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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. carligraceee

    over stocked?

    I do want to note that I did not say that space wasn't important as I literally wrote out that as long as the fish has plenty of space to move and grow, you can refer to your water parameters instead. That is why I said the nano species the OP had would be alright because they, 1- have enough...
  2. carligraceee

    Help whats wrong with my 2 day old molly fry?

    I would be careful with any fry that you get from now on. What Colin gave you is very good information. Definitely follow that. I am going to lean towards a genetic defect but keeping your water quality in tip top shape is important for fry survival.
  3. carligraceee

    Betta fish beginner

    I would invest in real plants. The decor you have should be fine. Bettas are not fools and will not go too close to something that might hurt them. If you are planning to get any breed of Orchid, Koi, or Veiltail bettas, get rid of your Cherries. Those species are of the most aggressive. I...
  4. carligraceee

    Acclimating questions

    Hey! Thanks for asking before doing! How I acclimate fish: Let the bag sit in the tank for 30 minutes Pour out most of old water and put some new tank water in; let sit for 5 minutes. Pour the fish in the tank gently and monitor behavior for the next 3 days. I have never acclimated plants...
  5. carligraceee

    Unwell Betta, Please Help

    Everyone replying has a different opinion and I am so sorry because that can be quite confusing sometimes. However, this is a place where we get to share opinions and sometimes even engage in debates. However, this is what comes to mind. -Old age -Fin rot Bettas, sadly, do not last extremely...
  6. carligraceee

    Help whats wrong with my 2 day old molly fry?

    Oh my I wasn't expecting that! Diseases: - Diseases in livebearers are very easy to spot since they are such active fish. - Most common diseases include: Swim bladder disorder Ammonia poisoning Intestinal worms Ammonia burn Birth defects Livebearers tend to interbreed if they get the...
  7. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    I will tag the website and shop I used. The seller is amazing and priced very well. I can't find anything locally, however. Here is the Etsy shop I used *Not mine!!* : Pegasene
  8. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    Haha, it has already over doubled in size but I am not too worried since I have two other tanks that can use floaters!
  9. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    We had one back there but it got SOAKED with water because there was a leak in the air pump so we have to get a new one! Yes, duckweed is a part of my floaters.
  10. carligraceee

    Ammonia issues

    My opinion is to never ever try to do a fish-in cycle only because my experience was so bad with it. I would recommend either rehoming your current fish or moving them to a cycled tank for the time being (I prefer the first option) and begin your cycle the right way.
  11. carligraceee

    Are both these mollies male?

    From your pictures given, the top one is the male and the bottom one is a female.
  12. carligraceee

    Ammonia issues

    I won't even read past the title. Any ammonia issues accompanied by fish deaths means an uncycled tank. Ammonia issues, usually without fish deaths, are considered ammonia spikes and can be dealt with by changing large amounts of water. For your situation, refer to this article: Cycling Your...
  13. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    I only know their gender because of watching them breed and give birth. My zebra nerite is the father of the astronomical amounts of babies I have now. Its weird because they didn't do this when I had them in the nursery tank upstairs but now they are having children like crazy!
  14. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    Yes, Da Vinci is definitely a character! You should get one! They are the perfect adult size and watching them eat is so fun! No, I haven't had to worry about it! My snails have been 100% healthy.
  15. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    I bunched up a lot of the plants so they would grow as one instead of having several small plants. They should grow up to 2 feet in length in the next several months! Don't mind the pieces of algae hanging out at the bottom from last night's dinner ;)
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  18. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    Hey guys! So this past two and half months (almost three months, I think) has been huge for my aquarium and because of everyone's contributions to my successful ecosystem I wanted to share an update with you guys! Stocking: I now have six fish in my tank as well as about a dozen or so snails...
  19. carligraceee

    Guppy’s stomach ruptured through his skin, what happened?!

    That is haunting. This is a very possible scenario for the OP because livebearers are not picky with what they eat and since they like to pick at the ground for food, ingesting some substrate is very possible. @BibsyBobsy
  20. carligraceee

    Starting 5 gallon betta fish planted tank, I have questions!

    SeaChem has a great one. I found it in any local LFS.
  21. carligraceee

    Starting 5 gallon betta fish planted tank, I have questions!

