Search results

  1. D

    Returning to Livebearers

    Thanks! Another group suggested not a good mix.
  2. D

    Returning to Livebearers

    Changing tank back to livebearers. Would the following mix work in a 240L (ish): Xiphiphorus Montezuma Rio Tamasopo Zoogoneticus tequila or other suggestions to go with the Montezuma Swords Thanks!
  3. D

    Unusual Livebearers Wanted

    Just wondered if anyone's got any of the following going: Xiphiphorus Montezuma Rio Tamasopo Phallichthys Tico characodon lateralis los berros Looking for small groups (2/3M & 5/6F) or youngsters Are you going to the Robinhood Aquarists or Bristol Auction? Or Can direct me to where to get...