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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Guppy10

    Fluval 205 filter leaking!

    I had a leak once and it was the internals not fitted properly so not allowing the lid to seal. Funny it was after cleaning and it's been ok before. I'd remove n refit the filter bits and unless you lost a seal it will be ok.
  2. Guppy10

    Best live food for Corydora Habrosus

    Hi, freeze dried ones are lower in nutrients than live ones and won't bring out the hunting instinct of your fish so I'd go with live or frozen any day and I wouldn't worry about them burrowing away at all as they will get eaten quickly. Mine go nuts when live food is given.
  3. Guppy10

    Salt use question, confused .?

    Ok thanks, I'm willing to try anything ! Just got home after work to find lyre tail sword dead, bright eyed, perfect fins and no marks. 9hrs earlier it was perky as usual. All others left are as normal n even the bug eyed cory seems abit better. If this goes on I may have to rethink if I want to...
  4. Guppy10

    Salt use question, confused .?

    Thankyou. Don't think I'll ever go to his shop again as this is worse than the last time n I put it down to a ammonia spike. Bear in all my fish were pristine before adding these n I'm gutted to have lost a lot of my favourite angels which were beautiful so only 1 left now.
  5. Guppy10

    Salt use question, confused .?

    This is the salt I'm using.
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  7. Guppy10

    Salt use question, confused .?

    Thx guys. I see it's still up for debate. I've used the pro reef I have. The bulge eyed cory looks abit better and is actively seeking food. I put a few pellets in after 3 days of not feeding them n they went nuts. All seemed to be fine last night up til 2am, all fish looked happy until 5am a...
  8. Guppy10

    Could really use some assistance

    Go very easy on the feeding is the answer, fish need surprisingly little ,, but will eat all the time given the chance. Twice a day is too much imo.
  9. Guppy10

    Salt use question, confused .?

    Hi, I recently asked about my dying fish and the advise was to use salt in the first instance, which I'm now doing. I was told marine salt was fine to use so I was happy to as I have some. Yesterday somebody else asked about their dying fish and the advise from another was to use salt, BUT...
  10. Guppy10

    UK plant seller recommendation??

    Not really , Iv had them crushed, dead, infested with snails, not as ordered so I'm searching as well . Best bet is to choice them in person.
  11. Guppy10

    How to culture white worms?

    The best bet is go on YouTube, lots of vids. marks aquatics vids are really good and pictures explain better than words.
  12. Guppy10

    Bulging eyes and fish dying

    Thanks Colin , I just happen to have a tub lying around.
  13. Guppy10

    Bulging eyes and fish dying

    I tend to agree Colin,,,now Iv got these 2 out soon as I woke up after 3 hrs sleep. Cory has bulging eyes but has been like it for over a day.
  14. Guppy10

    Bulging eyes and fish dying

    Ok thanks, is pro reef sea salt ok ? More shocking deaths, 4 hrs ago this angel was perfectly happy and the neon was as well.
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  18. Guppy10

    Bulging eyes and fish dying

    Iv done 2x 50% water changes, in 3 days Water tests as it always has ,basically my tap water Ammonia, nitrite 0 Nitrate 20 I cleaned out canister correctly Stopped feeding 3 days ago Sorry haven't got anything to take a pic of now Other fish, danios, gouramis, platys seem as normal Didn't...
  19. Guppy10

    Bulging eyes and fish dying

    Hi, all has been well but since introducing some more corys, iv had 2 angels 4 corys, 4 neons all suddenly die. Water checks out ok atm and has been fine. No real signs of disease, in fact the last Angel seemed very quiet for a day, then next he was dead. Now I may have a clue because now iv...
  20. Guppy10

    Growing algae for fish

    Iv had spare bits of bog wood in a tub for a week and they are green already, I'll rotate these for the invert tank who will make short work of the greenery.
  21. Guppy10

    White dots on fish, I don’t think it’s ich?

    Keep your water good and do regular changes of 50% and things should be ok. Fish get alsorts when stressed so keep them well and they can tackle the bugs easily. All my fish are immaculate, but. That's not saying bugs n disease is not present, they just deal with it.
  22. Guppy10

    White dots on fish, I don’t think it’s ich?

