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  1. D

    Pregnant Platy

    i would like to thank you all for your help my fish has lost all the weight but no fry she is now back in the large tank i dont know wha5t was wrong with her thought she was def pregnant the sleep i have lost worrying about her is unbeliveable fish eh thank you all again for your help
  2. D

    Pregnant Platy

    hi i have just been told she has bloat by someone who saw my pic could this be right she is swimming ok i dont know what bloat is though i have heard of it thank you
  3. D

    Pregnant Platy

    hi thank you for your reply but she has been like this since last thursday if anything she looks smaller today but no fry
  4. D

    Pregnant Platy

    this is the best pic i could get she gets upset if i get to close
  5. D

    Pregnant Platy

    ok will try to get one in the morning if she still alive
  6. D

    Pregnant Platy

    i have a orange platy that is pregnant she is huge never seen a fish this big before i have only recently took up keeping fish i have had loads of fry born from my mollies swordtails guppys etc all healthy some have been kept and some given to other fish keepers but i am desperately worried...