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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. aaronnorth

    Lighting Regime

    You won't confuse the fish/ plants. You can turn the lights on when you want and that is what they will percieve to be day as long as you keep it constant. When you are turning them off/ on at different times or for short periods of times though, it can cause stress, but also the plants will...
  2. aaronnorth

    Anubias Barteri Var Nana

    ahh right, ok. I suggest you increase the dose of the TPN to 1ml per 20l, and dose 3x per week then. You can keep the liquid carbon the same, or if it has different doses for different lighting levels/ tank with lots of plants then dose to the maximum it will let you. It must be a nutrient...
  3. aaronnorth

    Anubias Barteri Var Nana

    If you don't need the ferts to fix any other problems then I would stop dosing and keep things simple. There is probably some melt off due to the liquid carbon as the plant has to adapt to new levels. Thanks, Aaron
  4. aaronnorth

    Aga Convention 2010, Nov. 11-14

    I don't really like any of them, even the last one looks overcrowded and not to a true scale IMO. Very good though.
  5. aaronnorth

    Fertilizer Question

    ahh sorry, been busy! lol. Never mind, at least it will still be a lot cheaper in the long run. Did you get any potassium phosphate then? Thanks, Aaron
  6. aaronnorth

    Fertilizer Question

    No need for the CaSO4 or K2SO4 - unless you need extra Ca and K which is unlikely. KH2PO4 is important as this is the source of PO4. You can get everything from here...
  7. aaronnorth

    Planting - Starting Out Right

    You can soak it in a buket of water for a few weeks and change the water daily if you like, or you can add it to the tank and carry out 50% water changes every day for a few weeks. This is the same as doing a fishless cycle, adding mature media into the equation just means the cycle will...
  8. aaronnorth

    Fertilizer Question

    You can do, but it won't make a big difference as there is still a limiting factor - the other nutrients but it won't harm anything. Thanks, Aaron
  9. aaronnorth

    Tropica Plants

    you can leave the rock wool on, but it is best to remove as much as possible, doesnt matter about it all. It is made easier when doing this under water as it softens & loosens. The roots will grow through the wool in an attempt to find nutrients very quickly, so don't worry too much, Thanks...
  10. aaronnorth

    Using Motor Part Of Fluval Filter As A Diffuser - Where`s That Thread?

    An airstone isn't a permanent solution, the bubbles will still be too large. Try heating the tubing in hot water so you can push it really far down the glass and it will tighten then. Thanks, Aaron
  11. aaronnorth

    Using Motor Part Of Fluval Filter As A Diffuser - Where`s That Thread?

    Depending on the model, some have a small opening actually on the top of the ouput where you can connect the CO2. This is usually used for adding extra O2 to the tank as you leave this part above the water surface usually. Or if you can find a way to get it so the filter is actually sucking up...
  12. aaronnorth

    How Long

    I never have done. But you can give just a quick rinse under the tap to remove any copper treatments when its from a dealer, and the same applies to when its from someone elses tank, just incase of a disease.
  13. aaronnorth

    Attaching Plants.

    I also use superglue, it's so quick and efficient compared to using cotton/ fishing line. Aaron
  14. aaronnorth

    First Time For A Planted Tank

    What wattage are the lights? How many tubes? You may need CO2, but you could get away with it depedning on the lights. There are plenty of tetra's & danio's that you could keep. You can keep any shrimp, or snails if you like although you will probably end up with these anyway! You can also...
  15. aaronnorth

    Pressurized Co2 Setup

    I have never used a splitter before, I don't think the pressure would drop significantly enough to cause problems, certainly not at a foot's length. I have known people to use them to feed CO2 to separate rooms. You would just need a needle valve on each line, and providing you don't need the NV...
  16. aaronnorth

    Surface Scum In Freshwater Aquaria

    You can have a gentle ripple, that is all that is needed, it is just enough to keep the scum away but you won't lose loads of CO2. If you don't want to do this and it isn't the proteins from the fish food, then it can be due to the plants not receiving enough CO2/ nutrients, some have had...
  17. aaronnorth

    Taking The Plunge

    There is a good post here: You might want to pick up a fertliser and just dose weekly to start with, increasng the frequency if any problems appear. It could just be the plant adapting to submerged conditions though, trim off any dead/...
  18. aaronnorth

    The Logistics Of Building A Cliff Outcroping

    There are few places that sell good rock like what you see on the internet. There is one place near me which is still about an hours drive away. Aqua Essentials & The Green Machine are the best online source.
  19. aaronnorth

    Tropica Plant Nutrition+ Composition

    Are you completley skipping the sentence where people tell you ammonium is harmless???? Safe. Aaron
  20. aaronnorth

    Pressurized Co2 Setup

    The splitter is a good idea, but using the filters won't be very efficient, you would be better with a ceramic diffuser. This post tells you everything you need: Thanks, Aaron
  21. aaronnorth

