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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Derekshatch


    Yes continue to do water changes, raise rhe temp and continue adding the ick medicine because you dont want the ick to come back. Make sure you vacum the gravel realley good and watch to see if they are scratching on the bottom which is a sign that they might still have ick on them. I would say...
  2. Derekshatch

    New tank idea

    Btw I have ghost shrimp with amano shrimp and have had no problems. Also some fish species have no trouble living in hard water even though their native water is softer water you will have to look up what fish are like that.
  3. Derekshatch


    Plecos are pretty hardy fish so as long as you stop the ick from spreading you should be good because once the ick is all over the fish it is alot harder to save them.
  4. Derekshatch


    Ya just follow the directions on the package. All you can do is hope and try your best to save them. And thats good that the other fish dont show much signs of ick which is great. Next time quarantine any new fish before putting it in with the others.
  5. Derekshatch


    Do you see ick on any other fish.
  6. Derekshatch


    Victoria green is very similar to methyline blue.
  7. Derekshatch


    You can even add aquarium salt which will help with the ick. Ya the ick guard should help get rid of the ick.
  8. Derekshatch


    Ya I see the dots. Check and see if the ick medication you are using has methyline blue in it because that is what I use. Yes and gradually raise the temp.
  9. Derekshatch


    I do both personally but it is your decision. If you want the best chance of survival I would do both. I think cory catfish are more sensitive to the heat than the medication but im not 100 percent sure. But mine have been fine when I treated my tank with medication and did water changes and...
  10. Derekshatch


    Treat the whole tank. Can I see pictures and are you sure its ick.
  11. Derekshatch

    Zebra Danio males chasing each other?

    I have had the my danios in a community tank with lots of other fish but I noticed that the fry/larvea were getting eaten so I tranfered them over to a seperate tank. Every morning I use a turkey baster to collect the fry that are attached to the glass. I then seperate them to a different tank...
  12. Derekshatch

    Nerite snail missing

  13. Derekshatch

    Nerite snail missing

    I have been away for 3 days and I come back to one nerite snail missing. I have no gravel and I thinkit crawled out but I cant find it. Will it smell realley bad if it dies somewhere in my room. I have looked everywhere and I dont know what to do.
  14. Derekshatch

    Is driftwood safe for Betta?

    You could put gravel in the whole or some other cool rocks.
  15. Derekshatch

    Zebra Danio males chasing each other?

    You should probably get more female danios to prevent them from fighting. But even if you do the males will always chase each other no matter what. You just dont want the males to become to aggressive so adding more females should calm them down a bit more.And also the females are full of eggs...
  16. Derekshatch

    Are these eggs

    Can i add salt to the aquarium
  17. Derekshatch

    Harlequin rasbora behavior concern

    The one looks like it has ich which not good and I would treat the tank quickly before it spreads to the other one.
  18. Derekshatch

    Harlequin rasbora behavior concern

    Is that ick on the fin?
  19. Derekshatch

    Are these eggs

    How do you hatch them because i need more nerite snails. I just looked in my other tank and I have some in there that look fertlized because i have 3 nerites in there.
  20. Derekshatch

    Are these eggs

    Im thinking that they are nerite eggs.
  21. Derekshatch

    Are these eggs

    I did have nerite snails in their but I recently took them out.
  22. Derekshatch

    Are these eggs

    If they are eggs it looks like something already ate them because there is nothing inside of them. Could it be my corydoras and when do they usually lay eggs.
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  24. Derekshatch

    Gold twin bar platy

    Ya if their is a male in the tank she is definitely pregnant. Just wait untill you see her get realley big and round which should be in about a month or less.
  25. Derekshatch

    Anybody bred bloodfin tetras

    Too late I have already said that.
  26. Derekshatch

    Anybody bred bloodfin tetras

    But they are going to hatch like tonight so what do i do? I know that they can survive by eating their egg sac but for how long. There is tons of java moss in tha tank which should hold some food for them. Do you think they would eat frozen mysis shrimp. Its like brine shrimp. I also have frozen...
  27. Derekshatch

    Anybody bred bloodfin tetras

    The dry brine shrip eggs dont have shrimp inside they are just the egg and are a good source of nutrients.
  28. Derekshatch

    Anybody bred bloodfin tetras

    Would hikari first bites work or I also have brine shrimp eggs that are dried.
  29. Derekshatch

    New tank

    Ya looks like 2 males and one female
  30. Derekshatch

    New tank

    It might have dropsy
  31. Derekshatch

    Anybody bred bloodfin tetras

    I am breeding bloodfin tetras and I have already got the eggs into a different tank. I was wondering if they start off free swimming as soon as they are born? And how fast do they grow/ when are they big enough to go into my big tank? Any other fry care and help will be greatly appreciated.
  32. Derekshatch

    New tank

    The mollies would be ok with all of the fish that you have in your new tank.
  33. Derekshatch

    gourami has parasite / fungal infection - too late to help him?

    Also how big is the tank and how often do you do water changes. Because water quality is most likely the problem with the fish.
  34. Derekshatch

    gourami has parasite / fungal infection - too late to help him?

    I would try salt with the gourami first.
  35. Derekshatch

    Fish and plants up for adoption

    One swordtail would be fine by itself. Also I have never had a problem with fish and fake plants mine have never cut themselves eventhough they are not silk.
  36. Derekshatch

    Pond questions

    I have one bluegill that accidentally got into my outdoor pond with my mollies and it nips at their fins and i cant get him out. But bluegill would be great for a pond. Especially red brest sun fish.
  37. Derekshatch

    Do danios need a heater

    At about 70 degrees or higher
  38. Derekshatch

    Do danios need a heater

    I recently moved some of my danio eggs to a new tank and was wondering if they need a heater. Im dont think that they do but I just want to make sure.
  39. Derekshatch

    Can I cover my heater?

    Why, I do that and have never had a problem
  40. Derekshatch

    Can I cover my heater?

    I put mine underneath the gravel.