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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. CezzaXV

    Rams Laid Eggs Advice Needed Fast

    For future reference, GBR's will raise their own fry, so you don't need to remove the parents. They will also watch their eggs to make sure they don't become fungussed, so if you see them eating their own eggs they're eating bad ones - again, no need for concern. The parents will be very...
  2. CezzaXV

    22 Aquariums Wiped Out!

    That's a hell of a lot of fish. I really hope that things turn out okay with the water company.
  3. CezzaXV

    Plants And Nitrates

    It's called Old Tank Syndrome, have a google. Basically it's when fish in a neglected tank become so accustomed to the poor conditions they're kept in, it shocks them when they're in a suddenly clean tank. That's not to say that they should be kept in the poor water conditions because it will...
  4. CezzaXV

    Plants And Nitrates

    In fact, depending on how many fish you have, you might not see any reduction in nitrates at all. If you're lucky you might see it rising more slowly, but with only two plants you're not likely to see any noticeable improvement.
  5. CezzaXV

    Free Plants

    Bah, would have loved some small crypts.
  6. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Three of them died yesterday and I have no idea why Just one left now. He does seem to have a much bigger belly than the others did, so maybe he was just getting all of the food and the others didn't. I started out with a very small smattering of sand on the bottom, but as I did water changes...
  7. CezzaXV

    How Do You Breed Glow Danios

    I dont know much on the subject of whether they'd be likely to do so, but say they bred by themselves. What then? Not going to start a debate on the ethics of whether you should be able to patent a living creature.
  8. CezzaXV

    Snails, How To Get Rid Of?!

    Assassin snails breed much more slowly than other snails, and they're useful, so if you do find yourself with too many you should be able to easily sell them.
  9. CezzaXV

    Too Many Deaths?

    I think the problem may be the CO2. With your lights not working, your plants won't be using the CO2, and your fish probably suffocated. If you can't get the lights working, turn off the CO2 for the time being.
  10. CezzaXV

    Apple Snail Ban

    Oh no! I've got a few babies in my tank. Was looking at a few adults the other day but didn't buy them. I might go back for them now!
  11. CezzaXV

    Nearly Boiled My Fish

    Is it though? Say you have two heaters and one of them stops working. Now you've got one working heater that is working overtime to heat a tank that it's not powerful enough to heat and is probably going to break as well. Now you've got two broken heaters instead of one. To be honest, I think...
  12. CezzaXV

    Eheim Classic Started Wurring

    Maybe something caught somewhere? Open it up and have a look. Might be something caught on the impeller?
  13. CezzaXV

    Dear Santa

    Maybe one of those Seachem ammonia alert things to put in my tank. My dad gives me the budget for the family and I have to buy everybody's presents including my own. It's a little boring knowing exactly what presents I've got, but at least I know it's stuff I want.
  14. CezzaXV

    High Nitrate Level

    Try using a liquid test kit, they tend to be much more accurate.
  15. CezzaXV

    High Nitrate Level

    How many fish/what types of fish do you have in your tank? It would also be worth knowing what the nitrate reading of your tap water is.
  16. CezzaXV

    Albino Corydora Is Very Ill

    Aww, I'm sorry. Snazy's advice is good advice. When you say you have high nitrates, what is the exact measurement? Would be good to know what it is coming out of your tap as well.
  17. CezzaXV

    -insert Creative Topic Name Here-

    I personally prefer cardinals to neons. You'd want to keep them in groups of at least six. Angels eat neons in the wild, and I wouldnt trust cardinals with them either once they're fully grown, though cardinals do grow bigger so you may be okay.
  18. CezzaXV

    Death Of The Filter

    Is it the type of sponge filter you can remove the sponge from and put the old media into? If so, I would highly recommend doing so. The bacteria only really work when there's water flowing over them. Just putting it in the tank probably won't do much good, though it's better than nothing. Try...
  19. CezzaXV

    Does Volume Of Water Count When Cycling

    To a certain degree. We measure ammonia in ppm, which is parts per million. For every million "parts" of the water, how many of them are ammonia. However, the ml of ammonia you'd have to add to achieve 4ppm in say a 50L tub would be half as much as you'd have to add to achieve 4ppm in a 100L...
  20. CezzaXV

    Advice On Emptiness Please?

    I agree. Most of your fish would benefit from being in bigger groups of their own kind. I wouldnt have thought that by the time you put them in appropriately sized groups you'd have any more space for additional species.
  21. CezzaXV

    Random Snail Appeared?!

    My only guess would be that perhaps an egg came in on one of your other snails.
  22. CezzaXV

    Random Snail Appeared?!