    0 Nitrate?

    There is no paper on it, but you only have to read the original post to see theirs has just shown 0ppm, and the other hundreds of posts saying the same thing. That's good enough for me. You can also test this for yourself by calibrating the kit. To do this, make up samples of 5,10,20,30ppm...
  22. aaronnorth

    0 Nitrate?

    Its just the innacuracy of test kits - liquid or strips. There will always be NO3 present, as long as your plants (abd fish) are healthy I wouldn't bother testing
  23. aaronnorth

    The Logistics Of Building A Cliff Outcroping

    The trick is to choose your rocks carfeully and build the substrtae around it and on it - this means a really deep substrate as your plants can then root on top of the rocks aswell. not just near the base of the tank. Here is Peter Kirwan's "Mountainscape" and "Mountainscape V2" Thanks...
  24. aaronnorth

    Planting - Starting Out Right

    1ml per 20l of TPN+ daily will be fine. TPN+ uses ammonium nitrate as a source of nitrogen, this is harmless to fish. It will give you a false reading, but seeing as there won't be any plants in while the ADA is leaching NH3, you won't need to worry about any false readings. Once the NH3 has...
  25. aaronnorth

    Tropica Plant Nutrition+ Composition

    I'm sorry, but if a product has PLANT NUTRITION in the name I don't see how much clearer you want them to make it!? Providing you have plants, they will quickly utilise these nutrients. Listen to what Ian is saying, your test kit tests for total ammonia (NH3 and NH4+), NH4+ is harmless . Going...
  26. aaronnorth

    Why Why Why!

    CO2? Dosing regime? Lighting Details? We need more information. Thanks, Aaron
  27. aaronnorth

    Planting - Starting Out Right

    ADA AS will lower the pH to around 6.6-7 if I remember correctly, until it will stabilise to around pH7. Your best option would be to fishless cycle: Have a read of that, any questions just ask...
  28. aaronnorth

    Tropica Plant Nutrition+ Composition

    There isn't enough Cu to harm shrimps. I used to overdose by about 3 or 5x with some red cherry shrimp and they were fine. If you are keeping the more expensive CRS or Sulawesi shrimp then I would always stick to the manafacturers instructions just incase. You never know what the Cu levels are...
  29. aaronnorth

    Cryptocoryne 'broad Leaves' Plant

    Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by the other two solutions? There is Bromothymol Blue & 4dKH solution. If you are on about Bromothymol Blue then this is supplied with the DC, and it is fine to use. If you are on about making some 4dKH with sodium bicarbonate & DI water, then yes you can, or you...
  30. aaronnorth

    Cryptocoryne 'broad Leaves' Plant

    It is either going to be 1) Insufficient nutrients (usually Potassium when yellow burns/ holes appear) 2) Adaptation to the new environment. Cryptocorynes usually suffer from "Crypt melt", just keep trimming the leaves off and eventually they will last longer like they did before. 3) Old age...
  31. aaronnorth

    Over Grown

    Me too, I wouldnt bother saving up for them!
  32. aaronnorth

    Hc Planting

    There is two ways. 1) Do as Carl says and cut the HC into 1cm cubes (just cut the wool off and leave 1cm behind, it doesnt hurt anything), 2) Seperate into individual stems & plant. You do want to try and remove the wool if you are doing it this way, the best way is to do it in a bucket of...
  33. aaronnorth

    Basics In Aquascaping

    Yes. I used it in my 60l too, Thanks, Aaron
  34. aaronnorth

    Plant Id Plz

    :good: I would say it is MU going on the roundness of the leaves, but you will be able to tell yourself by comparing two healthy species on the internet. You can tell the difference by Looking for the leaf detail, roundness, look/ style of the tip where new leaves are being produced, distance...
  35. aaronnorth

    Plant Id

    Definatley was juncus repens (or more commonly Blyxa Japonica). It requires high CO2 and it doesnt travel too well - A hard species to get going.
  36. aaronnorth

    Algae Is Pearling

    There is little reason to add more light because it just means there is less room for error. Considering your plants weren't growing to start with, they will now need even more CO2 & Nutrients to grow. 2.5WPG T5 is a lot of light. You could get away with half of that and make life easier. What...
  37. aaronnorth

    Aquascaping World Magazine - Sample Images Included

    I wouldn't subscribe as it's pretty pointless seeing as it is free. :good:
  38. aaronnorth


    It depends which brand it is. They all contain different nutrients in differing concentrations so you have to choose one that would best match your setup. Tropica Plant Nutrition+ tends to be the best all in one though. (You can get liquid ferts just for specifically dosing Nitrogen or...
  39. aaronnorth

    Congratulations Ianho

    :lol: congrats Ian!
  40. aaronnorth

    General Fertilizer

    I wouldnt use root tabs as they aren't brilliant, especially for those species as their main nutrient uptake root is through the water column. A weekly dose of easylife profito or tropica plant nutrition+ will keep them going. If you notice defficencies then increase the frequency of dosing.