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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. N

    snail getting bigger?

    Mine did grow pretty big though before it got despatched to snail heaven by my lobster. It was more hassle than it was worth, it made more of a mess then it cleared up. Ill never get another snail again, lesson learned. :)
  2. N

    keeping crayfish

    You will find that they are the same thing. As regards keeping them healthy, you can feed them live fish but they seldon catch them. They are basically scavengers and will eat any thing (you should see the state of my plastic plants) veg bits of meat, and also fish food, catfish pellets and...
  3. N

    Crayfish Damage!

    The claw or any limbs missing will grow back gradually each time they shed/moult. So they will be ok ;)
  4. N

    Newborn lobsters/crayfish

    3ft by 1ft and 13" deep. I had a friend that was going to get me a 4ft but.................. ??? Dunno now.
  5. N

    Newborn lobsters/crayfish

    Yaaaaheeeey! they are alive and well. Ive separated mommy lobster/cray and they seem to be doing well at the moment (cross fingers). Ive been dumping in crab cuisine which seems to have enough nutrients and calcium for them. Thanks for the tip on eggshells samthefishman, I'd never have...
  6. N

    dumb question

    Uh? :huh:
  7. N

    snail getting bigger?

    I had a snail once, it grew quiet large 'till my Lobster decided to pounce on it and make a meal of it. There's no accounting for taste, yeeuuucckkkk! :sick:
  8. N

    Newborn lobsters/crayfish

    Well, there are lots of hiding places. Every now and then I look into the tank and panic 'cos I dont see any. But they seem to turn up now and then. I must remove mother Lobster/crayfish soon. Im just waiting for the rest of the babies to separate from Mum. :rolleyes:
  9. N


    Hi and welcome :hi:
  10. N


    I didnt realise that they still did that. I thought it was made illegal, dunno what made me think that. Hmmmmm :/
  11. N


    I agree with that. I had two mollies a while ago but they died from fin rot and white spot. I bought them from a local petstore, wont do that again!!. I went bact to the store and his whole tank was infested. :angry: Sorry, I didnt have them long enough to advise you. :/
  12. N

    Newborn lobsters/crayfish

    No I think as usual you weren't listening. If you could tell me how I misunderstood that would be helpful. :)
  13. N

    Blue yabbies

    Yes they can, if you are prepared to lose a few fish. Its all food food food to yabbies/crayfish/lobsters :D
  14. N

    Newborn lobsters/crayfish

    We had this conversation on the phone already and... as I have said before, It is impossible in my tank. The layout prevents that, and the little babies are nowhere to be seen at the moment. Hooking them out to stick them in cut off plastic bottles would do them more harm than good. :S
  15. N

    Newborn lobsters/crayfish

    Thanks Never2Bknown. At least that was more helpful then "Take 1 large saucepan, fill with water and bring to the boil......!!!!! " :D
  16. N


    I expect your fish enjoyed their spider treat. :P
  17. N

    still a cloudy tank

    If you have just set up the tank, then it will take a while to settle down. Did you wash your gravel/sand? :)
  18. N

    Australian Blue Lobster has babies

    No pictures yet jasmine. :) Im having trouble taking pictures of them in my tank. My digital camera dosent seem to cope very well. Most of the babies have now detached from mother lobster, and scattered around the tank. There are a few still attached, so Im waiting for them to drop off...
  19. N

    Getting Nitrates out of tap water

    Potassium permanganate, no surprise at what your xmas present is then. :D Just kiddin' Red. You are lovely :)
  20. N

    Getting Nitrates out of tap water

    Reds got a point! However, I thought the only thing in the room that was going to change colour was the test tubes. You shoulda seen Reds face! lol It did shock me too, I only live a mile away (as was said) and the difference in the quality of water is dramatic. :/
  21. N

    Whats your favourite name

    I haven't named my fish. My first lobster (yeah, I know, crayfish) was called lawrence. He died (moult problems). I then bought two more, I unorigonally called the male 'Lawrence' but Im stuck for a female name. Any suggestions? :)
  22. N

    here he is!

