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  1. W

    Emrgancy Fishy Needs Help!

    I left for the weekend and i came back to my fish tank practically green i quickly cleaned the filter and i noticed this guys bleeding his fins are all messed up and his eyes look really bad hes floating around barely swimming but still alive. I iscolated him into another smaller beta tank and...
  2. W


    Mr yellow (bubbles) is an angry fish thats foursure but i put another chinchilld in the tank to even it out about the same size.. Everything else is looking better every one seems to be happy except bubbles but thats because he doesnt like mr convict chinichill or what ever, btw im located in...
  3. W


    going to get dechlorinator today, the other two died last night and my one yellow fish seems like hes eating the other fish or trying to hes deff abusing the angel fish because he looks really roughed up im posting a picture of him im guessing hes the big one of the tank and he wants to rule it?
  4. W


    Emergancy i have six tropical fish i dont really know what kind they aree ill add pictures later! basiclly moving to new place took fish out of tank in bucket travelled lightly at for half hour to new place! Didnt bring the big tank with me but brought the small one! put the six medium sized...