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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Bala Shark Tank

    I have my balas in a 4.5 foot, 300 odd litre tank currently, due to my 7 and a half footer exploding and not having raised the funds to replace it My big guy's taken over a year to get to 5" but he's skittish and so may need a bigger tank in the not too distant future. They take many years to...
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    White Spot Treatment Uk, Pentazona Barbs (w/ Dwarf Gourami, Peppered C

    Ok, further update. All pentazonas succumbed, symptoms possible present on Gourami and two cories (could be spots, could be air bubbles, I'm not sure, they're much smaller than the spots on the barbs were). Gourami has been very unhappy so have had to reduce aeration a little in order to calm...
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    If your freezer is very cold, putting them in a small container of water and freezing them will work quickly and (for most fish) cause little harm, but it is considered malpractice in lots of places for a vet to reccomend it because studies have found electrical activity in the unconcious fish...
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    Shoaling Fish With Multiple Variants

    I recently got a shoal of 5 banded, and they are timid as all hell, I've had to double the level of plant cover in the tank to get them to swim around at all, dim the lights and they weren't happy till the shoal was up above 7. Once they feel they ahve enough cover, they're quite pleasant to watch.
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    Nitrate Help

    Just to gloat, My new house has <0.5ppm Nitrate in the water...
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    Why Sand? How Sand? Sand?!

    So Every fish keeper I talk to tells me sand is best as a substrate (except one guy who loves peat...). But it seems to me like it would be a tonne of faff. When I clean my small gravel I lose some of it up the vac, surely with sand I'd lose more. I get that some fish prefer it, but really...
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    Ich Treatment Advice

    Just getting over an ICH outbreak in a cory/pentazona/D.Gourami tank. Yes, treat the whole tank, two of the three life stages of the parasite are free swimming or live on decorations/gravel. You must treat the whole tank. Reducing the water level a little to help your pump disrupt the surface...
  8. S

    White Spot Treatment Uk, Pentazona Barbs (w/ Dwarf Gourami, Peppered C

    Ok, so on advice from LFS and various online sources, didn't use heat and slat for the sake of the cories. Raise tank temp to 88, increased aeration (upped rate of bubbles and moved filters higher) and began a course of King British WS3. Malachite Green (4% solution) 10% w/w Acriflavine 0.05%...
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    White Spot Treatment Uk, Pentazona Barbs (w/ Dwarf Gourami, Peppered C

    Was planning on heat and salt method as getting to an LFS with a reasonable med stock will be tricky and all I have in is Melafix but have received conflicting info RE: Cories and salinities. I would be aiming for about 2g / L from the papers I have seen. 4g if it's still present after 31 days...
  10. S

    White Spot Treatment Uk, Pentazona Barbs (w/ Dwarf Gourami, Peppered C

    All 5 of my pentazona barbs are displaying classic ICH symptoms, I didn't quarantine them because my Quaratine tank has two guppies with ragged tails in. My mistake. The guppy's will be returned to their tank on Thursday so I can isolate tank mates in the scaleless cories need a different...
  11. S

    100l Stocking

    I have finally got my boys back into a large tank (5'x18"x18"), not as good as the 7.5'x21"x33" monster I lost but still better than nothing. So having a spare tank, I had to put fish in it, right? I have established filters, and introduced a Dwarf Gourami (Royal Blue/Royal Neon Blue etc.) and...
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    100l Sump? Refugium? Wet/dry?

    So I have a 300L (C. 5'x18"x18") tank, currently running with Balas and Guppies, Minimally planted, water paramters are ok. I have acquired (from a skip...) a fine old 120L (C. 4'x12"x12"). It's scratched and battered so not great as a display tank, I've never had a refugium, I've never had a...
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    Two Guppies Fin Nipped/rotten/torn?

    Ok, so I've moved them to a 30L hospital tank with established filter, raised temperature to 28 degrees (maybe 29) added some aquarium salt and a weeks worth of Melafix (had to do the dosing in 4 days rather than 7, but the guppies coped well) How will I know if it's worked?
  14. S

    Can Some One Help Me Id My New Pleco

    Not quite, you seem to have confused Breed/Subsp with Species. A breed is a consistent set of traits which one population of a species has (Like bulldogs) a subspecies is just a better established breed. But different breeds cna have different requirements even though they're the same species.
  15. S

    Small Acanthicus?

    so I was at a fish hop I don't usually go to to see what they were like and spotted something worrying. They had some odd looking 5" or 6" plecos being sold as Medium Acanthicus. When I asked the assistant she said they get to about 8 or 9" and that they'd be fine in my tank (I never told her...
  16. S

    Two Guppies Fin Nipped/rotten/torn?

    Balas don't interact with the guppies at all, even when they're all fighting over the algae tabs. One of the balas is getting a little picked on in the temporary tank, so I'm having to direct feed him a little, to make sure he gets some. but no, I've notice no nipping behaviour.
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    Free Guppy And Platy Fry - Regular Basis

    Can I get some picks of the parent guppies? I'd be interested in upping my stock once I'm in the new tank.
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    So You Want A Shark?

