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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JxsPxxle

    29 Gallon Tank Stocking Question

    Angelfish get very large , about 6 inches so this tank is too small to house them. As for the other four i’m not too sure.
  2. JxsPxxle

    Breeding for Profit in a 10 gallon?

    You could try a pair of dwarf puffers? These sell for a decent amount and not many people breed them as the majority are wild caught.
  3. JxsPxxle

    What kind of singular fish can I have with mystery snails?

    Kuhli loaches need plenty of space at the bottom of the tank to move around. 5g is far too small i would suggest a 25 g long at least for them.
  4. JxsPxxle

    New aquarium, Need stocking and handling advice

    Two male bettas will always fight, sometimes to the death. It is possible to keep a male with a group of females however. But they may breed. As for other inhabitants many shrimp should do fine in a tank this size, I have amanis, cherry shrimp and blue velvet in a 60l and they do great. You...
  5. JxsPxxle

    Good or bad snail?

    It works great and if you get particularly big snails put them in the main tank and they may reproduce without the puffers finding the eggs so you never have to feed them, other then the occasional bag of blood worms.
  6. JxsPxxle

    Sphagnum Moss

    Yeah i was thinking a better idea of what to do with this moss is just to plant it in plant pots around my house. Or try submerse it for a while in my spare tank and see how it does.
  7. JxsPxxle

    Sphagnum Moss

    Has anyone ever tried growing sphagnum moss underwater. I was in the reptile section of my lfs and I found a box of sphagnum moss so i bought it to see what I could do with it. Has anyone ever tried doing this?
  8. JxsPxxle

    River stream 53g

    I had 10 khulis in a 55g and they were amazing little fish they would fly around the tank so fast. They may hide a bit and they are nocturnal but if you have the light on during the evening you will see them flying around the tank. Never had any issues with them, they’re my favourite little fish.
  9. JxsPxxle

    Good or bad snail?

    Whenever I am in my lfs I ask for him all the pest snails they have, I let them breed in a separate tank and then feed them to my dwarf puffers! It’s a great way to not have to cash out on live food like blood worms.
  10. JxsPxxle

    New tank with snails

    Just out of curiosity what fish are you putting into this tank?
  11. JxsPxxle

    Platy fry

    You should get a smaller type of shrimp just be safe, such as red cherry shrimp, blue velvet shrimp or yellow shrimp etc.
  12. JxsPxxle

    What kind of singular fish can I have with mystery snails?

    You mentioned goldfish? I hope you do know goldfish and betta fish need completely different environments.
  13. JxsPxxle

    Floating Plants

    Could anyone recommend any good floating plants? I would like to add some to my 18g long tank. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  14. JxsPxxle

    My DIY brine shrimp hatchery

    I wanted to do this for my dwarf puffers. What would i feed these things to grow them to adults?
  15. JxsPxxle

    Need a Cleanup Crew

    Maybe a group of otocinclis? These could do the job. However no fish is guaranteed to get rid of algae and it is better to rid of it manually.
  16. JxsPxxle

    Splitting freshwater stock between 3 gallon and new 5 gallon

    For a 5 gallon tank you could keep something such as chili rasbora, maybe a group of about 6, or you could keep some endlers guppies, about 6 as well. As long as the betta is the only fish in one of the tanks it should be fine. You can put many shrimp into small tanks, you could probably have at...
  17. JxsPxxle

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Just me who’s only 15 then? Oh
  18. JxsPxxle

    Is this 100% white spot? Or a pattern

    Lots of stores will take donations of fish, near me anyway. He should probably just keep trying to find a store that will take them in.
  19. JxsPxxle

    Can freshwater pipefish eat microworms?

    Maybe you could keep a species of crab?
  20. JxsPxxle


    This behavior is completely normal for platys, however moving them to a separate tank may have stressed them causing them to hide, but for best results with fry your doing the right thing.
  21. JxsPxxle

    What is this on my glass?