    It's not ich, so could it be air bubbles ? Don't worry about it.
  23. Guppy10


    Nerite eggs mate, I'm infested with the dammed things.
  24. Guppy10

    Do I dare?

    Yes I do care ! Much as I care for the lads who died to fight for this country in ww2 who must be turning in there graves at how we have become. Youth on drugs,, full of immigrants milking the system, I despair
  25. Guppy10

    Do I dare?

    Let's not get lost in the beauty of the fish. It is in a barren cup, served up for our pleasure cos theirs a demand for it. Folk who buy these are perpetuating the cruelty of these fish. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. Did that fish get born into the world to be in a sterile cup ? I think not ...
  26. Guppy10

    Do I dare?

    Well said, I couldn't agree more. So you agree it is cruel , yes or no ?
  27. Guppy10

    Do I dare?

    The fish looks really nice but I can't understand if he enjoys the barren wasteland with no mates or features to explore, and I certainly don't understand the folk that think that is awesome, or am I humanising the fish too much ? I don't get it and think it's cruel, Would you like those...
  28. Guppy10

    New hydrocotyle tripartita planted!

    Aha, expert plant grower then. I can only get certain ones to do well. Think my lites are not up to the job. But hey ho, you get wot you pay for. I've LEDs but my m8 has just paid £300 on second hand kick ass lites ( I'm not in that league but I'm trying )
  29. Guppy10

    New hydrocotyle tripartita planted!

    To me it looks very nice already. Like it all tbh. Is it a plant tank mainly ? Cos can only see 1 fish. I'd love a look like that in my invert tank ! In my main bust fish tank the plants struggle tbh.
  30. Guppy10

    Any websites for buying cheap shrimp

    Forget eBay. I did this myself yesterday, go on selling site, shpock, there were loads of local private sellers with shrimp for sale cheap as well. I'll be getting some that way soon. In the post, the packaging is great but it costs must be a factor.
  31. Guppy10

    Is it worth it?

    If you like it, sometimes it's better to buy it, as shopping around to try to save a few pennies is not worth hours spent browsing. For instance I buy lots off amazon, next day delivery, no browsing for hours or travelling to shops to que. up to you but do you get me.?
  32. Guppy10

    Ramshorn vs. Giant Ramshorn snail

    Iv got the usual ones and they are ok, but I have blue ones coming in the post, so the days of the brown ones are numbered.
  33. Guppy10

    Brackish tank advise please

    Hi all, I'm wanting to setup a brackish tank and I'm assuming a few things so correct me if I'm wrong. Shrimps will be ok Live bearers will be ok Nerites I love and would transfer some and they May have young ? What concentration of salt / gallon or ltr would you advise ? I also assume tropical...
  34. Guppy10


    I don't think it will clog filters as it floats ! If it sinks , it is dead matter the same as any plant so don't worry about it.
  35. Guppy10

    cory with bleeding barbel

    Leave it alone but keep an eye on it, I'm sure it will be well assuming water etc is ok.
  36. Guppy10


    The dikes around my house are covered in duckweed so I have to laugh when I see it for sale on eBay !! It's harmless n iv never had it but I do pick bits out when doing water changes so don't no how it got in ?. Water lettuce does well and is controllable but if it didn't I would take duckweed...
  37. Guppy10

    Water testing

    You may have issues which is why you test a lot . But I don't anymore and stick to plan. Nothing ever changes in my tanks.
  38. Guppy10

    I can't go on like this anymore...

    Hang in there n do what you need to do. Believe me I have been there at your age, BUT things change and I'm glad I didn't do anything. Be strong . You are better than this n all will change in time. Iv found out I'm gonna be a grandad for the 13th time so I'm happy to be here for them
  39. Guppy10

    Plant Id please

    Ok, it seems no one can I'd this plant, quess I'll wait to go to lfs, they should no.
  40. Guppy10

    Plant Id please

    No it came as separate stems with little or no roots and last time I moved it there were still only small roots. The ferny bit or leaves are pretty rigid and quite brittle. It is growing small leaves out of the bigger leaves but it's the root type things that can be seen on the stems an d below...