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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    12L Micro Tank

    Don't think I could justify spending £40 on a shrimple! Well, not at the moment anyway...   I'll get a couple of the Fantasy Blues from AJ and let you know how I get on. He's got them at £12.95 each but with 10% off it's about £11.65.    I wouldn't be worried a huge amount about where the temp...
  2. F

    12L Micro Tank

    Yeah, it's AJ from easishrimp...I think I might get a couple to see what they're like! My goodness, there's some expensive shrimps on that site!
  3. F

    Fish Eggs Or Parasites.

    If you don't scrape them off they can take a few days to just over a week to hatch. Depends what type of snails you have. 
  4. F

    Fish Eggs Or Parasites.

    A picture might help a lot.   Do you have any snails in there? If so, it's very possible they're snail eggs. Especially if they appear in little clumps inside jelly. I'm led to believe breeding tetras is quite difficult so that might rule them out, for a start. Rams tend to spawn on a flat...
  5. F

    12L Micro Tank

    Mama, hope you don't mind if I continue the discussion about the deep blue coloured shrimp here!   I emailed my shrimp supplier and even although he doesn't have them on his website yet, he's started his own colony of Fantasy Blue Shrimp (Neocaridina Davidi). He took this picture this morning...
  6. Fantasy Blue.jpg

    Fantasy Blue.jpg

  7. F

    Some Goldie Pics

    Brilliant pictures! How on earth do you get such clear close ups?   Beautiful fish, too, they look extremely healthy!
  8. F

    12L Micro Tank

    The crystals are fabulous! I'd love to get my hands on some of the deep blue coloured cherries but only Daize seems to have found them in the flesh...really looking forward to hearing am update on those guys!
  9. F

    12L Micro Tank

    That's good news, Zik, hopefully Mamashack will be able to get the anubias back in if they are safe. I was simply relaying info I had read. You can keep the crystals (caradina) with the blue cherries (neocaradina) without cross breeding. Their requirements are similar, too. I have black and red...
  10. F

    12L Micro Tank

    I've got loads of it if you want some. Can't guarantee it'll be snail free, unfortunately but I can spare quite a lot, if you want.
  11. F

    Planarians Attacked Neon Tetra

    My only experience of planaria was in my very first tank when I came to upgrade it. During the process of taking the old one down I started to see dark, flat worms. I read a bit about them and found that they are a threat to small fish and shrimplets but not normally to adult fish.    It is...
  12. F

    12L Micro Tank

    That's OK, I still feel guilty for posting on your thread, so you reserve the right to comment or not!   They are very deep red and beautiful up close. Most seem to have a gloss 'finish' in certain light making them shiny...very cool. On of the females looks close to dropping here 'berries' too...
  13. Painted Fire Red_3.JPG

    Painted Fire Red_3.JPG

  14. F

    12L Micro Tank

    It's definitely worth a try. And if they become more activeor more visible, then it might have been the anubias. If not and they behave the same, I presume you can just stick them back in.    I much prefer mosses for my shrimples, but I do have one small (but tall) bit of banana plant. Lots of...
  15. F

    12L Micro Tank

    Aw, that's a shame you're not able to see them'll just need to get more so you can see at least a few each time you look in :)   I've been reading some of the shrimp related articles on and in one of them it suggests that they may be hiding as they're not 100% happy...
  16. F

    So, I've Been A Bit Quiet Lately.......

    Many congratulations Ch4rlie!   Soak up every minute of it, it's very precious! Even what seems to be the 'bad' times!   Good luck and health to you all!!!
  17. F

    12L Micro Tank

    Good news getting the temp down, that's a good result!   I've no idea why I've missed so much of this conversation... Probably the heat...can't be anything to do with all the brandy I'm drinking...   I wonder why no one seems to be able to get these deep blue shrimp anywhere...they must be...
  18. Painted Fire Red_2.JPG

    Painted Fire Red_2.JPG

  19. Painted Fire Red_1.JPG

    Painted Fire Red_1.JPG

  20. F

    2.6Ft Rescaped

    That looks brilliant, Alasse, very nice indeed!   Makes mine look amateur at best...   Right, I need to sort mine out now...
  21. F

    Fungus Med (In Uk)

    If it's at all possible, can you separate your betta and treat him in a tank of his own? That way you can remove the shrimp from the equation entirely and use the most effective fungal treatment possible. I'm sure the Interpet stuff is shrimp safe, Melafix and Pimafix, but I'm not sure that...
  22. F

    Heads Gone! New To Tropical Fish!

