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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Guppy10

    Plant Id please

    Oops ,,, I'll try again lol
  2. image.jpeg


  3. Guppy10

    Plant Id please

    Hi all, I have this fern type plant and have not been able to find its name or even common name , it appears to have roots growing from its leaves ? I no it must be common as it was in a cheap mixture lot. Any info on it would be great as its one of the only plants I can grow, others seem to...
  4. Guppy10

    Snail recommendations?

    My nerites don't climb out, are busy all day but they do leave lots of eggs on bog wood
  5. Guppy10

    Bullying problem

    Hi, in my mixed tank all has been well but now 1 or 2 barbs are actively hunting 1 of my angels. The others are fine and the barbs don't target any other so why just 1 Angel ? Today it has shredded fins and is not happy. I can't move either as shrimps will be eaten. I'm considering gettin rid...
  6. Guppy10

    Solution to No Quarantine Tank

    I use a clear plastic storage box from a diy store. Very cheap and hasn't got to look pretty as it's not a show tank.
  7. Guppy10

    Air stone.

    Id have the left, just as ornamental value as you don't need one in reality.
  8. Guppy10

    In the middle of a cycle

    See I was putting it out there !! Fish less or not is the question. Not questioning me ? The op asked a good question to wish he or I got baffled with . So let's just leave it . Past yr bedtime anyway.
  9. Guppy10

    In the middle of a cycle

    Don't go spending money on daft kits for gh n kh. Your water is what it is and no need to take that advise !!! A fish cycle is very easy but some maintain its cruel,,,, I agree if done wrong. Some like the fish less cycle and treat it as law !!, this is totally wrong !! They don't see that...
  10. Guppy10

    If you were to be an aquarium fish, what would you be?

    Who would want to be a neon ? Whereas my green barbs are entertaining, lively, bully boys who have no fear ! Possibly my best fishes I have but not at all like me lol.
  11. Guppy10

    If you were to be an aquarium fish, what would you be?

    An angel ,,, good looking, intelligent and vicious at times lol. My experience is limited !
  12. Guppy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    Her belly has squared off tho not as fat as previous but all this fish behaviour had me thinking.
  13. Guppy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    I remember now,, your the expert on platy are you not ?
  14. Guppy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    She's now devouring the pellets and standing her ground with the others in a big way. She's pecking a gold gourami away !! Lights off soon
  15. Guppy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    Ok, I'll have lights off. I did have a cycled smaller tank for quarantining fish and plants which worked well, but iv not long emptied it all out to get rid of pesky snails ( hundreds of tiny ones off plants ) though I like nice snails and turned heater off as was not used in these trying times...
  16. Guppy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    Iv thrown in some sinking pellets to distract others but it's not really working.
  17. Guppy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    I have a platy that has given birth before but I never saw any fry. Tonight she hovering around the surface weeds but the gouramis and angels are lurking around her and looking in the weeds around her. Is this instinctive that they no a meal is coming ? Or am I wrong. Her partner is busy now...
  18. Guppy10

    Can I cover my heater?

    Point the heater in another direction so you don't see the light.
  19. Guppy10

    Lets cull the nonsense..

    What are you trying to say fish keeper, I'm at a loss or totally thick to your point. Please expand.
  20. Guppy10

    Lets cull the nonsense..

    Wow, been there m8, so good luck n get back on track. It's hard but the future is what you make it, I no easy to say, but only you can do it. Like I say, been in the depths n it's not nice, but you'll be ok.
  21. Guppy10

    Hidom 75w heater

    That's good then. I'm trying to get to 24 but can't manage it cos of lights n room. Shrimp like a bit cooler .
  22. Guppy10

    Lets cull the nonsense..

    I agree, I have a mix and it's not ideal, but this is my reality so have to engineer around it. 25% water change every 2 weeks for some but 75% every week is from the experts so it's a muddle. I still think it's what works for you. Ie deep gravel cleaning is good,,,,,,,,,, at releasing toxins...
  23. Guppy10

    Lets cull the nonsense..

