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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    What fish to get for new tank!

    Thanks for the advice, male and female sounds good 👍
  2. J

    What fish to get for new tank!

    Oh yeah so they are! They do seem pretty good fish to keep. If getting a pair would 2 males work?! Or just a single male be better?
  3. J

    What fish to get for new tank!

    Thanks for the advice. I'll look to get more Rasboras and floating plant, my only worry is overcrowding. Which I was the reason why I was thinking about dwarf gouramis, but if a honey gouramis is ok for 90L tank then that is even better I think. I don't have sand so maybe need to re-think...
  4. J

    What fish to get for new tank!

    Hi, I have a 90L tank with soft water about 3gh and 3kh in tank (less in tap) and 6.8 ph. I am planning on stocking tank with friendly fish. I am thinking 5-6 harlequin rasbora's, 1 blue dwarf Gourami and maybe a catfish or 2. I want a colorful tank, without the risk of bullying if possible...
  5. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Can't believe it. Tested Nitrites this morning and they were at zero! Ammonia seems just off yellow so more like 0.25 still. So either faulty test kit, I am reading the results wrong or the bacteria is causing ammonia. Guess ill find out if i stop using fluval bio cycle and see what happens.
  6. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    I have been using Fluval bio cycle so not followed the guide exactly, but I did read it and used it as a guide. I have been told that adding bottled bacteria produces its own ammonia so maybe thats not helping it get to zero. I'll try and test Ph level more often. My kh is lower from the tap...
  7. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Great idea ill try getting a babies syringe ? no point adding more than is needed!
  8. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    I gave this a try, tested yellow, no ammonia in the tap water. So maybe I need to add less conditioner. But saying that my bucket is 20 L so i'd need to measure out 0.33ml which is going to be hard ?
  9. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    I am not sure how to test tap water for chloramines? I went on the safe side and added 1ml for every 20 litres (3ml per 60 litres). Just in case tap water had chloramines.
  10. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    I was going for the bit that said to detoxify chloramines, which is 3ml per 60 litres. Maybe that is a mistake?
  11. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Thanks, my tap water is really low in Kh and General hardness is low too. I have just tested ammonia and it is now at 0.25/0.5 so good news it went down but bad news it took 4 days to go down. Going by history it won't get to zero any time soon. Nitrites are plus 2 and hard to tell how much...
  12. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Thanks I gave this a try and it was all clear so I guess it is ok after all. Cheers
  13. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Yeah i'll continue to do that and post the results. Thanks
  14. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Yeah I am tempted to try a different ammonia source just in case. But I have a large bottle and a few reviews on amazon have said it worked well for cycling. So not sure
  15. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Water conditioner is API tap water conditioner 1ml for 20 litres of tap water. Ammonia is knockout household ammonia Temp about 26-27 Celsius Api master test kit I think the ammonia is ok as it says contains 5-9% ammonia. The testing is tricky to be sure its accurate but don't think i am far...
  16. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Gravel, fake plants and bogwood. That's all I have put in.
  17. J

    Cycling tank slow now going backwards!

    Hi, I am using fluval cycle to help cycle 90 litre tank. Attached is a record of everything I have done. Can anyone see where I am going wrong? I think the first time I added ammonia, I added too much. Also maybe let Nitrite levels get too high. Any advice? My family keep asking why we can't...
  18. Screenshot_20210527-185421_Sheets.jpg


  19. J

    Low Gh and Kh

    Thats good to know and if it starts to lower in the tank i'll know why. Good to get advice on here as trying to find advice on websites is pretty hard, there is a lot of contradictory advice out there on different sites!
  20. J

    Low Gh and Kh

    Tried testing the water after 24 hours and it's coming up about 6.8/7 I thought it would be lower. But at least it isn't above 7 I suppose. Thanks for your help.
  21. J

    Low Gh and Kh

    Thank you, I tested the tap water and it was about 6.8 ph. I'll try testing again after leaving the water for 24 hours and post the outcome. Good to know that I have good water and I don't need to do anything like RO!
  22. J

    Low Gh and Kh

    Thanks Byron, that's reassuring. I was planning not to go for live bearers anyway so that works out well. Thinking about Harlequin Rasboras to start with. Yeah the Ph level was about 6.8 from the tap. But waiting for the tank to cycle and see what the ph level is in the tank.
  23. J

    Low Gh and Kh

    Hi, I have tested our tap water and the Gh is 2 & Kh 0.5/1 - I want to have perfect conditions for my fish so I am willing to add a product to the water to raise these numbers. Should I do this? Fish shops advise that it will be ok cause most fish are breed in captivity and are used to it and...
  24. J

    Cycle tank with microbe lift filter gel

    Thanks, I decided to try fluval cycle, totally agree natural is best, but have impatient kids! But I will not add any fish until I am sure the filter has been established properly. Day 4 I have 0.25 ammonia and 0 Nitrites. The thing that is troubling me most is my tap water done several tests...
  25. J

    Cycle tank with microbe lift filter gel

    Hi everyone, I have setup a roma 90 tank and had decided to try fluval cycle enhancer to speed up cycle process. Went to local fishkeeper and they didnt have it and talked me round using microbe lift filter gel instead. Saying it takes 3 days and no need to add ammonia as the gel does it all and...