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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Having trouble with my angel fish.

    Sorry to hear your news. Stress from the move (or bullying) might be a contributing factor to consider, even if your water parameters are good, but then it appears your LFS did not advise what they tested for. Did you get a photo of the "worm"? I agree with a water change, but it is also...
  2. C

    Test your tap water &

    NW London: PH - 7 Ammonia - 0 ppm Nitrites - 0 ppm Nitrates - 10 ppm Phosphorous - 2 mg/l KH - 200 mg/l GH - 260 mg/l - very hard water
  3. C

    Can fish get constipated?

    Also, feeding too much of a high protein diet to some fish (such as bloodworm) without the balance of vegetables can cause constipation. I have taken to hand feeding the bloodworm (to those who will take it like my betta and Rams) to keep it away from the pigs (danio, gourami, platies). That...
  4. C

    gourami problem?

    Not sure about the markings without a picture, but a good idea would be to make sure you have some tall plants for hiding space and perhaps consider dosing the water with Melafix for a few days :) Good luck!
  5. C

    Rant about frezze dried bloodworms.

    I use frozen too, but when using dried I take a pinch of it and hold it in the water for a while...soon enough I have my betta, one of my dwarf gourami, one of my rams and a platy happily take it from my hand :) Others are getting braver!
  6. C

    2 new...

    They are also new to your community :) It is not unusual not to see them at all for a while! The three I have were in this tank about a month or so before I saw all three together, out in the open. Prior to that I only ever saw one at a time, and wondered whether I might have lost any. Now...
  7. C

    Nasty gourimi! HELP!

    Gourami are labyrinth fish, just like Bettas, and IMHO should be considered on similar lines. It is ok to keep one alone, but equally be wary of putting two males in the same tank, unless it is a large tank with plenty of hiding places. I have two honey gourami in a 120litre, one is very...
  8. C

    Just another "please help me read my test results"

    Just out of interest, which kit did you buy? I am wondering, since a master kit usually contains an amonia test kit (a vital piece of equipment) and you haven't posted any results here for that. As cavafish said, the nitrIte (NO2) readings are as you would hope (0 ppm) anything higher would be...
  9. C

    5 red belly piranhas

    Sorry to detract from the main conversation...but lougotzz do you really own all of those tanks? :o Impressive! I am envious! You must live in a warehouse lol!
  10. C

    Fish with red gills

    Have you tested your water parameters? It could be ammonia poisoning...
  11. C

    Blind Clown Loach

    I had a large old goldfish that turned blind. His looked like cataracts, since there were no other symptoms, my water parameters were fine, and he was otherwise well bar the cloudy eyes. (The eyes clouded over a long period of time) You might find this article useful. Good luck!
  12. C

    Adding Kuhli Loaches

    I have three khulis. For the first few weeks after I put them in the tank, I only ever caught a glimpse of one at a time, and did get to wonder had I lost any. Now though, after three months, I see them all regularly, and at the same time. Usually early evening, whether the tank is lit or...
  13. C

    Siamese Algae Eater question

    To be completely honest, this has got to be the worst fish I have ever kept. Not only are they inefficient algae eaters, compared to some, when they mature they start to feed off the slime coat of their tank mates. This I found out the hard way. I found one 8 inch SAE that had trapped a 15...
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    We are a motorbike family, though he does try to cycle once in a while...LMAO! if only he was as dedicated as the "cyclers" in here! ;)
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    LMAO! :D I don't, he gets to care for the cats, the kids we are forced to share ;)
  16. C


    Thank you, Cathy! :) I will...though my hubby killed the digital camera in a biking weekend in the rain, so once the insurance company pays out (lol!) I will :)
  17. C


    Hi there! :) Many years ago I used to keep tropical tanks (one 120 litre, and one 200 litres) Back then (some 15 years) I knew nothing about cycling, testing water parameters or even fish compatibility, but somehow it all worked fine, with little to no incidents. About all I did was a regular...