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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    I’m not gonna know what to do with them all!
  2. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    Hmmm 24 from 10 I reckon 40 put myself out here on my breeding skills with no other fish in there plenty of cover and moss I’m hopeful of 40 that would be amazing!
  3. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    Going to get 6 more cherries and see how many I have by October! Any guesses
  4. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    Just 4 cherries living the life 5 gallons each
  5. Willbacon23

    Is this completely wrong or am I being an idiot?

    Can you keep females together easily “?
  6. Willbacon23

    Is this completely wrong or am I being an idiot?

    Ohhh I thought they were male elephant ear bettas my bad
  7. Willbacon23

    Is this completely wrong or am I being an idiot?

    3 male bettas in the same tank
  8. Willbacon23

    Is this completely wrong or am I being an idiot?

    Hey guyd went into my local pet store and saw this in the store, is this completely wrong or am I being an idiot .
  9. 2EBC38A7-07FF-49A0-8FC3-EA72A1B9AF21.jpeg


  10. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    Could be slightly overstocked?
  11. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    Atm my 20 gallon with only 4 cherry shrimp in it does look rather sad I must say :(
  12. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    I’ve also found a sealed box which I’ve put a pillow in and the air pump on top? Is this okay or is it a hazard
  13. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    At the minute I’ve only got 4 cherry shrimp In the tank. At night could I turn the sponge filter off, it is way too load and is overkill even with the steps I’ve taken. I’ve got a spare hang on back which I ll replace for tonight and from tommorow I’ve got a new hang on back filter coming
  14. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    I can’t hear myself think at the minute with these air bubbles. I physically can’t keep this in here it’s ridiculously loud ! It sounds like heavy boiling water
  15. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    For me it’s the loud bubble sound which is just too loud at the minute
  16. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    Perfect will try now
  17. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    It does it’s brand new bought today. I managed to put it in a large box with some towels and it has really helped with the humming. Now I need to work out how to reduce the bubbles from the air pump any help?
  18. Willbacon23

    Loud air pump in room

    Hey guys, I recently bought an air pump named as silenced for my shrimp tank with my sponge filter. However it is ridiculously loud and there is o way I can slee with that much sound. Does anyone have any ideas on how to reduce the sound
  19. Willbacon23

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    do you have any photos of your tanks. You seem so organised and on it I’d love to see what you end up producing can only imagine woukd be inspiration
  20. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    I’m suprised they survived with pearl gouramis! I’ve currently got them with Pygmy cories and corys :)
  21. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    Yeah but yeah eventually I will merge, what fish do you keep them with?
  22. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    Perfect and is that every day or every other day?
  23. Willbacon23

    200 gallon stocking ideas

    I love albino Bristlenose pleco. You could even get 2 in a tank that size especially ifnlots of wood hiding places etc. I’d suggest maybe a huge shoal of something. Neon tetras etc if you don’t want Cichlid tanks could have like 40 easily
  24. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    Either algae wafers or flakes
  25. Willbacon23

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    I’ve always wanted them and then people on this forum suggested I shouldn’t lol! I guess it’s all at own risk I’m still really intrigued by them so if it’s worked for you before who are we to suggest otherwise :)
  26. Willbacon23

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    I’d personally stick with one bottom dweller especially if you’re planning to add an algae eater as well. I’d suggest otocinclus and kuhli loaches for example but look into Water parameter requirements. Ppl often suggest staying away from dwarf gouramis due to DGD but do at your own risk :)
  27. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    I feel unless I overfeed I shouldn’t see any great ammonia spike. How much would you suggest to feed the 10 shrimp a day?
  28. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    Yeah their is fake plants moved other from other tank once again. I will move everything other tommorow I’m fairly sure should be fine due to their tiny If not can alwuas just move them back into original tank!
  29. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    Would moving ornaments from my other tank, as well as java moss already in that tank be beneficial?
  30. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    I can add java moss and Christmas’s moss to the tank, apart from that I’m not planning on adding too many plants to the tank as of yet.
  31. Willbacon23

    Is my tank fully cycled?

    Hey guys, I’ve had my tank cycling for a week, however have added 60% of water from my other tank, as well as adding gravel from my established tank and tetrasafeplus. All my readings are 0ppm in regards to nitrates nitrites and ammonia and only shrimp are being added. Is it too soon to add the...
  32. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    Yeah, I’ve learnt about genetics a bit so understand roughly the likelihood of brown shrimp. Hopefully with reds and yellow the predominant will be orange/ reds and yellow. I may give it a go! Nothing wrong w brown shrimp just not the best looking
  33. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    This may sound stupid but would you only keep one colour? I was considering yellow and red hoping the offspring would sometimes be orange sure it would end up being brown tho
  34. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    Like flakes? Algae wafers?
  35. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    Saw someone else doing this so seems quite popular ! I’m Wondering what should I feed them as they are so small
  36. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    Okay perf thank you. Also how long does it take for them to breed usually? Don’t know if this is something you’ve ever done before
  37. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    Shrimps bioload is notoriously low so surely unless I overfeed them there’s little no chance of a mass ammonia buildup no?
  38. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    50% weekly changes for 10 shrimp? Are you sure feels a bit overkill
  39. Willbacon23

    Help starting my shrimp 20 gallon tank

    Hey guys, I’ve decided to move my ten cherry shrimps into my spare 20 gallon so that they can feel completely safe and just have a huge unusued tank for themselves which hopefully shouldn’t be too much to deal with for me in terms of constant maintenance. I was wondering what filtering I should...
  40. Willbacon23

    Beginner aquarium plants

    Okay thank you :)