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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. lazarusthefishboy10

    Here they are

    Wow!!! Beautiful fry! They look so happy!!! Such a sweet fish!!!
  2. lazarusthefishboy10

    Fish with a fin issue

    oh, oops! Sorry about that! How embarrassing... I meant Rainbowfish!!!
  3. lazarusthefishboy10

    Fish with a fin issue

    That is fin rot disease. How annoying. Fin Rot can be the result of a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas fluorescens, which causes a ragged rotting of the fin), or as a fungal infection (which rots the fin more evenly and is more likely to produce a white "edge"). Sometimes, both types of...
  4. lazarusthefishboy10

    Any tips on breeding bolivian blue ram cichlids?

    Today i am gonna get a breeding pair of rams, and would like to know if you have any tips on breeding these fish. Temperature: 25, but will change it to 27 degrees celsius when I can Tank size: 90L (25G) Plants: Anubias and other high ones I don't know the name of Tank mates: 1x zebra danio, 1x...
  5. lazarusthefishboy10

    Guppy Care Guide

    Those are not my tanks. Only the guppy fry tank that has horrible lighting! I used other videos with permission too! Thanks so much for your compliment! Have a good day!
  6. lazarusthefishboy10

    Guppy Care Guide

    Hey everyone! Just wanted you to checkout this video I just uploaded that I put a lot of effort into! Plenty of info! So if you don't know what guppies are, this video will tell you everything you need to know about these fish before you buy them! Enjoy, and please give me some supportive...
  7. lazarusthefishboy10

    Vote Now......June 2020 Tank of the Month contest..The Nano Tanks

    Hi, all! I know this looks boring, but in the future it will become a beautiful aquascape! Once I am able to go busking and earn a few hundred bucks, I will completely be rescaping this tank. I will: -Layout white sand on the bottom as substrate -Get a Sponge Filter (hang-on) -Get a good quality...
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  9. lazarusthefishboy10

    Come chat live!

    Click the link bellow, and it'll take you to my premiere video. It won't start till Friday, but you can still chat in the live chat beneath it. Would really appreciate you join the live chat! Click the link bellow:
  10. lazarusthefishboy10

    Does Anyone Quarantine Plants?

    No, I don't LOL!
  11. lazarusthefishboy10

    power outage

    Wow! You're very lucky! the longest I have had a power outage with all my aquariums would be for 1 MINUTE!:p But, when you do go away, make sure there is a friend of yours who will check in on the fish every few hours! I know it is lockdown, but you should for sure be able to get someone to keep...
  12. lazarusthefishboy10

    Hi, from Lazarus the fish boy!

    Hi Aqua Listic! I see you know my channel and all! Welcome!
  13. lazarusthefishboy10

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    No... :( But one day I should! They look so cool!
  14. lazarusthefishboy10

    bacopa with roots

    bacopas are really cool!;):good:
  15. lazarusthefishboy10

    Greetings from a guppy fan!

    You are very welcome! In fact you are always welcomed! ;)
  16. lazarusthefishboy10

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    That is a beautiful cute shrimp! I love bamboo shrimp! Good luck keeping them!;)
  17. lazarusthefishboy10

    New photos!

  18. lazarusthefishboy10

    Weird Platy/Molly mouth

    Wow!!! Never seen that before! So strange! I am sorry for the losses. They looked very pretty and cute! ;)
  19. lazarusthefishboy10

    My Cardinals are disappearing! Post your thoughts here!

    Hello, all! Today I just came back from my beach house and 3 of my cardinals are missing. I have seen one of them, that was eaten, and it was not a pretty sight. My fish haven't been fed for four days, and I am starting to come to a conclusion that my other fish got very hungry and thought it...
  20. lazarusthefishboy10

    Greetings from London

    Welcome, welcome, welcome! :hi: I hope you find this online fish forum helpful! such a great website and I guarantee you you will find it amazing! I sure do anyway! The fish keeping hobby is a brilliant and fun hobby! Keep us up to date on that planted tank too! we would all love to see it...
  21. lazarusthefishboy10

    How to treat and identify the top 3 most common aquarium fish diseases

    Don't worry! They were just off the internet. The only disease any of my fish has had lately was pop eye. But it is long gone, sadly... :( But thank you for watching! :)
  22. lazarusthefishboy10

    How to treat and identify the top 3 most common aquarium fish diseases

    Hey, guys! Today just wanted to share with you how to treat and identify the top 3 most common fish diseases; pop eye, bloat/dropsy, injuries. Enjoy and I would love to know what your thoughts are on the video! Thank you!
  23. lazarusthefishboy10

    What is your favourite livebearer?

    Who in this forum keeps Livebearers AND what type is your favourite? Here is my swordtail! She is a female, no name, but lives in a 90 litre aquarium with a bunch of cardinal tetras, a pearl gourami, a bunch of bottom dwellers, a zebra dan etc. I have had her for a few months now and she just...
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  28. lazarusthefishboy10

    My new outdoor Guppy patio pond/tub/thing!?

    I subbed! Great channel! (BTW You may like my channel as well: all about fish! It is called "Lazarus the fish boy"!) You have great vids! Keep it up!:thumbs:
  29. lazarusthefishboy10

    Fun fact of the day

    I am going to go to my bedroom and do that right now! Thank you for giving me that incredibly safe, healthy fun thing to do! And I'm off! ;)
  30. lazarusthefishboy10

    Tank mates for a Jack Dempsey

    You could get a breeding couple, then they will have fry and you will be able to watch them produce more Jack Dempsey's! Incredible, right?o_O
  31. lazarusthefishboy10

    Fish ID ?

    Looks like some sort of Congo Tetra... whenever you first add them to an aquarium they lose coloration like that, but after a while they turn out amazing!;)
  32. lazarusthefishboy10

    favourite guppy

    my favourite guppy would have to be the Blue Grass! They look superb! ;)
  33. lazarusthefishboy10

    One of my beautiful girls I’ve watched grow from a fry. What’s yours?

    Wow!!! What a beautiful, lovely girl! i have a bristle nose pleco too! Such a wonderful fish! She is a female as well but never seems to be sucking on the glass. She is mainly just hiding in her mini cave, and I don't know why... She used to be super active! I give her an algae wafer once a day...
  34. lazarusthefishboy10

    Hey, for anyone who is curious or is starting out in the fish keeping hobby, then here's the...

    Hey, for anyone who is curious or is starting out in the fish keeping hobby, then here's the link to my YouTube channel that's about fish keeping and all sorts of fish videos! I hope you enjoy my channel! Link bellow...
  35. lazarusthefishboy10

    Platy Fry

    CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it a lot! Great pics of them BTW! There are a lot of fry you got from her! Keep it up and good luck with your fry! ;) :good:
  36. lazarusthefishboy10

    Advice on Fluval Flex Aquarium

    I think it should be a good starter tank! 32.5 gallons is big, and perfect for a beginner like you who has kept fish way in the past. God luck with your new aquarium! ;)
  37. lazarusthefishboy10

    If you were to be an aquarium fish, what would you be?

    That is certainly true, although really an aquarium is not big enough- they should be in the open ocean. But they can live quite a while in an aquarium. But you would have to be cared for very well! But cool choice! :good: