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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. P&BtheBetta

    Scales sticking out but acting normally?

    ammonia - 0 nitrate - 0-20 nitrite - 0 hardness - 75 chlorine - 0 kH - 0-40 pH - 6.8-7.2 I think these are all measured by ppm (?)
  2. P&BtheBetta

    Scales sticking out but acting normally?

    I'm going to retest the water just to make sure. What should I do in this case? Epsom salt bath? Just let her do her own thing? Should I fast her? Idk if this helps but she's "resting" at the bottom of the tank but when I put my finger up to the tank she'll go to it like normal. Also if I'm...
  3. P&BtheBetta

    Scales sticking out but acting normally?

    Also, can my other betta catch dropsy? There is a divider between them but they share the same tank water. Should I do a water change?
  4. P&BtheBetta

    Scales sticking out but acting normally?

    I don't rlly want to euthanize her... is there anything I can at least try?
  5. P&BtheBetta

    Scales sticking out but acting normally?

    She is around 2-3 years? I'm not exactly sure how old she is. Pearl is still acting completely normal?
  6. P&BtheBetta

    Scales sticking out but acting normally?

    Hello, Today I noticed that Pearl, my female betta's scales are sticking out. I'm not sure if it started today but I did notice that her stomach might have gotten bigger in the past day or so. Her scales are sticking out practically everywhere. She is acting normally though. She ate the food I...
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  9. P&BtheBetta

    Question about feeding fish while I'm away

    I don't have live plants, do you think it would be better to ask a friend to feed them for 1 day while I'm gone? Thank you for the fast reply!
  10. P&BtheBetta

    Question about feeding fish while I'm away

    Hello! I'm going to be going on a trip soon for 3 days. I usually fast my two fish for 2 days- is it okay to not feed them for 3? Pearl, my female betta is healthy and Blueberry is overall healthy besides his recently ripped tail. Thanks. :)
  11. P&BtheBetta

    Is it okay to not take small pieces of leftover food out of my tank?

    Sometimes my fish food sinks to the bottom (like 1 pellet and one small piece of Fluval bug bites) without my fish noticing. Do I have to take it out of the tank? I usually just don't feed the amount of food that sank to my fish. This usually only happens once a week with a very small amount...
  12. P&BtheBetta

    How often should I be removing fish poop from the bottom of my tank?

    title ^^ Is once every 2 weeks okay?
  13. P&BtheBetta

    Can I clean a gravel vacuum with soap?

    I don't think there's anything that won't come off with thorough rinses. It was on the ground for like a couple of seconds and I think it just brushed by everything. Do you think I could use some hot water and rinse it well before using or would that not be enough...?
  14. P&BtheBetta

    Can I clean a gravel vacuum with soap?

    Last week my gravel vacuum accidentally fell on the ground (which had some borax on it) and scraped against the container for dishwashing and laundry detergent. I want to wash the stuff off for this week's water change, but I don't think water will be enough. Is it okay to use some dawn hand...
  15. P&BtheBetta

    Sticky glue on Prime measuring cap

    Thank you everyone for the replies! :thumbs: I will try to remove as much as possible before the next water change. :)
  16. P&BtheBetta

    Sticky glue on Prime measuring cap

    Hello! I use Seachem Prime and there seemed to be some kind of glue on the inner seal so it got stuck onto the inside of the cap and left a sticky residue. I washed the cap thoroughly under cold and hot water and I managed to get most of it off but not all of it. I use the cap as a measuring...
  17. P&BtheBetta

    Betta fish sitting at bottom and then rushing back up and going back

    haha yeah I'm glad he's fine :) not the first time my fish have freaked me out about something.
  18. P&BtheBetta

    Water changing questions + more

    Thanks for all the advice. :D
  19. P&BtheBetta

    Betta fish sitting at bottom and then rushing back up and going back

    UPDATE: he's literally fine. eating. active. yeah... I just went to check on him after I posted the topic and he was back to normal. :/ he scared me half to death... do you guys think he was resting? or just scared of smth? anyways I'm glad he's fine. :) water parameters are good too.
  20. P&BtheBetta

    Betta fish sitting at bottom and then rushing back up and going back

    My male betta fish was acting fine yesterday and today and then I just did a 30% water change and cleaned out the sponge filter and algae on top of the heaters. I was gravel vacuuming the tank and he got under it (it didn't suck him into it the vacuum was like 2 inches from him) and some sand...
  21. P&BtheBetta

    Water changing questions + more

    Thank you everyone for the replies. :)
  22. P&BtheBetta

    Water changing questions + more

    1. What percentage of water should I change weekly in a split 10-gallon tank with two betta fish? I'm doing a 30-35% water change but I fear that might be too much. 2. How often should I clean out a sponge filter? 3. There's like this white algae growing on the top of my heater, should I be...
  23. P&BtheBetta

    How long do frozen bloodworms last and how much should I feed?

    I've had frozen bloodworms in the fridge from like 3-6 months, idk the exact time I got them. How long does it take for them to go bad? Also, how many bloodworms should I feed, and how frequent? Thanks. :)
  24. P&BtheBetta

    Will human pus/blood harm a fish?

    Hi! When I was doing a water change, I forgot that I had a blister (that popped), and it might've accidentally dipped in the water once or twice. I was wondering if this will affect my fish in any way. There wasn't a lot of bleeding/pus or anything like that, just a thin layer near the wound. I...
  25. P&BtheBetta

    API stress coat looks cloudy?

    Hi there! My water conditioner- API stress coat- looks cloudy when I pour it out. It's not past the expiration date and my fish seem to be fine- is this normal? Also, I'm almost running out anyways so do you guys have any suggestions for a certain water conditioner? Thanks! :)
  26. P&BtheBetta

    Weird white spots! :(

    Are they harmful to the fish in any way? I'm a beginner to fish keeping... no idea what those terms are. 😓 Also, the large white thing dropped off in like legit 1 hour. It's gone. I think it might be algae or something else...?
  27. P&BtheBetta

    Weird white spots! :(

    Ok on June third I noticed this single white thing hanging from my fish, and now that I look back it did not look like ich as it wasn't round. Here's a picture that day: It was gone a day later. June 11th: this hanging weird white thing came back (it was NOT round like grains of salt) and...
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  31. P&BtheBetta

    One single white spot?

    Update: It's gone. I wish I would've checked earlier to see what time it already dissapeared. It happened rather quickly- should I suspect ick? It's less than 24 hours definetly. I'm guessing it might be just a sand particle? I don't know whether I should be relieved or worried but he seems fine...
  32. P&BtheBetta

    One single white spot?

    Thanks! I really hope so too. :) Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 0-20 ppm He lives with no other tank mates, just by himself. A female betta lives on the other side of the tank and she's been there as long as Blueberry himself (she has no sick symptoms). Yes, the water is shared with a...
  33. P&BtheBetta

    One single white spot?

    I've noticed just ONE single white spot today on my betta fish. It looks like it's levitating almost like I could flick it off easily. I have sand substrate and I was thinking if he got into it and it got stuck on him...? Here's what it looks like: There are no other white spots except for...
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  35. P&BtheBetta

    Is it okay to do a diet switch?

    I feed him defrosted frozen bloodworms (once a week/sometimes I forget and feed him every 2 weeks), Fluval bug bites, and any high-quality pellet food I can find. I'll try gradually feeding him, thanks!
  36. P&BtheBetta

    Is it okay to do a diet switch?

    I'm almost out of Hikari Bio-gold so I went ahead and purchased Omega One Betta Buffet pellets. Could I suddenly switch over from Bio-gold to Betta buffets without my betta getting an upset stomach? Thanks. :)
  37. P&BtheBetta

    Omega One Betta buffet pellets or Hikari Betta Bio-gold?

    Hi there! I accidentally spilled a lot of my Betta Bio-gold pellets and I want to go ahead and purchase some more. I've heard Omega One Betta buffet pellets are a good brand too, which do you think I should get? Also, is it okay to change diets like this? Hikari bio-gold is my main pellet choice...
  38. P&BtheBetta

    Why is my betta's fins ripped?

    Hi! Super sorry for the late response, I was a bit busy in the past few days. Good news- the fins are growing back rapidly. Here are two pictures (before, after) if you could determine what cause it might be that would be awesome. If you can't, no problem. It only look a week for this...
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