    Ok, this comes up A LOT because people like sharks. So here's a first attempt at a quick guide to all the "Sharks" you find around. [Will update with images when I have them and any suggstions welcomed I'm not knowledgeable on lots of these sharks.] So you want a shark? Below are descriptions...
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    Two Guppies Fin Nipped/rotten/torn?

    this is not an emergency so I'll put it here. Tank size: 100-110L pH: 7.4-7.6 ammonia: 0.00 nitrite: 0.00 nitrate: 5-10pp, (gets closer to 15 by the time I water change) tank temp: 25-28 C (tank has started gettting colder overnight) Fish Symptoms: I have two male guppys in my tank (google guppy...
  20. S

    Intake Strainer Wanted/required

    I also have a spare green eheim one but won't be able to check size till tomorrow evening. I'm in County durham, Cleveland and Yorkshire at various points in the week if this is closer for you.
  21. S

    Help Wit My Fishless Cycle

    7.5 is fine for a fishless cycle. I'd say you're probably best to wait for it to start to drop down. Can't offer any better advice than that I'm afraid.
  22. S

    Large Piece Of Bogwood For Sale

    Was thinking similar.
  23. S

    New Baby Bala Shark

    Realised this was a little off topic so I've moved to its own thread.
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    Guppy Seems To Have Been Pregnant For Ever, Squared Off For 3 Weeks.

    Some of them just take longer and have bigger spawns. She'll be fine in the breeder for another day or two. Does she seem relatively calm in the breeder?
  25. S

    Limnobium Laevigatum

    Sorry, can't really tell fromt he photo, what sort of surface area is each £4 box?
  26. S

    White Spot Help And Suspected Swim Bladder

    I hate to butt in on a fish emergency thread, but... This set up is not great for any of the fish involved. Even if your balas and clowns are only 3" now, your tanks is still overstocked and will get to about twice as much fish as that tan can handle over their life times. All your fish except...
  27. S

    Am I At Max Capacity? Overstocked?

    Ok, without the babies (because I'm not familiar) rule of thumbing it a little I'd say you are right at the top end of what I'd be willing to care for and your filtration is barely able to cope with it. Upgrading sounds like a good plan. I'd probably get a few mor julii, for the shoal. And your...
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    96 Litre Tank

    1) First you need to cycle your tank, in our advice for beginners section is a guide to tank cycling. 2) With guppies, unless you have somewhere to give the fry to or a way of culling them you will want to keep a same sex tank (if you have a mixed sex tank 1:2 or 1:3 male to female ration will...
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    New Baby Bala Shark

    Balas are one of the problem fish in the trade. I inherited two of them and within the first few months had to upgrade, (to a 7.5 foot tank). Sadly that tanks broken and my 5 balas are going into a 5 foot tank as soon as I can get it built and I'll have to consider moving them shortly after...
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    Would just like to say, this topic stunned me. To me a "Sunfish" is a mola mola, which weighs a tonne at adult size.
  31. S

    My Ammonia Won't Spike To Begin My Cycle? Someone Help?

    Ok, so if you got very lucky and your first set up with the tap water provided enough ammonia and nitrites to get both sets of bacterial colonies growing, the danios are generating low levels of ammonai which is why it's taking you so long to see any, and it's being processed. did you say you...
  32. S

    Eheim Aquaball Internal Filter

    Also interested dependent on specific model.
  33. S

    9" Plec In 40g Tank

    That rule would give a 65 to 70 gallon tank. I've heard people say you can go a little less for plecos, because they're not active swimmers. But I don't know the requirements of big plecos. It's also worth noting that your 9" common Pleco could be a 1 foot monster in 6 to 12 months and get up...
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    Freeze Dried Foods And Diseases

    MBOU, I'm assuming he meant fish diseases, not human diseases.
  35. S

    Fish Id Please

    Easy way to tell is the anal fin, tinfoil barb anal fin is sticky out, silver tetra anal fin runs along the tail, can't really tell in this photo. Also I agree that barbs have more buggy oout eyes than tetras, but this photo, the eyes aren't that buggy. JStacks, please let us know about the...
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    Java Moss For Sale

    Also interested if there's any left. (or even in wood with java moss on or any other way of gettign java moss in my tank.
  37. S

    Fish Id Please

    Looks nothing like the tinfoil barbs of that size that I've seen before, wrong body shape. (Young barbs have a longer tail) How sure are you?
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    One Or Two Heaters?

    I was having this problem as well in an old property (I usd to get frost on the inside of the windows over night), two heaters can work but you have to be very careful, 1) to set the thermostats correctly so that both heaters get used about equally. 2) To get good flow in the tank so all water...
  39. S

    Fish Id Please

    Looks a bit like a Ctenobrycon spilurus (Silver Tetra) although they usually have a black dot on. Size might help narrow it down.