    Evil Shrimp

    Yeah, she has laid eggs a few times... no babies though I guess someone eats them. Good job though since I dont have room for 500 shrimps! Cant move her I'm afriad as I only have one tank, and dont yet have space or money for another!
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    Evil Shrimp

    Yeah, its definately the shrimp, I catch her chasing them sometimes.
  25. B

    Evil Shrimp

    About a month ago I got a ghost shrimp for my 10 gallon tank. Shes really cool and is obviosuly doing well as she has grown loads and moulted quite a few times. The only problem is that my fish keep losing their tails! She is turning into a bit of a bully, chasing my corys around and everyone...
  26. B

    Evil Shrimp!!

    About a month ago I got a ghost shrimp for my 10 gallon tank. Shes really cool and is obviosuly doing well as she has grown loads and moulted quite a few times. The only problem is that my fish keep losing their tails! She is turning into a bit of a bully, chasing my corys around and everyone...
  27. B

    What's this fish?

    Hmmm, thats what I thought he might be, but I was hoping he wasnt! He does a great job of munching up my algae, but has started to get a bit jumpy and agressive. I've only got a little tank, which I'm sure he will get way too big for - I told the guy in the shop what tank I had and said I...
  28. B

    What's this fish?

    Could anyone help me out here... I'm not sure what species this fish is!! Thanks, Becks
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