    Wrong is a strong word!   It's more difficult and time consuming (and pant wetting) to do a fish-in cycle than to do fishless, but, if you're being given advice by people whom you trust, then it's hard to actually blame you for doing it 'wrong'.   The absolute ideal situation is if you could...
  23. F

    12L Micro Tank

    I agree, perhaps a large change like that, especially if done quickly, could be a disaster. I might be doing the cherries a disservice, but I wouldn't gamble it either.   Here's the pic of a shrimplet, as close as I could possibly get with my rubbish camera phone...     There's a Red Line on...
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  25. F

    12L Micro Tank

    Just a quick one here, but there's a chap selling some shrimp substrate for £5 a bag in another recent post. It looks nice and dark!
  26. F

    Drawf Gourami

    Oh, that's quite a large amount of fish in a relatively small tank, I'm afraid. That might even be the answer to the problem. Clown loaches in particular can grow to about a foot long (smaller tank will stunt them and shorten their life considerably). Plus they need to be in groups of 6 or more...
  27. F

    Drawf Gourami

    If you could post some precise info about your water parameters and tank size and inhabitants etc, that would help.   Does she have any sores on her, or anything that looks like an open wound? Does she appear bloated and/or are her scales sticking out?
  28. F

    My Cpds Have Spawned!

    That's good to know about the temp! Excellent... I'll try leaving a glass of tank water outside over the weekend and see what happens.
  29. F

    My Cpds Have Spawned!

    I know, I'm mega chuffed! Didn't think there was a chance in there as it almost solely focused on being shrimp specific. Then I decided it wasn't fair on the CPDs so I got them out and they're now much much happier in my 200L at home. Their behavior is totally different so I think I've been...
  30. F

    My Cpds Have Spawned!

    I've got quite a lot of flame moss, moss balls, a small banana plant sprout and some riccia - it's a bit of a mess but I can't tidy it as I've got a new batch of shrimplets and I'm not risking cutting down my greenery in case I lose any.   I only noticed this afternoon after coming back from...
  31. F

    My Cpds Have Spawned!

    I got a very cool surprise this afternoon!   My CPDs had obviously spawned in my shrimp tank before I took them out and now I can see at least 4/5 wee tiny fry darting around! I'm over the moon as I didn't think the conditions were right for them in there, which is why I moved them in the 1st...
  32. F

    Question About Dwarg Neon Raimbows Behaviour

    I'd be concerned that it's female and not a male.   Are the fins as brightly coloured as the rest? More red as opposed to orange/yellow?
  33. F

    Upgrading To A Larger Tank

    Sorry, I may have misunderstood the full situation. Can you break down what you have tank-wise and stock for each tank?   Basically, no, you wouldn't cycle a tank if there are already fish in there. I just assumed the 55G was a new tank that you were going to stock with the 2 fish in your...
  34. F

    Cycling Tank For 1 Betta

    Don't worry about it, we all had to start somewhere...   ppm just stands for Parts Per Million. An equivalent (almost exactly for argument sake) is mg/l which is Milligrams per Litre and simply represents, through testing, how much of a chemical/substance is in your aquarium water. For example...
  35. F

    Upgrading To A Larger Tank

    In that case, I would do as Ninj suggested and do a full cycle on your 55G tank/filter. You can fully stock straight away after that. Also you can kick-start the cycle with some media from your old filter, no more than about a third of it, that will help a lot and shouldn't leave your 2 current...
  36. F

    Upgrading To A Larger Tank

    I would have thought that it would be perfectly alright just to move ALL of the existing filter media into your new tank - whether that's moving the media into a new filter or not - as your existing media will have just the right amount of bacteria to deal with the waste from the current number...
  37. F

    Kock Rock

    Don't get me wrong, it will have plenty surface area, so don't worry about it. It'll be perfectly sufficient for your filter. 
  38. F

    20+ Gallon Long Tank Uk

    I have no idea where you could get a pre-built one of that spec. Perhaps you could try ND Aquatics who make custom aquariums.
  39. F

    Kock Rock

    It does look like just normal type media only spherical rather than perhaps the typical noodles or tubes, I can't imagine it not being any use. However it probably has less surface area than other types - spheres are the perfect shape to have the minimum surface area to volume ratio (that's why...
  40. F

    Kock Rock

    Like you, Daize, I just had to read this post...I was drawn to it somehow, but, admittedly I was disappointed when it turned out it was just about media :)   I agree with the sponge this, I like sponge stuff too, but surely there's an argument for 'lastability' here and therefore, value for...