    Hmmm.... I personally didn't cycle my 7g since I use a 3g filter. I have experienced 0 problems (I have around 7 planted plants and a large amount of floating plants). I don't see a problem with it because it is such a small tank...
  22. carligraceee

    Starting 5 gallon betta fish planted tank, I have questions!

    I am not even going to read the other threads because I just want to type this out. Bettas are so fun! Cycling: Cycling for a small tank like that will not take long at all. Here is a great resource for cycling: How to Cycle a Tank. Yes, cycle the tank before you add fish. Yes! You can skip...
  23. carligraceee

    Blue Phantom Pleco Disease I.D!!!

    Yeah, I think I figured out it is a scrape from the bag I transported him in. It has gotten smaller so I am really happy about it.
  24. carligraceee

    Blue Phantom Pleco Disease I.D!!!

    I was thinking about this too. There is no tentacles on him. I actually got a response from the importer I bought him from and he said he has seen it on his other plecos before. He said it was a scrape from when I was transporting him from the store to the tank. He said it should go away on...
  25. carligraceee

    Guppy’s stomach ruptured through his skin, what happened?!

    Of course! I am always happy to help. Tropical Fish Flakes tend to have a lot of fillers in it. I would recommend brands like OmegaOne, TopFin Pro Series, and Hikari. Again, I will always recommend live food. Guppies do great with live foods like insect larvae, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and...
  26. carligraceee

    Guppy’s stomach ruptured through his skin, what happened?!

    I am so sorry for your loss. To inhibit further losses, here is some information: Behaviors: Monitor your other fish's behavior. There could be some aggression that you aren't aware of that is severe enough to remove scales/tear open his skin. Stress: Fish have something called a slime coat...
  27. carligraceee

    Blue Phantom Pleco Disease I.D!!!

    This is completely focused. That is just how it looks, the fuzzy sort of appearance. But it doesn't look like fungus either...
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  29. carligraceee

    Blue Phantom Pleco Disease I.D!!!

    This was as in focus as my camera would get. He likes to chill under my driftwood so I can’t get a clear picture. The first picture is in focus and probably the best I will ever get but here is another one just in case. Edit: This photo sucks. The first photo I used is in focus and probably the...
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  32. carligraceee

    Blue Phantom Pleco Disease I.D!!!

    Hello guys. I have a new addition to the family, a Blue Phantom Pleco. His name is Ludwig. Ludwig came to me with a small white spot on his head but I didn’t think anything of it, I assumed it was a part of his coloring. But it has gotten a bit bigger within the last two days and I am a bit...
  33. carligraceee

    Other Forum Issues- Venting!!

    I decided to just walk away from the site. I am a bit calmer but I was mostly upset with the way I was spoken to. But I logged off and won’t be logging back on. Thank you guys for calming me down a bit!
  34. carligraceee

    Other Forum Issues- Venting!!

    Alright I just joined another fish forum to see what other people like to share and to see if I could help out anybody else. I posted one link of this forum's cycling link and it got deleted. Then I shared two Etsy shops for this one person who was having trouble finding affordable plants...
  35. carligraceee

    Vote Now! - July 2021 Pet of the Month Contest

    This is Alex, my gray tabby, who turns 12 in November. We found him 11 years ago under my mom’s truck and have loved him unconditionally ever since. He is on a hard food diet but I might switch him to soft soon since he is getting old. He eats Whole Hearted, chicken flavor (he hates fish). He is...
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  37. carligraceee

    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    "It's just a fish... not like it's a dog or anything" -my wonderful mom after I explained to her how each fish make connections with their owners and will get attached to you like any other pet
  38. carligraceee

    40g Tank Update!! Stocking, cycle, etc

    Okay. So far so good, I do not have very hard water (around 9). The Bristlenose is so interesting and I think he would fit so well in my tank with all my oddballs. I am not too worried about the fry getting snatched up. As of now I have three females who were with a male. I am raising 28 fry...
  39. carligraceee

    40g Tank Update!! Stocking, cycle, etc

    The specialists are fish care-givers who raise and sell saltwater, freshwater, exotic and rare species of fish from all over the world. They are also very conservative with tank sizes and tankmates, to be safe. There is nothing else to trust but specialists and the internet, as that is what...