    Thats pretty :) How do you manage to get such a good picture. Im having difficulties with photographing my stock. Its either blurred or I have a reflection of myself in the glass. D'oh!
  23. N


    OMG, you tried again. And I know how much you dont like being touched by fish. It isnt going to change (like I told you), well done for getting over your fear of fish touching you though. ;) Now leave her alone, before you kill her with love. :) Are you ok (prod), Are you ok (prod)...
  24. N

    A fish in a school locker?

    Fish in a school locker???!!!! At first, I didnt believe what I was reading. In a school locker??? Words fail me! :angry:
  25. N

    Australian Blue Lobster Question??

    Keen gardeners???, more like bulldozers. My two heave rocks about, rip out plants and then sit amongst the carnage with an expression of "Hey look what i did, I dare you to set everything up again!". Tch! they mock me! :huh: :D
  26. N

    Australian Blue Lobster Question??

    My first australia blue lobster was pale in colour, he was very young. However, each time he shed his skin, the colour deepened. When he (sadly) died, he was a very deep blue. Be patient, the colour will change ;)
  27. N

    whos comming?

    Well, as Red's already spoken for me, I guess I am. :D Heh, I havent been on the forums or chatroom as much as Red, but Im looking forward to meeting up. :D
  28. N

    Water changing

    I condition my water first, I also leave it standing for a few hours so that the water temperature will reach room temp (my flat is always warm :) ). I find patience is rewarding. Ive haven't had any tank deaths yet, erm, other that the ones caused by my lobsters/crayfish. :D
  29. N

    What does everyone use as a background

    Personally, I think it looks good Red. Maybe it could do with flattening out a bit more though. :D
  30. N

    Interesting how folks don't ask advice

    Yes, they may not have a clue but at least (so far) their stuff is cheaper (Im not including livestock in that statement, at your own risk people!) But , NO they really dont have a clue! :rolleyes:
  31. N

    Getting Nitrates out of tap water

    Tut! Red, you know I do, youve been here for a few of my water changes. And how many deaths have you known of? Not counting lobster homicide.... :D
  32. N

    Live Chat Statistics!

    Jeez, I used to be able to access chat here but now I get the same as you. I thought it was my PC playing up till I read these posts. Ive got access to ti now through mIRC, but Id rather access it normally. Can someone in the know, please sort it out. -_-
  33. N

    Australian Blue Lobster has babies

    Well, heres the sequel to my topic "Australian Blue Lobster" subject "Has eggs!??". Which got all of (um) 2 replies! Er, thanks. But like murphys "I'm not bitter". :dunno: They have hatched (most of them) and are hanging onto mum, at the moment. It would seem that Ive got quiet a few...
  34. N

    Getting Nitrates out of tap water

    I do use my britta filter when doing a water change. Ok, so it takes a long time, but Im a patient person. So far Ive not had any fish deaths in my tanks (except for those caused by my lobsters or little red crabs). Red tested my filtered water (as above), it would be interesting to test the...
  35. N

    Plexi-Glass Or Acrylic Aquariums?

    Acrylic also scratches very easily, perhaps you should take that into consideration as well. :)
  36. N

    Newborn lobsters/crayfish

    Hi people :) My female Australian blue lobster eggs are about to hatch. At the moment I'm seeing little legs and stuff waving from the egg sacs. When they do emerge (which I hope will be soon) what an earth do I feed them and what can I do to ensure their survival??. Any advice would be...
  37. N

    Hmmm.........Should I Change Water This Way?

    I always treat the water first, and then let it sit and reach room temp before I add it to the tank. I don't want to take any chances. :rolleyes:
  38. N

    Good for algae

    I gotta agree with Red on that. We got them at the same time. The three little beautys I got have done a great job in my small tank of cleaning algae. ;)
  39. N

    how do fish mate?????

    Just don't try to strain your eyes and stare constantly at your tank (like Red has), they will never do it in front of you. lol
  40. N

    Are my fish STUPID?

    Er, they are fish! Maybe your expectations are too high. I don't expect to see them on the Weakest Link or Countdown. They respond to danger...... OH! look, theres a small dark hole, I think I'll wedge myself in there. And seconds later.... Ah! crap, I'm screwed! Heh, go figure! Just...