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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    Well I don't have input on these types of fish since I haven't ever considered getting them. Just the Peacocks. If I remember correctly, the issue was over the lamb chops pH requirements and that's how this whole thread got tangled. When it appeared the peacocks were also in question I just...
  2. vanalisa

    Brackish Puffer

    Poor Sweet Little Niblit. I'm sorry I didn't get you friends. They said it would be fine with just one. I'm sorry I have other fish when I know you should be my one and only sweetheart. I'm sorry, little Nibbly-Boo. Should I find a home for you with others? Are you young enough to negotiate...
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  7. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    So I hope that you're feeling a little bit better about the peacock gudgeons. Have you been thinking what other type of fish you were going to get to put with them?
  8. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    I meant if you click on that first link I sent you, the little first paragraph at the article is what I was talking about.
  9. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    If you know the little paragraph at the top says that they live in softer water. But I go back to him my initial thoughts what exactly does that mean and who's considering it? Here's more stuff just for fun because I didn't know the definition of the word "polymictic" so I thought I'd look it...
  10. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    I don't know if you're getting too crazy over water parameters. All I know is my own experience. I did enough research to where I felt comfortable getting the fish. I wouldn't have got them if I thought that I couldn't keep them. I didn't overly research the situation and I certainly never...
  11. vanalisa

    Can you help me identify these guys?

    So what's up ? Haven't looked at all the forums today but it looks like you need some help figuring out a suitable tank and compatible tank mates. 🧐 Have you posted a thread?
  12. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    Hey, Rocky! Sorry just responding. The following snipitt is cut and pasted off of today's Google search when I enquired about pH of my city tap water: 7.2 to 8.2 Health Information about Drinking Water Questions ... ,- Dallas Is Dallas's water soft or hard? Dallas's water is very soft. What is...
  13. vanalisa

    Starting again

    Welcome! Pretty tank and family. Gorgeous cat 😻... POTM candidate for sure
  14. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    Who says you can't? I do understand, though. It took me a while to put a second species in my tank due to worry over agression and about doing everything the right way. My stress was agonizing because everything was healthy and I didn't want to fail. I trust that you will figure something...
  15. vanalisa

    Advice for the Lovelorn Pygmy Lover

    Be still my ♥️ .
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  20. vanalisa

    very small cherry shrimp

    Yes in my reply I did say IF they could catch them 😁 I don't know how fast guppies are, but I do know that shrimp are pretty conscious creatures and can get out of the way in a jiffy. Little shrimplets or babies might be a different story but then again they have their size on their side...
  21. vanalisa

    At last! Horned Nerites !

    They had huge discounts on gravel vacuums and Seachem Prime. I never imagined they'd have these little sweeties, though. I really like my local fish store, but I can't pass up good savings. The fish department was in pretty good shape, to be honest and I told the lady so, after I got my snail...
  22. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    I think, and offer my thoughts with an affectionate spirit to you, a fellow Peacock Gudgeon lover. What I think is that you are disappointed that things aren't working out exactly as planned. I think you've considered throwing away your hard work and dedication over your frustration. I think...
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  24. vanalisa

    Advice for the Lovelorn Pygmy Lover

    I love my pygmy corydoras but I don't think they love me. 😩 I fell in love with them the minute I set eyes on them. 🤤 I can tell they love each other but they're leaving me out. 😕 I waited and watched forever for them to come my way. 🧐 I dreamed for the day when we could be together at last 🥰 I...
  25. vanalisa

    At last! Horned Nerites !

    ...shhhhh.... petco.
  26. vanalisa

    Fry in tank with no substrate or plants

    All types of plants can float. Of course some should not stay for very long but if you need something short-term... see what floats...
  27. vanalisa

    very small cherry shrimp

    Never had guppies, but my gut says: "if they catch them they will eat them."
  28. vanalisa

    Fry growth

    Bless your lupine ❤️ You keep telling me, but I've never told you... until now... It's not ME, It's YouTube. I can't figure out how to fix it. I've been so ashamed to confess my ignorance. 😔
  29. vanalisa

    At last! Horned Nerites !

    I haven't been able to find these for over a year... They are pea-sized and perfect. Yay ✨🎉✨
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  32. vanalisa

    Fry growth

    Update. Moving pictures of the Peacock and Blue-eye growout tank at two months.
  33. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    I understand. I've followed this thread as well as those dealing with the preparation for your favorites. I'm just trying to focus on what can work with the water that you do have. Peacock Gudgeons, T. ocellicauda, come from Papua New Guinea as do my Pseudomugil furcatus. Note...
  34. vanalisa

    Can rasbora espei and peacock gudgeons live in a PH of 8.0-8.2?

    I chose fish for my tank that occupy the same waters in nature. Best way to find additional fish species is to research natural habitat. (Keeping in mind other aspects, of course, such as where they hang out in the tank, numbers required, m/f ratio, etc.). These work:
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  36. vanalisa

    5 gallon ideas

    Double 😂's
  37. vanalisa

    Baby Pictures !

    Not as much as I love cropping their semi-transparent tinyness-es...😂... You can tell some of the gudgeons that are really pale are from a longer time ago; the more current ones are more exciting because they got their tail spots!!! In the third from the last image you can see the relative...
  38. vanalisa

    Baby Pictures !

    Here are some images of my fry: Blue-eyed Forktail and Peacock Gudgeon... Taken over the last month or so... Grow out tank is two months old.
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