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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    Fish Quiz

    Yes, Russia, where Caspian Beluga comes from is one of the most expensive, but, TLM, you are correct with Iranian, thank goodness!   Your turn!
  2. F

    Fish Quiz

    Tehe, since when is the Indian Ocean a country, TT??   It's... "country's name" Beluga!   Come on people! :)
  3. F

    Fish Quiz

    Any takers? It's the name of a country, if that helps? And it's also in the record books....
  4. F

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Don't you guys get one of those brown bins for garden waste?
  5. F

    Kinds Of Fish Can I Have?

    I agree totally with the honey gourami, beautiful fish and a more peaceful sort you could never find. I couldn't in all good conscience recommend dwarf gourami, though. They're lovely little guys and very interesting to watch, boisterous but farly well behaved, it's just the fact that they're...
  6. F

    Water Testing Kit?

    API Master kit is a good start but it's not perfect. My favourite kit is from the UK but I'd be tempted to try the Nutrafin kit.
  7. F

    Gbrs Spawning?

    Well, it's been a bit over 24 hours and all seems as it was. I'll be amazed if they get this right the first time...!
  8. F


    May I ask why you went for 3 rams and also what sex are they?
  9. F

    Fish Quiz

    It's not the Caspian or Black sea, although Caspian Beluga is very expensive!
  10. F


    They might seem boring but I personally love Sterbai Corydoras. They're extremely interesting fish and very exciting to watch. They get quite big and although they're mostly bottom dwellers, they can get adventurous in large numbers (6+). While you might be getting to your stocking limits with...
  11. F

    Gbrs Spawning?

    They're fabulous little guys, very inquisitive and brave! The boy was pecking at my hand when I was touching his plant pot!   In general I've got a very peaceful tank with 7 x h&t light tetras, 8 mixed corys, 2 female honey gourami, 7 otos, a flash pleco and about 7/8 mixed guppies. The otos are...
  12. F

    New Plants Added To Tank With Shrimps

    That's what a good forum should be all about.    And this is a good forum with some passionate experts (not me) more than willing to help!
  13. F

    New Plants Added To Tank With Shrimps

    As mentioned above, Tropica do lab grown plants which are all guaranteed snail free and shrimp safe. They've also got a handy guide for how difficult or easy the plants are to look after.   I've always gone for easy as I've got a very low tech setup and they've all been really good!
  14. F

    Gbrs Spawning?

    Got some much better pics...   It's only been a matter of hours but the mum and dad still seem to be tending to the eggs, fanning them and generally chasing off would be nosey fish! Not sure how many eggs are there. Not as many as 200 but definitely at least 100.  
  15. Rams Spawn 2.JPG

    Rams Spawn 2.JPG

  16. Rams Spawn 1.JPG

    Rams Spawn 1.JPG

  17. GBRs Spawning.JPG

    GBRs Spawning.JPG

  18. F

    New Plants Added To Tank With Shrimps

    It's all true, yeah. They are treated with chemicals to get rid of snails and they're usually copper based which isn't good for shrimp at all. There's a range of plants out there that are snail free and shrimp safe, so have a look and see what you think.
  19. F

    Fish Quiz

    Yeah, the name of the fish gives away the location!
  20. F

    Fish Quiz

    But where is it from??
  21. F

    Wood For A Tank?

    You definitely want to stick to hard woods that are very very dry and as Yinyangpete says, long dead hard woods are usually OK. Avoid woods that have an odour, this usually means they're still producing or still have within them some oils or sap.    Of course a good soaking and cleaning is a...
  22. F

    Fish Quiz

    Yay! I've been reading about Rams a lot recently as mine have just spawned for the 1st time!!!   Anyhoo, let's have a crack at this...   Easy one probably...Where does the most expensive caviar come from?
  23. F

    Fish Quiz

    Oh I think I've read this before...   Geo means Earth or something related to the earth and phagus or phage was something like gluttony or eating.   So is it Earth Glutton or Earth Eater.
  24. F

    Gbrs Spawning?

    All seems well this morning still!   A lot of eggs still intact and the parents seem attentive. Seen them both pecking at the eggs but not really in an attempt to eat them, I don't think. Daddy is still chasing everyone away so it seems quite promising even though it's still early stages!   More...
  25. F

    Gbrs Spawning?

    It is indeed, did not expect it at all. The male was only introduced a matter of weeks ago, which is quite remarkable... I think!
  26. F

    Gbrs Spawning?

    Woohoo, I think my Rams are spawning, but not in the place I made for them! Made a plant pot covered in moss with smooth rocks inside...not good enough, they've decided on a lovely dark green Anubis leaf! Needless to say I'm VERY excited!!! What do you think???
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  30. F

    All Pond Solutions Filters

    I couldn't wait for a discount, I've just ordered the 1400 tonight! Go for it Ash, we're in this together he he.
  31. F


    Welcome fellow Scot person!
  32. F

    Fish Getting Grouded?

    I suppose the principle behind it is sort of understandable. Pavlov's dog etc... But I wouldn't be sure it would work for fish...
  33. F

    What Sex Are My Rams?

    Very difficult to say the way they are positioned with that white foreground...
  34. F

    My 100Gallon Cichlid Tank

    I like it!   Very clear and tidy looking tank...not jealous at all...   My only criticism is that it's not in my house!
  35. F

    A Few Begining Questions

    I do see your point of view and I'm certain you have much more experience than I do, so let's call it a draw! Hehe!
  36. F

    Light Fixtures

    With some very low maintenance plants you can get away with around 0.25 watts per litre of water (sorry, I'm from the UK so I don't do gallons).   Ok, I'll try...that might translate to about 1 watt per gallon...ish. 
  37. F

    A Few Begining Questions

    In Ch4rlie's defence, I've never used ferts or CO2 and my plants and moss are doing very well. I had to get rid of the Riccia and Duck weed as it was doing a little too well!   Granted, I stuck with the very easy to grow, low maintenance type of plant, but still...
  38. F

    Clamped Fins Platy

    If they clamp fins after the addition of the ferts they just don't like it. How about a different brand of fert?   You could try going without dosing for a few days and make sure it's definitely only that that causes the ladies to get annoyed...
  39. F

    All Pond Solutions Filters

    Oh, that's the one I want, too! Keep your eye out for that 15% discount again and I think I'll get one as well!   Then we can compare notes!
  40. F

    Sick Betta

    Sorry about your little guy.   We need a little more info about his living space and his water. Specifically, tank size/volume, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, temperature and ph levels, what you use to treat the water and your tank cleaning regime.   Without that right now, it's difficult to say...