    I agree. I have had corydoras that lay eggs on the glass like that. They are unlikely to hatch unfortunately as corydoras will not look after their eggs.
  22. JxsPxxle

    Problem with Snails

    A dwarf puffers diet consists mainly of snails. But I have learnt that this fish should be kept only with other of its species, other than maybe a couple of larger shrimp and big snails. You would have to get a tank for this fish though and it’s probably too much work just to stop a small...
  23. JxsPxxle

    Using filter to cycle

    A few weeks ago I stopped using a small 5 gallon tank and used the filter sponge to give a larger tank a head start cycling. Would it be alright to now remove this filter sponge and put it back in the 5 gallon tank?
  24. JxsPxxle

    Bloodfin tetras

    What size tank are these fish in?
  25. JxsPxxle

    What kind of pleco

    Yes that is most definitely a bristlenose pleco.
  26. JxsPxxle

    Help my arowana

    You’ll need to post a picture so someone can help.
  27. JxsPxxle

    How do cardinal tetras sleep?

    I’m not exactly sure how they sleep, but when I had kept them previously while they were supposedly sleeping they would very pale and their colours would fade.
  28. JxsPxxle

    White dot in water

    It is nothing to worry about. It will be a cyclops copepod, they will move around your tank one jump at a time and are completely harmless. If you look very closely, you should see an oval, followed by two small ovals on each side. Again, this is harmless and some fish will eat these, but if...
  29. JxsPxxle

    Dwarf Puffers and Tiger Barbs

    It is with the puffers yes, every website will say that otocinclis is the best, if not only tank mate for them. Is this information false?
  30. JxsPxxle

    Progression of my 55 gallon

    Looks fantastic, you have done a great job.
  31. JxsPxxle

    Dwarf Puffers and Tiger Barbs

    Right so i’ve decided the right thing to do is take back the tiger barbs. It was a mistake, but my lfs has some otocinclis coming in on Tuesday so i’m hoping to get store credit and basically swap them for a group of 4 otocinclis, this should be fine right ?
  32. JxsPxxle

    Vacuuming a tank withshimp in it.

    I have kept lots of different types of shrimp and I have never seen them burrow, if you get near them with the vacuum they will most likely just zoom off in another direction. I vacuum my gravel with no issues.
  33. JxsPxxle

    Dwarf Puffers and Tiger Barbs

    I did not know that a small group of tiger barbs needed such a large tank, and I was not prepared as my lfs gave me false information. All I can do right now is move them to a 5.5 gallon tank which would be almost pointless, maybe I could though.
  34. JxsPxxle

    Dwarf Puffers and Tiger Barbs

    I’m not exactly new to fish keeping but i haven’t been doing it for as long as most people as i’m only a kid. I’m going to have to try and get another tank to house one of these two species, wether it be the puffers or the tigers, and obtain more tigers to go in with the others. For now, I will...
  35. JxsPxxle

    Vote Now...January 2020 Tank of the Month

    My tank is an Aqua-Internal with 5 different types of live plants, two rocks and a small piece of driftwood. Size: 54x32x30cm Capacity: 60L Age: Newly set up, only 2 weeks old. Stocking: 4 Dwarf Pea Puffers, 2 Albino Tiger Barbs, 2 Green Tiger Barbs, 2 Regular Tiger Barbs, 3 Red Cherry Shrimp...
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  37. JxsPxxle

    Dwarf Puffers and Tiger Barbs

    So i’m experimenting with these two species. I purchased four dwarf puffers a month ago and they were put in a 5.5 gallon for a week or two while i cycled my larger tank, I guess you could say i quarantined then in there. I have now put them in to the larger tank and... they are only tiny little...
  38. JxsPxxle

    Honey Gourami in 5 gallon tank

    112.5 ppl of calcium carbonate per litre of water is the results i’ve been given. It states that my water is quite soft with moderate hardness.
  39. JxsPxxle

    Honey Gourami in 5 gallon tank

    Thank you for the replies. I currently do not know the hardness of my water but in an old tank i used to have I had water of moderate hardness.
  40. JxsPxxle

    Honey Gourami in 5 gallon tank

    Okay. Thank you I will rethink.