    I agree, it looks like a Malaysian trumpet snail. It probably came in your tank ages ago on a plant and has just been hiding. I had what I thought was one ages ago that came in on some moss. I just left if because I believed it to be one and I hardly ever saw it. Then one day it multiplied and...
  23. CezzaXV

    Standing Water In Reservoir - Bacterial Growth?

    I'd say 24 hours max. After 24 hours the chlorine will have gassed off. That's not to say bacteria will start growing right away, but 24 hours is the maximum I'd trust it.
  24. CezzaXV

    The Fish's Eye Feeding Rule Question.

    It's a general guideline to follow. When we eat, we eat enough and then we feel full. Fish don't have that. They will literally eat themselves to death if you give them enough food, so I wouldnt worry about them seeming hungry because they always seem hungry!
  25. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Found one of the little guys dead last night The remaining three seem okay for the moment though.
  26. CezzaXV

    Standing Water In Reservoir - Bacterial Growth?

    Is this tap water? If so it should have chlorine in it, which we generally say takes about 24 hours to fully gas off.
  27. CezzaXV

    Getting Some Honey Gourami - Advice Appreciated On Tankmates

    Got my honeys now, they're absolutely gorgeous. Rang up this morning and the guy said he was about to ring me. Glad I didn't buy them before; they were cheaper this time around! Got 4 for £10, whereas they were 2 for £8 before. Gonna leave the lights off for a few hours but will...
  28. CezzaXV

    New Member To My Tankhood :d

    I used to have a guppy the same as that. He was called Augustus :P
  29. CezzaXV

    Stocking Advice Please

    It depends on what your pH is really. Most fish will adapt to any pH within reason. If you're buying from a local fish shop, they'll likely already be in water of a similar pH to yours. I have, however, found that my guppies (hardwater fish) just haven't lasted anywhere near as long as my...
  30. CezzaXV

    Extremely Cloudy Water

    I really, really wouldnt mess with the pH of your water. It causes way more problems than it solves. My tap water is ridiculously soft, as in couldn't be much softer. My fish are fine and always have been. A low carbonate hardness means that your water will more easily succumb pH changes, but pH...
  31. CezzaXV

    Stocking Advice Please

    @Tuxyu3 - I had a group of 7 male guppies to start off with. They weren't agressive as such in the grand scheme of fish aggressiveness, but it wasn't a rare occurrence for a few of them to have split tails, and I'd on occasion see two or three of them ganging up on another and chasing one...
  32. CezzaXV

    Best Way To Sell Fish?

    Also worth asking in your local fish shop if they would take the fish off your hands. Depends whether you expect anything for them or whether you just want to see them go to a better home.
  33. CezzaXV

    How To Reduce Ph In Water?

    Have a google of peat in the aquarium - this in my opinion is the best option for you. It should gradually lower the pH which will be much kinder on your fish than dumping chemicals in there. It should also make it much easier for you to do water changes since there won't be such a massive...
  34. CezzaXV

    How To Reduce Ph In Water?

    RO is reverse osmosis. It's a special type of water you can usually buy at your LFS or get an expensive unit to make your own. It removes all of the minerals from the water so it is perfectly soft and has a perfect pH of 7.0. You can mix it in with the water you use when you do your weekly...
  35. CezzaXV

    Stocking Advice Please

    I started off with a 60L tank but recently moved up to a 155L. Trouble is, when you have the space, you realise that all the fish you wanted just aren't compatible most of the time! I've got cardinals and they're beautiful little fish. I agree with MrsM that you should stick to a shoal of all...
  36. CezzaXV

    How To Reduce Ph In Water?

    Some good advice from Raptorexx there. Generally we advise not tinkering with pH because it causes more problems than it solves, but 8.8, if it is indeed that, does seem exceptionally high. I'd test it again though, just to be sure. Peat is one way of lowering the pH gradually and naturally...
  37. CezzaXV

    Ph 6.0?

    Specifically coral gravel will raise your pH, not just any old gravel. I agree that if the fish appear to be fine, leave well alone. Many, many more fish die because their owners think they're doing the right thing by tinkering with the pH than by leaving them in a tank of the "wrong" pH. Most...
  38. CezzaXV

    Heater For 86l Tank With Burn Protection

    Any heater with a guard will be fine. Some heaters come with guards, others have them built in but you can usually find a generic one if you heater doesn't have either.
  39. CezzaXV

    Do I Need A New Heater?

    While it may be okay, when heaters fail they tend to fail spectacularly. Not worth the risk.
  40. CezzaXV

    Getting Some Honey Gourami - Advice Appreciated On Tankmates

    They are beautiful, aren't they? I'm always seeing pretty fish around, but when the time comes that I actually have space in my tank for more fish, I can never decide on what to get. I saw these though and knew I had to have them. A friend tells me she was waiting for MA to ring her about some...