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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    Tankmates For Figure 8 Puffers?!?!

    i disagree with figure 8's being brackish...ive had mine for about 7 months in a freshwater aquarium and he's been fine the entire time, i keep mine in a 75 gal. with spotted raphaels, a black ghost knife, some bushy nose plecos, a firemouth cichlid, and a jade goby...after i got the goby i...
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    Bgk Tank Mates

    i have a bgk in a 85 gal. with a jade goby, a figure 8 puffer, 3 spotted raphael cats, 3 bushy nose plecos, and a firemouth cichlid and they all seem to be happy
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    Tank Mates For Black Ghost Knife.

    deffinately not a jack dempseys lol i had 1 of those n it killd 5 of my other fish....neways i have a black ghost in a 30 gal right now with a figure 8 puffer, a bushy nose pleco, spotted raphael cat, a jade goby, and a firemouth cichlid (not recommended)...evry1 gets along but the firemouth can...
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    F8 In Freshwater

    ive had a figure 8 in fw for about 7months now and hes fine...i was told they could get aggressive but mine lives fine with a black ghost knife, jade goby, spotted raphael cat, and a bushy nose pleco...i add a tiny bit of salt every now and then but for the most part it's nowhere near brackish