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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    15 Gal Low Tech Tank

    Things been set up for a while now, water quality parameters have always been on point even if I’ve neglected a water change for a while. Lost a few cardinals along the way but I added some Glowlight tetras a couple months back and they compliment the Cardinals very well. The bolbitus has really...
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  4. D

    15 Gal Low Tech Tank

    Thanks for the love all. Phoenix, the Christmas Moss I just wedged into bits of the driftwood though that doesn't strike me as super small. The spindly bit in the middle is just covered in a nice looking algae buildup if that's what you're referring too. Darkomot and Kyle, I live in Australia...
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    15 Gal Low Tech Tank

    Haven't been to active on this forum but I got some help here and shared some pics when I set it up so just posting an update. Tank has been set up for about 10 months, in it live 8 Cardinal Tetras, a colony of poorly graded red cherry shrimp, a good handfull of Malaysian Trumpet Snails and...
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  9. D

    Cardinal Tetra Help, Internal White Spots

    Missed a few details, Tank 60L water volume, Temp 24C, API Quickstart added with most water changes, tank mates are cherry shrimp and rando snails, have noticed some planaria worms very infrequently, last water change was 50% 4 days ago. Tank is a bit over a month old.
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    Cardinal Tetra Help, Internal White Spots

    Hi all, yesterday I noticed one of my Cardinals had some internal white spots that have appeared suddenly. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate between 0 and 5, didn't test pH but it's almost always around 7. Fisho is actively eating and seems healthy otherwise. Best picture I could get with my phone...
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  13. D

    New to the forum

    So far I have collected my suppplies from Nature Aquariums in Mont Albert, they have a good range of livestock, plants, hardscape and Mentone Aquarium who also have some notable display tanks and a lot of livestock. As for stocking I will only be putting more Cardinal Tetras in this one. That's...
  14. D

    BetterWithBettas - February 2020 Tank of the Month Winner!

    Great tank, I love the plant selection. Have you added any root tabs etc to keep them going in the gravel? Best of luck.
  15. D

    New to the forum

    Here is day one, I just didn't really like the placement. I also messed up with the plants and ended up with a couple untrue aquatics which were an impulse buy so they had to go too.
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  17. D

    New to the forum

    Thank's all, I really enjoyed setting this up. Was a bit of a pain replanting so soon but that's what I get for not putting enough thought in initially. The substrate is Pisces Aquaearth, seems to be pretty good, the hairgrass had heaps of new roots before I replanted and 0 ammonia and nitrite...
  18. D

    New to the forum

    G'day guys, new to the forum, I had a freshwater aquarium through my teens but but it's been a few years since then, decided to set up a tank I've had sitting in a corner for years. Tank is about 50L water with substrate and hardscape, custom 20W LED I made a couple years ago, been cycling for a...
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