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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. lazarusthefishboy10

    True or False?

    Hi guys! I thought why don't we start a new game, but a bit different. I say something about fish and you say true or false. Then, once someone has guessed the most recent true or false question, the next person (whoever sees an empty spot next) gets to make a new true or false. It can be as...
  2. lazarusthefishboy10

    Crystal shrimp

    No, not really. But wow, I see why you want some crystal shrimp! They're gorgeous. But good luck, mate! :)
  3. lazarusthefishboy10

    Can I make a walstad set up in a 1/4-1/2 gallon jar??

    Well, you could, but i agree with NCaquatics. 1 gallon IS better. Either way, you won't really be able to add any fish or shrimp to it. Maybe some baby tadpoles, but is quite a small enclosure. ;)
  4. lazarusthefishboy10

    Hi, from a member

    Hello @vanalisa! Great to see you are doing good!
  5. lazarusthefishboy10

    VOTE NOW...August 2020 Fish of the Month Contest (Gourami)

    . This is my Pearl Gourami. He lives in a community 90L aquarium (25 gallons) with anubias, driftwood, other plants, and many different types of fish. He is a male, and shows that beautiful pearl coloration! Hope you like him. I sure do! Actually, I don't love him. I LOVE him
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  7. lazarusthefishboy10

    fish game

    Yep! Well done!!! ;)
  8. lazarusthefishboy10

    Fish Store July

    What a cool pet store! I love it!!! :wub:
  9. lazarusthefishboy10

    fish game

    Here's a pic! You never gonna guess it hehe!
  10. lazarusthefishboy10

    African fish losing weight

    It looks fine to me, but maybe I'm not seeing it properly. It could be an internal parasite that eating away in it, and eating all the food it eats. Get @Colin_T to tell you how to treat internal parasites, mate! Good luck with your fish! He is a gorgeous little one! ;)
  11. lazarusthefishboy10

    Neon Tetra Ich or something else?

    It looks like an injury. One of the other neon tetras or fish might've had a go at it. It is best to separate it from the others for a little why, with no contact with any fish. Isolation perhaps... Good luck with your neon tetras. Hope it will live a happy, long life! :)
  12. lazarusthefishboy10

    True love

    That is sooo cool! What a gorgeous bond! :wub: Hope you get some good breeding out of them! ;):thumbs:
  13. lazarusthefishboy10

    Video How to keep a successful planted aquarium - 5 PRO TIPS!!!

    G'day tropical Fish Forum! How's it going? It's Lazarus. i know i haven't been on this fish forum lately, that's because I've been very busy with school work, fish maintenance etc. Just wanted to share with you a video I made yesterday, to do with keeping successful planted aquariums (more...
  14. lazarusthefishboy10


    Nope, the pH is 7.6 and the bi-carb soda does the trick. I measure my water parameters with the Freshwater Master Test Kit, and according to the pH on that, it's 7.6 and has been hovering over that
  15. lazarusthefishboy10


    No drop. In fact, it always stayed low until I added some Bi-carb soda to the aquarium which raised the pH to the right way. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 pH: 30ppm I'm doing a water change tomorrow (50%) And I have 2 internal filters going at a nano-tank size, but is doing a GREAT job keeping the water...
  16. lazarusthefishboy10


    I will leave it in and just do water changes to keep the tannins stable, because i just realised, here's a question for all of you, where do the fish come from in the wild? Lakes, rivers, creeks... right? So if you think about it, all those bodies of water has tannins from dirt, branches, dead...
  17. lazarusthefishboy10

    Has anyone here had a fish survive dropsy?

    Don't worry, your not the only who feels bad...
  18. lazarusthefishboy10


    I just set up an 80L aquarium. I did a walstad method planted tank, and the tannins from the organic potting soil are turning the water browny-yellow and is lowering the ph. Please help me? How do I get rid of the tannins without removing the soil? PLEASE HELP!!!
  19. lazarusthefishboy10


    Yeah, OK! Thanks for the suggestion! I'll do that! ;)
  20. lazarusthefishboy10


    Hi everyone! Just got a new tank: 60cmx30cmx45cm What do you think? Hope you enjoy the video! And have an amazing day!!! BTW I would appreciate any feedback! ;)
  21. lazarusthefishboy10

    Vote Now...July 2020 Pet of the Month contest.

    This is Lenny! He is 5 years old turning 6 in August He is a pure breed of Border Collie (dog) He is a smouchie pooch who never leaves our side. We'll let him outside out of the gate, and if we don't keep an eye on him, he'll still stick around and NEVER run away. he always wants to be by our...
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  23. lazarusthefishboy10

    What kind of Goldfish is it?

    It is a common or comet goldfish. Either one are similar fish and have same needs. The goldfish will need a 40 gallon aquarium at least very soon! It's already quite big and gets HUGE in captivity! ;)
  24. lazarusthefishboy10

    Dead Molly

    Sorry for your loss! It is so annoying when fish die, and very sad! I hope this rarely happens...
  25. lazarusthefishboy10


    Hello and welcome, Juli! You are always welcomed on this forum and I'm looking forward to seeing some stuff from you! Have fun on this forum, and feel free to ask us ANY questions about fish keeping or features on the fish forum! Have an amazing day!!! :hi:
  26. lazarusthefishboy10

    My Freshwater Tanks!

    Awesome setups! They look so cool! I especially love the mask ornament too! But I agree with @NCaquatics and @Colin_T ! The cichlids and rosy barbs get too big! But besides that, loving your work!!!
  27. lazarusthefishboy10

    My Swordtail Gave Birth!!!

    Hi all! Just wanted to announce to you that my female pregnant swordtail FINALLY gave birth to a bunch of fry! I estimate 20. She gave birth naturally in my 90 litre aquarium while i was asleep, woke up this morning, and found these little fry darting around the tank! Since there are danios and...
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  31. lazarusthefishboy10

    My new breeding project!!!

    The guy at the pet store said it is fine! And they seem to be happy. They are active, and there is a lot more room in the tank than you think
  32. lazarusthefishboy10

    My new breeding project!!!

    The two rams in the thumbnail are photoshopped. They are much much smaller than that!!!
  33. lazarusthefishboy10

    My new breeding project!!!

    Doing what???
  34. lazarusthefishboy10

    My new breeding project!!!

    What do you mean?!
  35. lazarusthefishboy10

    My new breeding project!!!

    Hey everyone. as you know, I posted a thread yesterday saying i was getting some rams. I took your advice and instead of putting them in my 90 litre aquarium, i put them in my 5 gallon. And they are doing fantastic and are very healthy!!! Set temperature: 28-30C (82-86F) I have a breeding cave...
  36. lazarusthefishboy10

    Any tips on breeding bolivian blue ram cichlids?

    I have kept them in 25C (77F) before, and it did absolutely great! I had no issues with it!
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  38. lazarusthefishboy10

    Any tips on breeding bolivian blue ram cichlids?

    No, Im referring to BOLIVIAN BLUE RAMS! ;)