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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. 3

    What Should I stock in a 55 gallon?

    Sounds like your a rainbow fish fan :) haha
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    New multifaciatus tank :)

    Was going to maybe add like a little anubias plant but i didnt think they liked plants to much. And yes haha they are empty apple snail shells :)
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    air stone vs foam filter

    I personally love the look of either, if you only have a hang on back filter maybe it’s more beneficial to go a little sponge filter, they are pretty cheap and I find they do a good job of storing some of that biological bacteria. But of course go with what you like :)
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    New multifaciatus tank :)

    100L multi tank - 8 little fellas In there, thought I’d show everyone a picture and see what they thought. Just a little air pump hooked up, as well as an aqua one nautilus 600 pump doing it’s job well.
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    My plants are dying.

    The root systems are very developed under the gravel, i want to try avoid taking them out.
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    **Question of the week** | What is your favorite aquarium plant, and why?

    Java fern, just too easy to grow and works with pretty much all fish.
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    My plants are dying.

    How do i remove the algae without pulling out the plants?
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    My plants are dying.

    Ok so I have been sometimes getting a bit loose with the liquid co2 I also have a diy co kit is it worth setting that up
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    My plants are dying.

    Ok I’ll try reducing the fertilisers thanks for the reply :)
  12. 3

    My plants are dying.

    So, my planted 35G tank (150L) is going downhill the plants were fine about 3 months ago. My blue stricta leaves are now curling in at the tip new growth seems to be forming all twisted and with holes in the plant. Water parameters are. Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate: 0/0/25> PH: 7.6 My fertiliser...
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    Little holes in my plant

    Thanks but some liquid potassium fertiliser been putting some in it says to do it weekly but i feel like i should do it a little bit more if this the issue?
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    Little holes in my plant

    I have a red tail sharks as well as some bristle nose do you think they could be the culprits?
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    Little holes in my plant

    Went the the local aquarium store they told me it was lack of potassium which the general fertiliser flourish doesn’t have so I had to buy a seperate element specific for potassium
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    Little holes in my plant

    Wouldn’t say that it is the co2 as the holes were appearing before that. But should I just leave it for a bit and see what happens or buy some flourish potassium?
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    Little holes in my plant

    Hey their just wanting to know what would be causing this bought from a private seller a couple days ago have been dosing liquid co2 as well as flourish. The plant is a Hygrophila.
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    oh wow that seems pretty awesome... for sure getting some just got to figure where i can get some.
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    I like the looks of the water sprite, would i want to cover the whole top?
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    Black background is the plan and what sort of floating plants would you suggest? GH is always a trouble i have... everybody asks what it is but i`m not sure how to find out... My test kit which is meant to be a full one i thought has... PH, High Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate My PH is 7-7.4
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    Next time i go down to the store.... I work their now :) ill let you know.
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    I`m not to sure of the names of the plants i just went down and picked up a few that i liked :) it was easy enough to do as ii have a strong light in their with the right color spectrum :)
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    Honey gourami, rummy nose and Harlequin`s. :)
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    Cant Wait to see!!! :)
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    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    First planted tank..... GO easy ahaha
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    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    I live in QLD cant find anything about GH?
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    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    I don`t think im up for cichlids. but i think i might go the honeys yes.
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    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    I live in Aus
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    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    Alright yeah i understand... Could you give me some options for this size tank, Keep in mind i would like to create a community tank.
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    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    Just a singular Gourami?
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    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    Alright first off i did the math wrong its a 40Gal tank 150L the PH is at 7.0 and my nitrate is like 12 almost maybe a little lower its pretty low... my ammonia is at almost 0 im not sure what the GH is i have never tested that and i do not know how too... I would really like to put angelfish...
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    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    Hey, so i am trying to create a community tank in my new 40 gallon tank i am up for suggestions and help... So in my 40 gallon tank i am wanting to inhabit it with 2 angel fish, 6 honey Gourami, Neon Tetras 10-15, 5 Cory catfish and a few bristlenose is this going to work is their going to be an...
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    What do i get!!!

    Thanks for all the help i have bought my first fish on the weekend i got 9 neons and 3 cory catfish they are going along happily.