    What do you suggest.? A definite answer would help all those who are watching but not contributing to the debate. I really don't no so you must outline your solution as its y your question, which a agree with mainly but have reservations. Folk come on to get advise to problems then disappear...
  24. Guppy10

    Hidom 75w heater

    What temp do you keep ?
  25. Guppy10

    Hidom 75w heater

    Good save then . It will take many hrs for a tank to cool down so don't worry. You have it covered with 2 heaters,,, I don't.
  26. Guppy10


    What filtration do you have now ? I wouldn't want under gravel. Old school these days and messy to clean.
  27. Guppy10


    Good water and good food will make fish resistant to disease. So as essjay said, more and better water changes for what you have will be beneficial. Stocking is a big issue these days and there is no stock answer, anyone who says different is dreaming. All depends on water changes, filter...
  28. Guppy10

    Dwarf sagittaria Emergencies.

    Reputable brand off eBay for me in these lock down days.
  29. Guppy10


    You didn't say why you are adding chemicals to your tank ? More details please. I have not used chemicals so can't advise.
  30. Guppy10

    Hidom 75w heater

    Cool. I'm not missing out then ! Bit wary if they blow though, but ok so far and tbh they rarely come on, I think the room temp and lights keep tanks at 25c.
  31. Guppy10

    Lets cull the nonsense..

    Tbh I agree with all points and agree with your comments about stock answers but it's hard to answer a question without knowing all the facts. I get the point about keeping a variety, I got told " I have too many and a bad mix" , this maybe true but all do well so far for ME ! It's a learning...
  32. Guppy10

    Hidom 75w heater

    That's good to no. When you say no thrills, what thrills do you get with a heater ? I ask cos iv just got glass tube second hand heaters which work fine so that's the limit of my experience .
  33. Guppy10

    Best placement for 2 canister filters

    So long as filter A water doesn't get sucked in by filter B intake and filter B doesn't supply already filtered water to filter A intake. I would direct the outlets well away from the inlets and then you will get a flow around the tank.
  34. Guppy10

    Floating on surface + Fin Rot

    Indeed ragged but maybe could save it. Don't go mad and throw everything at it ! Tempting, but I think great water, good food and peace will hopefully perk it up, tho don't expect immediate changes.
  35. Guppy10

    Keeping Nitrate Levels Low

    I agree, I'm no expert so I will go down the cautious route. Emptying the water will be no drama,,, then I plan to slowly feed water back in over time and I think that is my best option. I think better to be safe than have them wiped out imo, least I can say I wasn't reckless ! If all goes well...
  36. Guppy10

    Platy eye problem

    I have to say, water is perfect!!! I wanted an expert view on injury treatment n not a beginner copy paste on bad water. If no one knows how to treat an injured fish then that's ok n so be it.
  37. Guppy10

    Platy eye problem

    Checked the photos again and anyone can see the swollen eye. Only 1 and only on 1 fish so after the response I can see that nobody has any ideas bar the stock water change every day.... I reiterate, all my fish are absolutely perfect so why should I subject the whole stock to stress for no...
  38. Guppy10

    Platy eye problem

    Well I can see quiet clearly, but there Again I no what I'm looking at so must forgive others. He still has a swollen eye and it must be painful. Btw the water is perfect so no other dramas to go on. I was just asking if I can do anything to help him, not the usual copy paste water changes n...
  39. Guppy10

    "Plant" ID please

    Thanks, is it good to have ? Can I buy it if so ? What do you recommend ?
  40. Guppy10

    Platy eye problem

    Hi, yesterday I noticed 1 of my platys has a severely bulged eye ! I can only think he's hurt it or been fighting as he was fine and still behaves as normal. Is there any other reason for this. I have another male who now is more aggressive to him as well as the barbs which it chases. Any advise...