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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Derekshatch

    Just bought a painted platy at petsmart is it a male or female

    It looks like a male does it have like a pointed fin at the bottom that is thin.
  2. Derekshatch

    New to livebearers, is she fat or holding fry?

    See my platy has that black area/gravid spot.
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  4. Derekshatch

    New to livebearers, is she fat or holding fry?

    If you look at the scales and they are bulging then she is pregnant and from the picture it looks like that is what is happening and if she has a gravid spot or black spot near her anal fin then she is definitely pregnant.
  5. Derekshatch

    New to livebearers, is she fat or holding fry?

    I think that she is pregnant because they do not get that fat.
  6. Derekshatch


    Can you guess how much longer they have.
  7. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    My fish do fine in semi hard water.
  8. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    What fish are you trying to breed?
  9. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    Also my ph in one of my tanks is about 7.6 to 7.8 and my fish have had no problems that adapt to the ph that your tank has. What fish do you have?
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  11. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    You need so minerals in your water so just ro water will kill the fish. Add more tap water than ro water.
  12. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    You can just use tap water and add enough ro water until the water is at the ph for you but if you try to change the ph that way you are going to have to add ro water after each water change. It is best to keep your ph stable and not try to chase it just to try and change it. The best method for...
  13. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    Do you have a water softner? Personally i use hose water but i have a well.
  14. Derekshatch

    How to prepare driftwood from the local lake?

    I soak my driftwood in a tube until it sinks and that is all that i do and it works great for my fish and it grows lots of algae on it which is great for fish and lowers the ph a little.
  15. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    Dont use tap water especially if you have a softner.
  16. Derekshatch

    Water hardness/Ph info??

    Fluval peet lowers ph and hardness and it looks like black gravel and put it in your filter but it makes your water yellow because of tannins so you can let the tanins release for a day or so. I use it and it works.
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  18. Derekshatch

    Danios pregnancy help

    My danios have been big/pregnant for a while but have not laid any eggs is there anything special that i need to do.
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  20. Derekshatch

    Help, is my guppies stressed or?

    7 males and 3 females is the problem males fight to much so i would maybe increase the amount of females. There should always be more females than males.
  21. Derekshatch


    When are they going to give birth they have both been pregnant for 31 days. I am getting worries it has been along time and i want to be prepared.
  22. Derekshatch


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  25. Derekshatch

    Bloodfin tetra

    I have 4 bloodfin tetras and i got them recently and they keep hiding behind plants in a school and are kind of scared is this how they usually act or do i need to make the school bigger. Also they do not come to feed with the rest of the community tank. I have platys, a gromie, corys, danios...
  26. Derekshatch

    Shrimp compatibility

    Yes drift wood grows lots of algae on it so shrimp and plecos love them.
  27. Derekshatch

    Platy fry question

    Ok already have all of that and it is already cycled. Thanks!
  28. Derekshatch

    Platy fry question

    Can i do this or is the tank to small for them i just dont want to leave them in a breeder box because ammonia builds up in there.
  29. Derekshatch

    New 20g tall tank help and opinions

    I would start of slow if you are just getting into plants, try some easy plants and if you have success add more.
  30. Derekshatch

    Hello from Southern California.

    In my opinion i would add more cory catfish because they like to school maybe add 2 more.
  31. Derekshatch

    Platy fry question

    Once my platy has her fry can i put them in a 3 gallon tank until they are big enough to realease into my big tank.